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Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 11, 2008
do you use them?

the main ones i was looking at were
1) Rhodiola
2) Eleuthero
I've used Maca and rhodiola.. the others I dont really pay too much attention to..

I would say your best bet is rhodiola. Good scientific, medical and real-world backup.
When taking rhodiola stick with accepted dosages, more is not necessarily better. I remember reading back in the day that high doses can actually be detrimental, or not provide the positive effects the user is looking for.

Adaptogens are very interesting herbs and certainly have their place. I like to use rhodiola off and on. Multitude of benefits..
I've used Maca and rhodiola.. the others I dont really pay too much attention to..

I would say your best bet is rhodiola. Good scientific, medical and real-world backup.
When taking rhodiola stick with accepted dosages, more is not necessarily better. I remember reading back in the day that high doses can actually be detrimental, or not provide the positive effects the user is looking for.

Adaptogens are very interesting herbs and certainly have their place. I like to use rhodiola off and on. Multitude of benefits..

I have considered rhodiola many times- could you go into a few of the benefits you got as far as helping bodybuilding goals?
I have considered rhodiola many times- could you go into a few of the benefits you got as far as helping bodybuilding goals?

I was the first in the USA to incorporate Rhodiola Rosea (Arctic Root) to bb regim, to enhance mental and physical performante. I was able to talk and get information on RR directly from Dr.Zakir Ramazanov, Dr.Zakir and I become very good friends. Dr.Zakir was a professor of plant biochemistry and molecular biology and he was a Senior Scientist at the Russian Academy of Science. RR has many beneficial healing properties, RR is not just another adaptogen. RR is safer than Korean ginseng even in high doses.

As far as BBing, RR can increase 50 to 80 percent liver glycogen, also RR was found that raised blood insulin levels and decreased the levels of glucagon(an insuline antagonist) it is much safer taking RR after training than insulin injections.
whoa cool emeric! I'll look back into that stuff I had researched it awhile ago and forgot about it.:lightbulb:
whoa cool emeric! I'll look back into that stuff I had researched it awhile ago and forgot about it.:lightbulb:

It helps heart reate recovery after physical load.
thanks for replies i think im going to try out some RR(post+mornings) + Energix(pre)

Emeric could you recommend a product?.... and is there a certain extract % that is needed like with tribulus?
do you use them?

the main ones i was looking at were
1) Rhodiola
2) Eleuthero

RR is excellent.

I am also a fan of ginseng. I prefer a mixed (korean, siberian etc) ginseng to take advantage of the different release speeds.
I was the first in the USA to incorporate Rhodiola Rosea (Arctic Root) to bb regim, to enhance mental and physical performante. I was able to talk and get information on RR directly from Dr.Zakir Ramazanov, Dr.Zakir and I become very good friends. Dr.Zakir was a professor of plant biochemistry and molecular biology and he was a Senior Scientist at the Russian Academy of Science. RR has many beneficial healing properties, RR is not just another adaptogen. RR is safer than Korean ginseng even in high doses.

As far as BBing, RR can increase 50 to 80 percent liver glycogen, also RR was found that raised blood insulin levels and decreased the levels of glucagon(an insuline antagonist) it is much safer taking RR after training than insulin injections.

Could you recommend a brand please?
If not mistaken Dr. Zakir also believed in 20-Hydroxyecdysone and yes I have been taking it for over a year and love it. I take it with Oligo-peptide extract aka Humanofort. The combo is outstanding.

I also love another adaptogen called Cordyceps which I use for kidney health.
Bump for more input in this very interesting thread!

I'm a big fan of Rhaponticum Carthamoides, Cordyceps, and Suma, I'm looking in to other adaptogens while ON CYCLE. I feel even greater benefits from adaptogens when ON.
If not mistaken Dr. Zakir also believed in 20-Hydroxyecdysone and yes I have been taking it for over a year and love it. I take it with Oligo-peptide extract aka Humanofort. The combo is outstanding.

I also love another adaptogen called Cordyceps which I use for kidney health.

Yes, Dr.Zakir was a big beliver in Ecdysterone, yes the combination of Ecdysteron, Humanofort and Phytic acid is very effective.
what will the phytic acid do with this combo, I have tried to read up on it but really do not understand the benefit
If not mistaken Dr. Zakir also believed in 20-Hydroxyecdysone and yes I have been taking it for over a year and love it. I take it with Oligo-peptide extract aka Humanofort. The combo is outstanding.

I also love another adaptogen called Cordyceps which I use for kidney health.

What ecdy product have you found most beneficial Bigman1? what have you nocticed when taking it? I have taken humanofort for years...but never looked into an effective ecdy product.
What ecdy product have you found most beneficial Bigman1? what have you nocticed when taking it? I have taken humanofort for years...but never looked into an effective ecdy product.

I have done tons of research on Ecdysterone, and the only way to experience anabolic effects is to use.a full-spectrum Ecdysterone extract derived only from Rhaponticum Carthamoides. I've used many products and the best I've used by far is called "Omnibolic", its the real deal.

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