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18 IU a day and 5g gear test and mast

I don’t watch his videos, but does he explain why he chooses masteron over something like primo? I was under the impression masteron is strictly cosmetic.
his body doesn't have enough androgen receptors to use that amount of androgens - exactly as you write

It's different if he was 300lbs 10%bf I would understand it and wouldn't be surprised but in this case it's way too much
do you conform to the rule your body weight times 10 is the total gear one should be around?

is it true that you have an undesirable calcium CT score?

if so, what do you attribute this to? what does your blood pressure look like?

and what is your plan to remedy this?
I think that he added more Masteron (he was on 1g) because of the water retention he has.....

Also Steve did a 2g Test cycle, but guess what? It worked because the doses was lower and good for his body weight.

I don't understand why you have posted this to me. I know why he uses masteron. I wasn't asking that. I just commented on the guy who posted this "that much mast and growth hormone is definitely helpful and is probably doing most of the growth rather than the super high test". Does he really think masteron creates more growth than testosterone especially when dosed exactly 2.5 times higher. Everyone is different and masteron will add to some growth but as you stated it's a compliment to the test. People use masteron with test to help mitigate side effects (aromatization, water retention etc). It helps create a harder more pleasing look and it has some other benefits (especially mental) when pushing hard. It's 100% not creating more muscle tissue growth even when dosed the same nevermind when test is dosed 2.5 times higher.

is it true that you have an undesirable calcium CT score?

if so, what do you attribute this to? what does your blood pressure look like?

and what is your plan to remedy this?
I don’t watch his videos, but does he explain why he chooses masteron over something like primo? I was under the impression masteron is strictly cosmetic.

I don’t watch his videos, but does he explain why he chooses masteron over something like primo? I was under the impression masteron is strictly cosmetic.
That is bro science.Masterone is an anabolic steroid of course it will build tissue.
I respect the guy for his honesty. Fuck those top pros on trt+ and 1cc tren only precontest shenanigans. The vast majority of them are supplement salesmen that downplay drug usage in order to sell their magical rhino semen/tiger ball extract supplement line.

Is his usage excessive/smart or not? Don't give a flying fuck, he is a grown up man and he can do what he chooses to.

This echoes the mad respect I have for @luki7788 for what he does and the honesty he has. They are both better men than any trt+/2 amps parabolan/100mg winstrol fucking liars that want to secretly sell you their sweaty ball extract.
Some big guys I know think test is the strongest injectable, apart from tren, so they for example use just test except a few short additions of tren in the off season. "I run it VERY high, the best part is the crazy strength," as one friend told me. I think he is fed these ideas by a top pro he is friends with. And I wonder how different, better or maybe even worse, he would be if all those test grams were a mix of test and anabolics?
300kg mega obese American ankles coming through View attachment 178442
listen - I didn't write this to offend you or anything, I just described what I see in your videos - it may be that you get up in the morning and you are dry but after a few hours >dosing a dozen iu GH, a few liters of water and meals rich in carbs and salt, you take 5-10 lbs of water and then you record a video - I have it myself so I can understand it and I only described what I saw in the video
300kg mega obese American ankles coming through View attachment 178442

you been picking the hell out of the big piggy on the right foot huh :ROFLMAO:

I think everyone loves the honestly and enjoys the series. Of course, banter about the doses was going to happen, but I'm sure you know/knew that and I'd guess welcome it. Right or wrong, it's quite refreshing to hear doses like this discussed in an honest way.
Man tending to your feet can be a real selfish endeavor, that's why I always make time for my girls feet as well.

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