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1st Slin shot


Active member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 24, 2002
Hello all.

First post and first shot of slin.

I have READ and reread over and over about slin. I am being VERY cautious.

I only di 2IUs of Humlin R And immediately drank 100grams simple carbs, 10 g creatine and 50 g of protein.

I will be following up with another shake, a real meal low fat high carbs and high protein, and so on.

I just want to THANK all the members here. I have spent HOURS and HOURS reading your posts.

I probably will NOT be able to help a lot since you guys are SO much more experienced than I, but I just wanted to let you know that you help a hell of a lot of guys you don't even know about.

SO from all us guys who read your posts THANKS !!!!
I didn't think with just 2IUs I would feel anything. Infact I almost forgot I even took the shot.

BUT it has been 1/2 hour and I am getting shaky and my scalp feels tingly.

So even though I already took 100g of dextrose I am drinking a soda.

I will do another shake in the next half hour.

If you don't hear from me you will know I died. :)
Well even with all the research looks like I might have screwed up.

Vets your opinion would be appreciated.

I started feeling worse before I now am feeling somewhat better.

The carbs I drank was Ulta Fuel which is maltodextrose, and fructose.

While there are 96 grams of carbs only 29g are sugar the rest are complex carbs. I would think the 29g should be MORE than enough for only 2 IUs but perhaps not.

I even drank simple carbs half an hour before taking the slin.

Any input would be great especially if as you up the dosage you get ANY side effects ie. shakey etc even if you take the appropriate carbs.


DAMN newbie comes on here all friendly then almost dies on us then asks for help FVCK em the damn newbie to the board. :(

are you sure u did 2 not 20 ius ............... I had a buddy doing that and nearly went overobard
Re: ius

dpsquat said:
are you sure u did 2 not 20 ius ............... I had a buddy doing that and nearly went overobard

HA HA HA funny you should say that. After I started feeling a little strange I went back and looked at the syringe again.

NOPE it was 2 IUs. I also remembered I had drank a cup of coffee about an hour before I did the shot. Even that little bit of caffine can make me shaky so that is probably part of it.

So I am feeling fine now. Since I only did one shot today I will do 2 tomorrow at 3 IUs.

Thanks for checking dpsquat.
DAAAMNNN wouldnt 20ius for his first shot have been CRAZY!!!LOL you woulda been one dead mutha. heheh or in a nice coma.
glad your ok bro! Keep us informed on your progress.

-Big Hock
so the first was a missprint 21ius?
that means you onley did 2ius thats not going to do alot
if you researched this site there is not much more ifo to give,
but at 2ius you have nothing to worry about , what you were feeling i dont think was the slin
Thanks guys.

I thought I typed 2 IUs maybe I just ran the # and the IUs together.

Yea I am going to do 4 IUs tomorrow, and increase 2 IUs per day up to 10 IUs 2 times a day.
It is physiologically impossible to happen to you what you say happened with only 2IU.

Two things have actually happened:

1. Placebo effect, you think because you are using insulin, you will go into hypo. You almost make yourself believe that you go into hypo and make yourself experience 'hypo' effcts. Don't laugh, it's a common thing.

2. You did actually inj 20IU. 2IU on an insulin syringe is that one little line, right next to the pin. I know that it has a number 2, in between the number 1 and number 3 on the syringe, and that there are 5 little lines in between each number. Each one of those little lines is 2IU. The number 2 means 20IU. Again, another very common mistake.
Big A, thanks bro for taking the time to make that post it is MUCH appreciated.

Yes I agree 100% with you, so I am guessing it is option #1 with a little affect from the cup of coffee. I have heard that overdoes of slin mimics that clen feeling.

I just recheced my syringe. It is a 100IU so it only has 10, 20, 30 etc.

I only did to the first line so it was 2 IUS>

This board is the TITS thanks guys. :)

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