YouTube - Shane Hammock - 1015 Squat (Training)
no the depth isnt the best but its training and i feel like i have alot more in me
no the depth isnt the best but its training and i feel like i have alot more in me
Shane Hammock is a strong beast at such a young age! i remember reading articles about him in Powerlifting USA when he was 21 killin it at APF meets...he will be great in this sport
shane my frend haw are you
hawwwwww you are i dont have words. you will be one of the beast powerlifters in the worald.
naw in israel i ( gal) started to practis to the israel championship "WPC bp"
and my freand arthor is practising to the worald GPC champion in bp that will be in prag in the 7-12.9.2010
this is video that we did injoy
YouTube - Bogach86's Channel
YouTube - Shane Hammock - 1015 Squat (Training)
no the depth isnt the best but its training and i feel like i have alot more in me