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He looks like shit in both pics soooooooooo.......
Anti Christ and devil? ...I don't remember saying that.

You seem to be just as outraged about this topic as me but yet for completely different reasons.
Not so good at reading comprehension are you?
I said, if this makes Shaq a scammer, the Weider and Arnold are the Devil and the Antichrist. No you didn’t say that but you had read what I wrote then you would understand how stupid saying Shaq is a scammer is.
Flex Wheeler was promoting some garbage test booster as well.
Go to the link in his profile for his "supplements."

This has to be the shittiest supplement ever and the "website" the sorriest in existence. Fucking smilax. Bet it doesn't even contain smilax, just some water, coloring and a drop of alcohol.

I wonder what kind of "personal online coaching" he offers. Nah, I don't wonder really lol. Nothing infuriates me more than people who think their "name" entitles them to act like jackasses.
The Georgie foreman was my savior in college. I did two shows just using the foreman. That thing was legit. Use to melt the fat off and go into the tray hahaha
Best thing ever and was so easy to clean to
We live in a time when we have every bit of information known to man at our finger tips in seconds. If people would rather fill their brains with gossip about the Kardashians or nonsense on social media and take something simply because a celebrity endorsed it than take the time to actually question and educate themselves then they deserve what they get. You don’t need to have a formal education in organic chemistry to find basic information about whether or not something is proven to work. Certain levels of ignorance in this day and age are almost inexcusable. I like Shaq but if he’s who someone gets their medical advice from then needing hrt is the least of their problems.
Most of the celebrities are on pharma gh
Honestly I think these people are not worried about tarnishing their image at this point.when they competed maybe.but know all they care is about making money. So any company that pays them to promote something as long as they get paid . And continue to get contracts from different companies and keep making money. They can give 3 shits what we think of them.they know what we think of them doesn't put money in their bank account .
I thought Shaq got in shape by eating Papa John's pizza....:unsure:????
Greed is just another disease!

He gets paid to do this.....how does that make him a scammer. If this company and came to you and said we will pay you $100k plus commission on sales to do this tell me your moral high ground will say no hahahahahh
Go to the link in his profile for his "supplements."

This has to be the shittiest supplement ever and the "website" the sorriest in existence. Fucking smilax. Bet it doesn't even contain smilax, just some water, coloring and a drop of alcohol.

I wonder what kind of "personal online coaching" he offers. Nah, I don't wonder really lol. Nothing infuriates me more than people who think their "name" entitles them to act like jackasses.
His Test booster has yohimbe in it, that actually could be dangerous for someone.
If they make the claim that it can boost testosterone, does that make it fall into the category of medicine?
He gets paid to do this.....how does that make him a scammer. If this company and came to you and said we will pay you $100k plus commission on sales to do this tell me your moral high ground will say no hahahahahh
Ummm...yes.There are actually a lot of people who would want to know exactly what they're putting their name behind before they do so regardless of the amount of money they would be making.There are people who have morals and values.I guess it's where you are though.You're not going to find the best humans in society on a board like this.I include myself in that.
Ummm...yes.There are actually a lot of people who would want to know exactly what they're putting their name behind before they do so regardless of the amount of money they would be making.There are people who have morals and values.I guess it's where you are though.You're not going to find the best humans in society on a board like this.I include myself in that.
We also dont know his knowledge level. Maybe the marketers at the supplement company were able to convince him that the stuff works.
Ummm...yes.There are actually a lot of people who would want to know exactly what they're putting their name behind before they do so regardless of the amount of money they would be making.There are people who have morals and values.I guess it's where you are though.You're not going to find the best humans in society on a board like this.I include myself in that.

I have no idea what you based such a short sighted comment like that on? Without knowing the people here, how can you make such a broad and encompassing accusation about everyone and the board itself? If you think putting hormones in your body makes you immoral and someone with lesser values, you have some deep seated self esteem issues! You can certainly speak for yourself but leave the rest of us out of it!!
Ummm...yes.There are actually a lot of people who would want to know exactly what they're putting their name behind before they do so regardless of the amount of money they would be making.There are people who have morals and values.I guess it's where you are though.You're not going to find the best humans in society on a board like this.I include myself in that.


Don't mistake people into bodybuilding who use certain hormones as people of lesser moral values. I have met many great people on this forum over the years. I could write many things but I will just say you are wrong and as Bio stated speak for yourself but don't dismiss the members of this board like that solely because they post on a bodybuilding/steroid forum.
I have no idea what you based such a short sighted comment like that on? Without knowing the people here, how can you make such a broad and encompassing accusation about everyone and the board itself? If you think putting hormones in your body makes you immoral and someone with lesser values, you have some deep seated self esteem issues! You can certainly speak for yourself but leave the rest of us out of it!!
I was speaking on this thread.I didn't say EVERY person on this board.I did say a board like this.My self esteem is fine.I am trying to become a better human being everyday.

''He gets paid to do this.....how does that make him a scammer. If this company and came to you and said we will pay you $100k plus commission on sales to do this tell me your moral high ground will say no hahahahahh''

I didn't see you comment on this statement Bio? As he is speaking for everyone.

I never said putting hormones in your body makes you anything.I have the right to have my opinion.You have the right to remove me from the board if your don't like it.
I know personally $100,000 to shaq is like $1 to me. Probably even more like a penny to me! So if a company came to me with a shitty product I would for sure turn it down for that price. Regardless shaq is good at some shit but I bought a pair of his shoes for my son a few years back and he wore a hole completely through the bottom in two weeks. So anything shaq endorses I wouldn’t touch it
I know personally $100,000 to shaq is like $1 to me. Probably even more like a penny to me! So if a company came to me with a shitty product I would for sure turn it down for that price. Regardless shaq is good at some shit but I bought a pair of his shoes for my son a few years back and he wore a hole completely through the bottom in two weeks. So anything shaq endorses I wouldn’t touch it
How much were the shoes? Aren’t they only between $13-$60?
Ummm...yes.There are actually a lot of people who would want to know exactly what they're putting their name behind before they do so regardless of the amount of money they would be making.There are people who have morals and values.I guess it's where you are though.You're not going to find the best humans in society on a board like this.I include myself in that.

Everybody's a saint in a deficit

The devil comes out in a surplus
How much were the shoes? Aren’t they only between $13-$6o
I can’t remember what they cost but it was closer to $60 probably but at the time I thought well my son wants these and shaq endorses them so how can I go wrong! Well when his foot blew totally threw the show I knew I was wrong. I ever wrote a letter on his website for the shoes that said Dear shaq, I liked u as a player but Jordan was way better and his shoes are way way way better. But that’s not saying anything cause your shoes suck. Sincerely yours, captain caveman
I was speaking on this thread.I didn't say EVERY person on this board.I did say a board like this.My self esteem is fine.I am trying to become a better human being everyday.

''He gets paid to do this.....how does that make him a scammer. If this company and came to you and said we will pay you $100k plus commission on sales to do this tell me your moral high ground will say no hahahahahh''

I didn't see you comment on this statement Bio? As he is speaking for everyone.

I never said putting hormones in your body makes you anything.I have the right to have my opinion.You have the right to remove me from the board if your don't like it.

You never made any clarification that your comments were for this thread, in fact your comment speaks for itself, "There are people who have morals and values.I guess it's where you are though.You're not going to find the best humans in society on a board like this.I include myself in that." I was just trying to get clarification on why you made a comment like that about the board and some of the people here? You're right, you didn't say everyone and I don't usually speak in absolutes...my bad on that.

As for my comment on this topic...who cares! Athletes have allowed companies to use them in advertisements long before I was created. I'm not sure why this one stuck out to you? There's no magic supplement. There are some very good supplements but no magic. Everyone eventually learns the secret is consistency and hard work in whatever the endeavor may be!

My hormone comment was made in regards to your above comment in bold and including yourself in that. Yes you have your own opinion, I'm just curious as to why you said, "You're not going to find the best humans in society on a board like this."

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