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247 T level


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2011
So a friend of mine had bloods pulled at 3 weeks running TE 250 at once per week with it being 4 days after the last pin and came out to 247. I know it’s a little early for maxed out levels but I’m thinking bunk. Thoughts? Haven’t ask him the lab yet but I doubt if it was from anyone here.
At 3 weeks, when I used Test Ethanate, was when I started to feel the effects of the hormone. Libido increases, strength starting to climb, feeling great, etc. Never performed a blood test, but I imagine my levels were somewhere around the 1200-1400/mark.

I have done blood tests using Cypionate and Isocaproate injecting once a week and my levels were always 1100ish. That was 2-4 days after my injections.

At 3 weeks, when I used Test Ethanate, was when I started to feel the effects of the hormone. Libido increases, strength starting to climb, feeling great, etc. Never performed a blood test, but I imagine my levels were somewhere around the 1200-1400/mark.

I have done blood tests using Cypionate and Isocaproate injecting once a week and my levels were always 1100ish. That was 2-4 days after my injections.

I’ve never taken bloods that early but just seems way low to me.

Could’ve sworn I’ve found charts showing levels over the weeks but not finding anything
So a friend of mine had bloods pulled at 3 weeks running TE 250 at once per week with it being 4 days after the last pin and came out to 247. I know it’s a little early for maxed out levels but I’m thinking bunk. Thoughts? Haven’t ask him the lab yet but I doubt if it was from anyone here.
Maybe he’s using the same test I was… 😂

What was his numbers prior to going on? Thats really the best way to know. But for the average person it should be higher at 3 weeks on Test E in my experience.
Same thought as @bbxtreme here. I am no where near a doctor, but in theory, I suppose its possible if he was literally in the single digits it could be legit.

Would have thought they would be in the upper half of normal by now.
Yea my guess is if he didn't get it from a pharmacy it would have to be really low dosed or outright bunk. I couldn't imagine anyone doing 250 test e/wk that it would be that low he should be above 800 at least.
I don't understand why anybody would think that it takes weeks for the levels to rise, your levels WILL rise as soon as they enter the blood stream, just do your bloods the day after you pin then come back and tell me what happened
So a friend of mine had bloods pulled at 3 weeks running TE 250 at once per week with it being 4 days after the last pin and came out to 247. I know it’s a little early for maxed out levels but I’m thinking bunk. Thoughts? Haven’t ask him the lab yet but I doubt if it was from anyone here.
Sounds like some prop I was using from a vendor that's on here and a few other forums. Mine came back around 240s and I was on it for a few months. That same dose I usually sit around 1000
Possible error in the testing. More likely bad gear. I am higher then 247 when just using 100mg/week once a week at day 7.
I would be well over normal range at 64. He has Test levels of an old man.
So a friend of mine had bloods pulled at 3 weeks running TE 250 at once per week with it being 4 days after the last pin and came out to 247. I know it’s a little early for maxed out levels but I’m thinking bunk. Thoughts? Haven’t ask him the lab yet but I doubt if it was from anyone here.
Well, in three weeks, natural levels might have tanked and that 250 after 4 days MIGHT not be showing higher levels. My Doc always has me to my blood work a day or two (tops) after a Test Cyp injection. Personally, I would give it a few more weeks, test it again, and this time do so about 1 day post injection. Anecdotally, when I was originally taking Enanthate, my numbers kept coming back low. When I switched to Cypionate, my levels came back higher - same timing on blood work, same dose, same time of day. I cannot explain this.
Most likely bunk, you will be close to max levels after 4 weeks or 4-6 weeks. To be hypogonadal on 250 mg per week after 3 weeks and only 4 days after shot, very likely to be bunk unless he's taking 25 mg instead of 250 mg.

Baseline doesn't really matter because exogenous T shuts down endogenous production even at fairly low doses and very quickly.

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