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1 More compound needed.


Kilo Klub Member / Board Supporter
Kilo Klub Member
Board Supporter
Jul 30, 2007
I am about done with my fat loss stage and and planning my next run and want to know some thoughts on what compound to throw in. Back in the 90's i ran EQ (Made in a guys kitchen because thats what we had to do back then) and i remember not liking it. I cant remember why but keep in mind, our info came from bro science and Dan Deushane so im not certain it was even correct. Dr. Lipshcultz has me on 200 Test and 100 Deca (This low dose deca has been amazing for my joints). But i am planning on a base of 400 test cyp and have room for 2 more CC's of something else. My thinking is either 500 deca, 500 EQ or 200NPP??? Any constructive thoughts are appreciated.
Goals just to put on some clean muscle. When i start i should be around 12% BF, 5'10" and 210 lbs, 52 yrs old. I have been in the game for 30+ years so i have ran almost eveything imaginable. I keep it simple now and am just looking for 2 more cc's of something.
If you’ve been in the game for 30+ years, why on earth are you even asking advice on such a basic stack? Not trying to come off as a dick, but something doesn’t add up.

At your age, keep it simple, 400-500mg/Testosterone a week. Get your blood work done before you start, then somewhere in the middle, and after you drop down to TRT.

If you’ve been in the game for 30+ years, why on earth are you even asking advice on such a basic stack? Not trying to come off as a dick, but something doesn’t add up.

At your age, keep it simple, 400-500mg/Testosterone a week. Get your blood work done before you start, then somewhere in the middle, and after you drop down to TRT.

Fair question. basically because i havent ran either compound in years. I have basically stuck to test only and am wanting to venture out and add a bit more. Plus i am a very over thinker and doubt what i think about these all the time. If someone tells me to do it, then boom i get it. But if i come up with it, normally i need reassurance. Just my way of thinking.
I am about done with my fat loss stage and and planning my next run and want to know some thoughts on what compound to throw in. Back in the 90's i ran EQ (Made in a guys kitchen because thats what we had to do back then) and i remember not liking it. I cant remember why but keep in mind, our info came from bro science and Dan Deushane so im not certain it was even correct. Dr. Lipshcultz has me on 200 Test and 100 Deca (This low dose deca has been amazing for my joints). But i am planning on a base of 400 test cyp and have room for 2 more CC's of something else. My thinking is either 500 deca, 500 EQ or 200NPP??? Any constructive thoughts are appreciated.

So will you continue the 100 Deca regardless?

Personally I'd take the test as high as comfortable and split the rest between nandrolone and primo or masteron.

I think the main growers are test and deca. Prioritise them imo.

The rest is just whatever.
Fair question. basically because i havent ran either compound in years. I have basically stuck to test only and am wanting to venture out and add a bit more. Plus i am a very over thinker and doubt what i think about these all the time. If someone tells me to do it, then boom i get it. But if i come up with it, normally i need reassurance. Just my way of thinking.
Age and goals this is one rare instance where I would say Test and Primo.

Regardless go off your bloodwork. If you’re someone who gets no RBC issues from EQ then you could use it as a second option. You’ll get more MG/MG out of it then primo.
@kscowboy, when was your last full blood work panel completed? You mind posting it up so we’re able to see your lipids, kidney functions, liver functions, etc, etc. Just block out your personal information.

This will help the board give suggestions based on your current health since you’re over 50. Typically, it’s youngsters asking questions such as these, and not someone with life experience.

NPP is an easy choice here. Deca if u want to be a bloat lord. I love EQ but with the ester it’s going to take quite a while to get anything from it. NPP is the best option. A waterless deca that hits quickly for the win.
So will you continue the 100 Deca regardless?

Personally I'd take the test as high as comfortable and split the rest between nandrolone and primo or masteron.

I think the main growers are test and deca. Prioritise them imo.

The rest is just whatever.
I’m currently running this cycle and I’m loving it

Test cyp
Goals just to put on some clean muscle. When i start i should be around 12% BF, 5'10" and 210 lbs, 52 yrs old. I have been in the game for 30+ years so i have ran almost eveything imaginable. I keep it simple now and am just looking for 2 more cc's of

Masteron is nice. Gives a nice, aesthetic look and a mood/libido boost
You could just try different add-ons for a few weeks each and see what you like best.

Best bang for the buck: throw in a small amount of tren e, 100mg, that's .5cc and you can add in more. EQ, Deca, Masteron, whatever. Your total dose is coming up just from the test alone so you'll be growing regardless of what you add here. EQ is supposedly slow in coming on, a front load might help to assess it faster.

If you have 2cc of space after the test and small dose of deca I would personnally add:
100mg Tren E .5cc
100mg Masteron E .5cc (might help mood at this dose and is more anabolic mg in any case. By itself it's "nothing" but it still adds a percentage to your total).
And 250mg EQ 1cc to finish off.

Lol, I often play with scenarios like this in my head. Daydreaming what I would do if constricted to a syringeful once a week. Except I have a 5cc syringe which will take 6cc in mind Lol. I've done it too, like 6-8 different anabolics in that syringe. Shoot it and forget about it for a week.
You could just try different add-ons for a few weeks each and see what you like best.

Best bang for the buck: throw in a small amount of tren e, 100mg, that's .5cc and you can add in more. EQ, Deca, Masteron, whatever. Your total dose is coming up just from the test alone so you'll be growing regardless of what you add here. EQ is supposedly slow in coming on, a front load might help to assess it faster.

If you have 2cc of space after the test and small dose of deca I would personnally add:
100mg Tren E .5cc
100mg Masteron E .5cc (might help mood at this dose and is more anabolic mg in any case. By itself it's "nothing" but it still adds a percentage to your total).
And 250mg EQ 1cc to finish off.

Lol, I often play with scenarios like this in my head. Daydreaming what I would do if constricted to a syringeful once a week. Except I have a 5cc syringe which will take 6cc in mind Lol. I've done it too, like 6-8 different anabolics in that syringe. Shoot it and forget about it for a week.
I like the idea of running multiple compounds in small amounts, as opposed to large amounts of a couple things. Give me a blend of 150 mg test c, 100 mg deca, 100 mg masteron e, 50 mg tren e, lol.
I started with EQ in my early years then switched to bold cyp. I ran bold cyp and test more often than any other combo. I am over ten years older then you but have been thinking about using bold again.
Your initial post mentioned test, eq, npp. Have you ever run that combo before? That's a solid cycle (as long as labs are in order) and your technically only adding in one compound. In your shoes and with an rx for test and npp, I would likely add in mast over eq. My $0.02

I wouldn't be too hung up on adding in 2 cc's as you stated. If I told you to add in 2 cc's of tren would you take me seriously? You've been lifting a long time and your fairly lean to begin with. Think bask to what's worked before. If your second guessing yourself, start with adding in a lower dose of what you decide on and go up from there.
Im running the same thing except with Sust.
Easily my go-to cycle. Like i mentioned before, i do love me some EQ but its best when you are gonna run that sucker for a long time.
Mast + NPP is a fantastic combo.
I had something very strange happen to me during my last eq run. It was actually the same cycle I’m running but I had to tap out on the eq (450mg) and replaced it with NPP.

I started getting headaches daily ranging in intensity from mildy annoying to excruciating (I guess migraine). I kind of didn’t even really consider it was the gear bc I had run all if those compounds previously without issue. I got such a bad headache on Xmas eve I threw up, then blood starting pouring out of my nose. I mentioned it to my coach he seemed kind of alarmed and advised me to drop the eq immediately. Once I dropped it I felt better within a week. Which is strange bc eq is slow AF. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️
I had something very strange happen to me during my last eq run. It was actually the same cycle I’m running but I had to tap out on the eq (450mg) and replaced it with NPP.

I started getting headaches daily ranging in intensity from mildy annoying to excruciating (I guess migraine). I kind of didn’t even really consider it was the gear bc I had run all if those compounds previously without issue. I got such a bad headache on Xmas eve I threw up, then blood starting pouring out of my nose. I mentioned it to my coach he seemed kind of alarmed and advised me to drop the eq immediately. Once I dropped it I felt better within a week. Which is strange bc eq is slow AF. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️
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