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5 iu hgh ED question


New member
Nov 19, 2009
There are just too many conflicting answers on all the boards. Hopefully here I can get someone with experience to help answer my question so that I don't throw my money away.

I have 6 months of hgh if I take 5 iu per day. Currently I have been taking 3 before bed, 2 when I awake. Should I stick to this protocol or does anyone have suggestions on a better regimen.

Thanks guys.!
There are just too many conflicting answers on all the boards. Hopefully here I can get someone with experience to help answer my question so that I don't throw my money away.

I have 6 months of hgh if I take 5 iu per day. Currently I have been taking 3 before bed, 2 when I awake. Should I stick to this protocol or does anyone have suggestions on a better regimen.

Thanks guys.!

I run 5iu's post workout. Working great for me. Just play with it and see what works best for you.
Try 10ius postworkout Monday and Thursday.
It will still last the same ( 20ius per week)
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I do 2IU in the morning before work and 2 when I get home around 5. It's not possible for me to do it pre or post workout, since the only time I can get to the gym is between 11 and 1. Shooting up in the office would be frowned upon.:) I've been doing it for 2 weeks and the fat is coming off quickly and i'm getting stronger and put on about 3lbs of muscle without any other gear. I'll start my bulk gear in a week or so, but wanted to see what GH alone would do and to make sure i could see results with just it. Some of the professionals on this board have stated that doing GH at night could cause our natural GH production to stop or slow down since that's when our body's normally produce GH (during REM sleep at night). But I'm with you.. I've read a ton of conflicting information, but I tend to stick to what guys like BIG A and the other pros have to say.. I look at it this way, if you want look like Arnold or Ronnie.. or BIG A, then you have to do the same things they do. At least that's my philosophy. :D
Your sequencing depends on what you're trying to accomplish. I've scoured these boards and the conclusion I've drawn (and experienced) is that if you're looking for fat loss then do a dose before fasted cardio. If looking for muscle gain, then dose immediately after workout.
I do both. I use 2 iU before cardio and 3 pwo. I've had great fat loss and had muscle gain in targeted areas. I don't use any before bed.
My guys all use 10ius postworkout.Monday and Thursday.
It will still last the same ( 20ius per week)
But all my guys are stoked at the difference it makes using this blast method. I mean experienced guys putting on 15 - 20 lbs in no time.
Not a few of them.... ALL of them

Now, Before That Magnum guy or some other idiot flames me, just try it for 2 weeks s and come back to this thread and report? Fair enuff ?
Ok flamers - flame away.

Hey man who are you anyway?
Come here talking like your an expert and about "your guys".
Calling one of our good long time members and idiot :confused:
That makes YOU look like an idiot. :mad:
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I do 2IU in the morning before work and 2 when I get home around 5. It's not possible for me to do it pre or post workout, since the only time I can get to the gym is between 11 and 1. Shooting up in the office would be frowned upon.:) I've been doing it for 2 weeks and the fat is coming off quickly and i'm getting stronger and put on about 3lbs of muscle without any other gear. I'll start my bulk gear in a week or so, but wanted to see what GH alone would do and to make sure i could see results with just it. Some of the professionals on this board have stated that doing GH at night could cause our natural GH production to stop or slow down since that's when our body's normally produce GH (during REM sleep at night). But I'm with you.. I've read a ton of conflicting information, but I tend to stick to what guys like BIG A and the other pros have to say.. I look at it this way, if you want look like Arnold or Ronnie.. or BIG A, then you have to do the same things they do. At least that's my philosophy. :D

That statement has never made sense to me since you are replacing the tiny does you would produce at night with a supraphysiological dose replacing it.
That's like saying not to take fast testosterone because it suppresses your natural T levels.
To the orignal poster, I am not trying to hijack your thread here, I hope it aligns to your question as well.

Thus, my queastion to other folks, what if one were taking 3-4 IU's a day and train in the morning first thing (empty stomach), what would you suggest would be the best protocal considering the above amount of HgH???

I run all five iu's before bed and so far so good for me. Like bgspin said find what works best for you and give it time
Hey man who are you anyway?
Come here talking like your an expert and about "your guys".
Calling one of our good long time members and idiot :confused:
That makes YOU look like an idiot. :mad:

LOL so thats the secret to muscle growth 10iu twice a week!!!!!! FINALLY IVE FOUND THE SECRET TO GETTING HUGEEEEEEEEE!! ok so 20 lbs in two weeks right? here i come!! :p ill make sure to open up my Muscle and Fitness mags and follow their bicep routine and maybe i can put on 30, who knows :p
thanks everyone for the replies, I know I don't have any posts, but I have gotten a lot of information off this site and as well as utilize the sponsers. And on that note, thank God for the sponsers, there is no way I would be able to afford this amount of gh driving to TJ all the time.

So I think that I am going to switch my protocol to 2 iu in the am, not eating for an hour after injection. Then 3 iu post workout. Now my question is can I have a protein drink or eat when I take it or should I avoid anything in my stomach.

If its okay to eat, does it matter what I eat. . . as far as carbs, protein??

Thanks again everyone!
There are just too many conflicting answers on all the boards. Hopefully here I can get someone with experience to help answer my question so that I don't throw my money away.

I have 6 months of hgh if I take 5 iu per day. Currently I have been taking 3 before bed, 2 when I awake. Should I stick to this protocol or does anyone have suggestions on a better regimen.

Thanks guys.!

I like it best AM and again PWO.
The secret to HGH has nothing to do with half life! :naughty:
I wish people would understand this.
When adding HGH to a mass stack for adding the greatest amount of tissue, high dosed bursts an infrequent administration is best. :lightbulb:
The secret to HGH has nothing to do with half life! :naughty:
I wish people would understand this.
When adding HGH to a mass stack for adding the greatest amount of tissue, high dosed bursts an infrequent administration is best. :lightbulb:

if I am more interested in fat loss and lean gains would u recomend 5iu protocol PWO in the am? of course diet, cardio and suppliments are currently in order.
if I am more interested in fat loss and lean gains would u recomend 5iu protocol PWO in the am? of course diet, cardio and suppliments are currently in order.

I'll be honest GH works if you stand on your head and inject it into your toes...seriously..
The use of GH is really dependant upon on what you want to risk and are your goals.

Like I said from experience with clients who insisted on taking GH in the am for fat burning I simply asked them to take BG readings for several hours post injection and they got pretty high in some -dose dependant of course- others not so high but then again aging and experience gender etc all play a role.

The most simplistic advice I can give out is to get a BG meter and monitor it -if it starts to rise lower the dose or change the timing of administration.

In your case PWO administration is going to counter any rise in BG levels as the surger of insulin and receptivity of the cells, as well as the pwo shake will stabilize the levels to an acceptable degree IMO and experience.

for years the myth that insulin "cancels" out Gh has been falsely propigated on the web and sometimes still is.
I'll be honest GH works if you stand on your head and inject it into your toes...seriously..
The use of GH is really dependant upon on what you want to risk and are your goals.

Like I said from experience with clients who insisted on taking GH in the am for fat burning I simply asked them to take BG readings for several hours post injection and they got pretty high in some -dose dependant of course- others not so high but then again aging and experience gender etc all play a role.

The most simplistic advice I can give out is to get a BG meter and monitor it -if it starts to rise lower the dose or change the timing of administration.

In your case PWO administration is going to counter any rise in BG levels as the surger of insulin and receptivity of the cells, as well as the pwo shake will stabilize the levels to an acceptable degree IMO and experience.

for years the myth that insulin "cancels" out Gh has been falsely propigated on the web and sometimes still is.

massive i have seen you post you think eod or 3 x a week is a good approach if i remember correctly but whats ure opinions on say once or twice a week?
massive i have seen you post you think eod or 3 x a week is a good approach if i remember correctly but whats ure opinions on say once or twice a week?

E3D was my choice back in the day 2003-2005 when I launched it on the boards via other sources.
EOD is better for mass than ED and 1-2 times a week blast is very effective in gaining mass-credit goes to Big A and Phil H for that method.
E3D was my choice back in the day 2003-2005 when I launched it on the boards via other sources.
EOD is better for mass than ED and 1-2 times a week blast is very effective in gaining mass-credit goes to Big A and Phil H for that method.

as i am trying to gain this is very interesting.

their is a guy in the uk currently who is having some clients do a 5 to 7 day gh blast then nothing for 4/5 weeks. its very interesting and some are having great results. the idea is to mimick the growth spurts we have in puberty. would love your thoughts and im sure the guy scott would as well as he shared some emails with dante when he was younger. see below post

**broken link removed**

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