gtj220 ,whats up bro this is the "fat boy" that trains with "moj0" , yea I'm gonna have big butt on stage this year if it kills me.
Anyway to your question at hand.
I'm sure that in very high doese for prologed times that ASS will have a negitive effect on your heart , but hell I'd be willing to bet that taking over the counter diet drugs will have a worse effect in a shorter time frame.
When my wife was in school she was working for a cardiologist that worked out alot and was intersted in bodybuilding but was very worried about the effects of ASS. We met at a party and the conversation of training eventualy came around to juice and we talked about it a great deal and he expressed his concers about it , obviously he read the same bullshit that the media trieds to stuff down everybodies throat. AFter disscussing it with him several times and letting him know that I had done it he asked if I would take some blood test the next time i went on. So the next cycle I went in for the labs before I had taken anything then again at 4 weeks , 8 weeks and 12 weeks then again 4 weeks post cycle. He was amazed at what he found which was basicaly NOTHING , my good cholestorol was down 2 points the bad was up 3 point and my liver values were slightly elivated , in his words
" these differances were less than if their were just a diet change" everything was still well within the "normal" range. this was decient of 750mg/w Sustanon , 30mg/ed D-bol for the first 4 weeks and 30mg/ed Winstrol fro the last 8 weeks. My diet was pretty heafty including alot of red meat and a pretty sizable amout of carbs , basialy a bulking cycle. This Dr. now cycles on and off 3-4 times a year and has gained over 40lbs of muscle in the last 6yrs..
It all boils donw to moderation and making sure your not a dumbshit about it. If you take 800mg of Ibuprophen a day I guarntee you'll eat your gut out a hell of alot sooner than using gear will jack up your heart , and their are alot of folks out their that eat over the counter meds like candy thinking that it won't hurt you. Hell if you drink to much water it'll kill you !! So yea if you run 2000mg/wk test for 8 moths out of the year yea your probably gonn ahve some heart trouble. i know a guy (you do to) that has been on test in doeses of 250-750 mg/wk of test for probaby the last 10-15yrs ,hes over 60 now and still in great shape and has a very clean bill of health ,oh and his wife is an RN !!!
Anyway bro just remember that ignorance is bliss and some people just should have been drown at birth to spare socitey the trouble of having to try to educate them , so just contain the urge to stomop their brains out for being retarded , nod your head and agree and keep collecting the checks.
Peace Brotherman , JJ