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Bostin Loyd - Dead at 29 Years Old

For everyone saying he should have been on dialysis, you have no clue what you are talking about. Dialysis is HELL. At first it's easier but year after year you end up exactly like a dead man walking.

I was on Dialysis for 4 years and suicide by year 4 was going to happen.

I know few people including a young mother in her 30s with 2 young kids who chose not to go the dialysis route. What happens is you go into a coma and then you die.

Please do not judge his choices. You don't know what his private life was or what he was going through.

We all make our choices in life and whether you die from a sports bike accident or parachute accident etc... You die doing what you want to do.

Now some will say well what about his family? Living on dialysis would have been probably worse on his family and torture for him.

The only reason people go on dialysis is the hope that they might get a kidney very soon.
Life on dialysis is torture, and anyone Whis been on dialysis will tell you the same thing.

No matter how much you think you know about dialysis, you know NOTHING until you experience it.

May he rest in peace and I hope his family recovers from his passing.
He had his reasons not to do dialysis and said many times he felt good . He had good days and bad days , but let’s face it you can’t live with kidneys that aren’t working .
It would seem Boston was obsessed with searching for this secret drug stack that would make him a freakish pro bodybuilder instead of accepting the fact that no amount of drugs would ever allow him to surpass the genetic limitations he was born with. SAD! I find this common among bodybuilders who have the heart and dedication to become a pro but don’t have the genetics. These people often live in denial or get overly defensive if you tell them they don’t have what it takes until they finally get it figured out and accept they will never be a top level pro. Genetics can be a hard thing to accept.

The really crazy part is if the guys without amazing genetics forgot bodybuilding and applied that same dedication and work ethic to another passion they would be so much more successful and financially better.
What really shocked me about Boston was how much he downplayed his kidney disease, that podcast with Leo, Leo was really trying to talk some sense in to him about getting treatment and going on dialysis.
Yeah man, what he did with his decision of not getting dialysis was like seeing the flames burning the house down and staying in bed watching Netflix.
The really crazy part is if the guys without amazing genetics forgot bodybuilding and applied that same dedication and work ethic to another passion they would be so much more successful and financially better.
I think recreational bodybuilding as a hobby is a good thing for those of us who have a passion for it. But like you said, people would be smart to put more effort and passion into another area of your life to be healthier, happier, and better off financially. I’ve made more money as a sex therapist and I’ve been able to help more people live a more fulfilled life. Lifting weights and getting on TRT ( both male and female) is part of my protocol. I’ve learned a lot about people as a sex therapist. It’s amazing how a persons childhood can affect their adulthood relationships. Good sex is better than big muscles. Both are what we desire.
i know that he did actually say this..

but i find it very hard to believe that he actually did this
If Boston said he did it, then he did it. I’m pretty certain he said he went back on Tren during stage 5 kidney failure. He needed an intervention at that point!
I think recreational bodybuilding as a hobby is a good thing for those of us who have a passion for it. But like you said, people would be smart to put more effort and passion into another area of your life to be healthier, happier, and better off financially. I’ve made more money as a sex therapist and I’ve been able to help more people live a more fulfilled life. Lifting weights and getting on TRT ( both male and female) is part of my protocol. I’ve learned a lot about people as a sex therapist. It’s amazing how a persons childhood can affect their adulthood relationships.
This. Bigorexia can definitely lead people down an unhealthy path. I feel like alot of people bodybuilding is their life or takes up a large percentage of it

Maybe worth the while for the few that have the genetics, but for the rest? I don't think the obsession really leads to any benefit and the time can be put into other interests, careers, etc.

If you have average genetics no amount of reading studies, being in the community, using peptides, too much aas, insulin etc will elevate your phsque to compete with the top guys you see.
Yeah man, what he did with his decision of not getting dialysis was like seeing the flames burning the house down and staying in bed watching Netflix.
This. Bigorexia can definitely lead people down an unhealthy path. I feel like alot of people bodybuilding is their life or takes up a large percentage of it

Maybe worth the while for the few that have the genetics, but for the rest? I don't think the obsession really leads to any benefit and the time can be put into other interests, careers, etc.

If you have average genetics no amount of reading studies, being in the community, using peptides, too much aas, insulin etc will elevate your phsque to compete with the top guys you see.
I agree! I would also like to add that various workout routines don’t make that much difference as long as your working hard consistently. A lot of coaches make money peddling these so-called secret training and diet routines. You can’t reinvent the wheel. And you can’t shock the muscle into growth with muscle confusion. There’s only so much training volume a person can do before you reach a point of diminishing returns. And consuming more than approximately 1 pound of protein per pound of body weight won’t make your muscles bigger. If anything, someone on gear can gain more muscle taking in less protein than a natural trainer because steroids prevent protein breakdown. There’s just so much nonsense being sold that’s simply not factual. I could go on and on.
Yea let’s not make him better in death. He hurt the sport and pushed a lot of kids to stupid shit, dead at 29 is sad but who didn’t see this coming. A LHW. Pushing 5,000mg a week cycles plus plus the Zyzz, Piana, and Loyd of this world aren’t good for anyone except maybe as a cautionary tale, I mean when you have guys like us who take the stuff required to compete at top levels for decades and we are goin “you took how much fucking shit?!?!?” Then people applauded him for transparency bc they wanted to believe that guys like Jay, Branch, Ronnie take what Bostin took and even more bc it explained why their genetics or lack of dedication to training and diet were the reason they weren’t IFBB Pros and Bostins moronic cycles proved they’d have looked like Phil if only they’d taken more gear and most did anyway. On one of his RIP videos he was talking about his Contra Costa cycle, looks 19 years old and said “start with my research chems when I wake up…then 1,500 mg test, 800 EQ, and 800 deca” I stopped the clip there bc I’d heard enough. We all roll the dice to a degree in this lifestyle but jumping out without a parachute is suicide not transparency.
Boston proved that taking mega dosages of various hormones won’t make you a pro bodybuilder. It only makes you waste money and feel miserable. The body can only use a certain amount of hormones. Excess hormone levels just causes toxicity and health problems. The same rule applies to alcohol. Your body can tolerate drinking a shot or two of liquor a day but drink a fifth or more each day and you’re going to feel like crap and have health problems at an early age.
The guys that have went young, John, loyd, Dallas, did they do cardio when leaning up or offseason? I feel like this is the single best preventative measure for heart and overall health that so many people fail to incorporate.
I understand where you are coming from but most people who live to be around 100 years old never do cardio. What I have noticed is that most of them are smaller people who don’t carry a lot of body weight. More weight, even if it’s mostly muscle weight, puts a strain on the heart. In fact, most people have heart attacks while doing cardio or pushing it during compound leg movements that drastically elevate heart rate. The cardio puts too much strain on their already compromised heart.
For everyone saying he should have been on dialysis, you have no clue what you are talking about. Dialysis is HELL. At first it's easier but year after year you end up exactly like a dead man walking.

I was on Dialysis for 4 years and suicide by year 4 was going to happen.

I know few people including a young mother in her 30s with 2 young kids who chose not to go the dialysis route. What happens is you go into a coma and then you die.

Please do not judge his choices. You don't know what his private life was or what he was going through.

We all make our choices in life and whether you die from a sports bike accident or parachute accident etc... You die doing what you want to do.

Now some will say well what about his family? Living on dialysis would have been probably worse on his family and torture for him.

The only reason people go on dialysis is the hope that they might get a kidney very soon.
Life on dialysis is torture, and anyone Whis been on dialysis will tell you the same thing.

No matter how much you think you know about dialysis, you know NOTHING until you experience it.

May he rest in peace and I hope his family recovers from his passing.
I know dialysis isn’t fun. But I had a friend who used a dialysis machine at night while he slept and he did well. They tried several kidney transplants on him but his body kept rejecting the kidneys due to blood transfusions he had received in the past. He died of an infection called paratinitus after his last transplant failed. So my question is this—wouldn’t it have been a good plan of action for Boston to do dialysis at his home at night until he could get a kidney transplant? Because if the transplant would have been successful, I would think it would have been worth suffering beforehand. I know I’d do whatever it took to spend extra time with my wife and child. I just don’t understand why he didn’t do the dialysis while waiting for a new kidney. At stage 5 kidney failure there’s no way the kidneys can eliminate excess potassium build up. That quickly leads to a heart attack. Please help me understand.
I understand where you are coming from but most people who live to be around 100 years old never do cardio. What I have noticed is that most of them are smaller people who don’t carry a lot of body weight. More weight, even if it’s mostly muscle weight, puts a strain on the heart. In fact, most people have heart attacks while doing cardio or pushing it during compound leg movements that drastically elevate heart rate. The cardio puts too much strain on their already compromised heart.
Ive gone into V tach and had my defibrillator have to go off now 2x from doing squats and 3 times from doing the treadmill. Getting heart rate up is where the risk is for going into arrythmias. Each one of those times I would have died if it were not for my device.

Both of my grandmas lived to be in their mid 90s and never did an exercise regime. They just lived a normal life and were active. One was aabout 5 foot tall and small. Small people live the longest. Both were very healthy in their 80s.
Sad deal.
Early on we use to erase everything of his from here to protect our younger members from making foolish decisions.
I think you all did the right thing by erasing his excessive drug cycles. It was just way too extreme and young people are naive and very impressionable. Veterans in the sport need to give others smart advice. Veterans have learned from their past mistakes. The people we surround ourselves with are the biggest influence on our behavior, attitudes and results.
I think it even applies to dogs and cats. Small and skinny Asian men in places like Tibet have much longer lifespans.
Yeah, with dogs I think little ones like Chihuahuas live longer.
I know dialysis isn’t fun. But I had a friend who used a dialysis machine at night while he slept and he did well. They tried several kidney transplants on him but his body kept rejecting the kidneys due to blood transfusions he had received in the past. He died of an infection called paratinitus after his last transplant failed. So my question is this—wouldn’t it have been a good plan of action for Boston to do dialysis at his home at night until he could get a kidney transplant? Because if the transplant would have been successful, I would think it would have been worth suffering beforehand. I know I’d do whatever it took to spend extra time with my wife and child. I just don’t understand why he didn’t do the dialysis while waiting for a new kidney. At stage 5 kidney failure there’s no way the kidneys can eliminate excess potassium build up. That quickly leads to a heart attack. Please help me understand.

They usually start you off with Hemodialysis via a catheter or pre-made fistula and then later consider peritoneal (at home nightly dialysis) since it is quite involved and requires patients to show a certain level of regimen and discipline with their routines

Peritoneal dialysis is less stressful according to many patients since the swings in electrolytes and fluid levels aren't that drastic and more continuous, but like you said it's also riddled with a decaying peritoneal membrane and complications like peritonitis and often times sepsis with many patients

I think in Bostin's case he was waiting for his symptoms to worsen to consider dialysis; docs usually assess the need based on that once your GFR drops below 15. But he was also doing things like IVing opioids, and god knows what else. Maybe to mask the symptoms, maybe because that was his MO with this stuff.

Regardless, 29 years is barely enough time for someone to even grasp the idea of life. We learn and grow well into our middle and old age. He was survived by both his parents who are alive and healthy, as well as a wife and kid. Very tragic stuff.

I know there are people who've mentioned him going on out doing what he loved...etc. I think that's a dumb as holy hell of a concept. He didn't win the sandow (whatever value that holds over one's mortality), didn't turn pro, the guy won a few regional shows, and gained his notoriety by openly talking about drug abuse. Don't want to speak ill of the dead, so I'll leave it at that. He was good to his friends, and family, and will be missed by them, not for anything related to bodybuilding but more towards his individual character. A sad truth that's revealed in death more than life.

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