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Wrist straps


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 10, 2007
Im just sitting here thinking.... I remember reading an article in flex or something were i think it was jay cutler saying that why should he let his fore arms dictate how strong his back can get, and that was why he uses wrist straps. the in another article someone else(i dont remember who) was talking about how you should'nt use them and just get your fore arms stronger. Then i was watching worlds strongest man and they obviously dont use them.
my question is for bodybuilding do you think they should be used to simply be able to hold more weight to put enough load on the back to force growth. i havent used them in years but im getting to the point with deadlifts that the problem is not doing the lift, its that after 2 or 3 reps my grip gives out.
is this a stupid question, or should i just work more on fore arms? not that this is really that important, ive just been debating it because i have this thing where i dont want to feel like im using a "crutch".
I like to use them sometimes, then again there are times I don't use them. Usually my palms are sweaty so I tend to lose my grip. But I like not using them and my grip has got alot stronger. I guess I go both ways...........:p
Then i was watching worlds strongest man and they obviously dont use them.

Uh they obviously do, just look at any of their deadlift events that dont involve an axle.

my question is for bodybuilding do you think they should be used to simply be able to hold more weight to put enough load on the back to force growth.

Depends, if youre needing to bring up your forearms then its counterproductive to use them. If youre trying to develop something else like back, glutes, or hamstrings, then dont let your forearms get in the way of that goal, esp if the forearms look good.

Now as far as a crutch, its only a crutch if you let it. I see some guys start with straps at 135lbs and then from there. If you want to work your forearms and maintain strength, but not let it get in the way of your other development either 1) specialize your forearms for strength, and/or 2) use straps only when you feel that the forearms are getting in the way.
you know i actually never noticed them use them in WSM, but im sure they do. but the conclusion im coming to is that for deads, and some other exercises that are for ham/glute/back development i am going to use them. i was also thinking about adding static holds with a ton of weight in the power rack just for my grip, kind of like the event where they hold the 2 pillers up but instead ill just be holding up a barbell. my fore arms are definately my biggest problem right now. and its only recently since alot of my weights have come up alot that im noticing it.
thanks for the advice guys
I just got straps.

I just got some for the very reason of my gripping giving out before i have fatigued my back. I only use then on a couple of back movements. I have noticed that i was over compensating with my forearms and bis on some of my back movements also. Now with the straps its allowing my to hit the back much harder and heavier. To each there own though. I do DC training and i think they are benificial.
i always use straps when deadlifting. come on guys unless ur a freak of nature with popeye forearms, ur back is going to be stonger than ur forearms can grip. when i deadlift its for my back, NOT my forearms. therefore i want to do the most weight possible and i need straps for this. if u are concerned about ur forearms - train them specifically! of course i only use straps for deadlifting, and maybe shrugs. i see some guys throughout their entire back workout use straps, like on pulldowns and machine rows, etc. i think thats a bit much
tkav- if you do end up getting some straps get them from apt pro wrist straps (our board sponsor). this is not a plug for the sake of the board or anything like that, they are amazing straps, plain and simple. they send every featured member a bunch of stuff, and the straps were by far my favorite.

You can get away without using straps for lifting when you start training, I would advice against there use when you start lifting. However it gets to a stage that your back is allot stronger than your back.

You can get away without using straps for lifting when you start training, I would advice against there use when you start lifting. However it gets to a stage that your back is allot stronger than your back.

Your back is alot stronger than your back???? Just kidding big man. We all knew what you meant. I couldn't resist messing with you. :D

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