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Knee Injury Squatting

Got to love government run healthcare. That's unfortunate. I hope you can get a third opinion soon. I think once they get in there and see first hand what kind of damage has been done they will adapt their game plan accordingly. Surgery is probably the best option because it will allow them to explore exactly what tore etc. Maybe once they get in there they will see that there isn't as much to repair as they thought? Ask the surgeons about that possibility.

yeah, it sucks if its urgent..
yes, i have a third appointment tomorrow. my dad drives me, this is where i am fortune that i have such a good family that supports me the way they do..
then i will decide with the doc about the next steps..
i can bend the knee about 15° today which is a progress :D swelling also went a bit away
so i am back from the sports ortho.
He says that these are partial ruptures and according to my function and mrt, he says that the chances are very good that it heals without surgery.
he suggests to start physio therapy early (next week already)
but he will talk to one of his colleagues again.

this would be good for me and a big relieve..
so i am back from the sports ortho.
He says that these are partial ruptures and according to my function and mrt, he says that the chances are very good that it heals without surgery.
he suggests to start physio therapy early (next week already)
but he will talk to one of his colleagues again.

this would be good for me and a big relieve..

That's great news. So that is at least 2 surgeons that have told you that you probably wont need surgery? Id say go with one of them.
That's great news. So that is at least 2 surgeons that have told you that you probably wont need surgery? Id say go with one of them.

exactly :D and i hope they are right.
The one today was pretty "agressive" in the procedure. Put my feet in every direction, moved it around etc.. i was pretty scared he completely destroys it :D.
also, he was the one to advise that i should start physio therapy very early to avoid atrophy etc.. i think he knew what he did
does someone have an idea how i can help with muscle pain?
my "good" leg is hurting like shit because of the daily load is competely on it and the bad legs muscle hurt because i dont use them i guess..
i dont want to take painkillers all day. Foam Rolling by myself will be hurt with the knee.. Do you think normal massages would help? (if i tell them to stay away from the knee :p)

another "not so good" update:
since yesterday, i have to inject myself daily with clexane, some medicine that avoids thrombose..
I am not sure if i am the softest guy on the earth but injecting this hurts like shit, i dont know how some of you can inject daily over years.. i always read
subcutan is painless so either im doing it wrong or i am too soft..
It is also a pain in the ass to grab fat since i was at the end of my diet and i can not really pinch fat at my stomach. maybe this makes it hurt even more
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does someone have an idea how i can help with muscle pain?
my "good" leg is hurting like shit because of the daily load is competely on it and the bad legs muscle hurt because i dont use them i guess..
i dont want to take painkillers all day. Foam Rolling by myself will be hurt with the knee.. Do you think normal massages would help? (if i tell them to stay away from the knee :p)

another "not so good" update:
since yesterday, i have to inject myself daily with clexane, some medicine that avoids thrombose..
I am not sure if i am the softest guy on the earth but injecting this hurts like shit, i dont know how some of you can inject daily over years.. i always read
subcutan is painless so either im doing it wrong or i am too soft..
It is also a pain in the ass to grab fat since i was at the end of my diet and i can not really pinch fat at my stomach. maybe this makes it hurt even more

Ive had to shoot up Lovenox, which must be similar. It does sting. I think it is water based and that is one reason is stings so bad. I also get a big ass circular bruise at the injection site of each one too, and since it is daily, by the end of the week I look like I was in a car accident.

Why are they having you do this?
same question, why is the dr having you inject something at home when you have a hurt knee?>

good god I hope they never socialize medicine over here
they told me since i walk on crutches and do not put weight on the right leg, i could get deep vein thrombose (is it called thrombose in english? something like a blood clot)
and the clexane avoids this.
i have to take this as long as i can not walk without crutches, this is why i am giving my everything that i can walk in no time :D also told my physio and he gave me the okay to walk small distances without.

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