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Ummm...yes.There are actually a lot of people who would want to know exactly what they're putting their name behind before they do so regardless of the amount of money they would be making.There are people who have morals and values.I guess it's where you are though.You're not going to find the best humans in society on a board like this.I include myself in that.

You call a man a scammer for selling a supplement....a person you don't know one single bit. Who gets paid by a company in this case to support a supplement. This is the fitness industry supplements are one of the biggest forms of income in this industry. If shaq is a scammer does it make it the same for jay, ronnie, branch, and every other fitness person who was/is sponsored by a company? What makes them scammers for this anyway?

And to make a short minded comment like you did saying you aren't going to find the best humans in society on a board like this? Who are you to even know? You've been on this board 2 months lol. Dante trudel is a member of this board one of the most successful and smart individuals i know training and business wise. John Meadows, Scott Stevenson, Dusty, I could go on with successful people who are well known who've been on this board. Oh but wait they must be scammers too I mean john and dante both own supplement companies....
You never made any clarification that your comments were for this thread, in fact your comment speaks for itself, "There are people who have morals and values.I guess it's where you are though.You're not going to find the best humans in society on a board like this.I include myself in that." I was just trying to get clarification on why you made a comment like that about the board and some of the people here? You're right, you didn't say everyone and I don't usually speak in absolutes...my bad on that.

As for my comment on this topic...who cares! Athletes have allowed companies to use them in advertisements long before I was created. I'm not sure why this one stuck out to you? There's no magic supplement. There are some very good supplements but no magic. Everyone eventually learns the secret is consistency and hard work in whatever the endeavor may be!

My hormone comment was made in regards to your above comment in bold and including yourself in that. Yes you have your own opinion, I'm just curious as to why you said, "You're not going to find the best humans in society on a board like this."
I am not the best writer to put it mildly.The way I intend to say things and the way they come off is something I need to work on.I also want to state if I offended anyone it was not my intention.I am in recovery right now.I have just over a year clean.I am working on myself and I tend to see the worst in everything at this stage of my life.There is a ton of awful in this world but there's also a lot of good.My apologies, I got carried away.
You call a man a scammer for selling a supplement....a person you don't know one single bit. Who gets paid by a company in this case to support a supplement. This is the fitness industry supplements are one of the biggest forms of income in this industry. If shaq is a scammer does it make it the same for jay, ronnie, branch, and every other fitness person who was/is sponsored by a company? What makes them scammers for this anyway?

And to make a short minded comment like you did saying you aren't going to find the best humans in society on a board like this? Who are you to even know? You've been on this board 2 months lol. Dante trudel is a member of this board one of the most successful and smart individuals i know training and business wise. John Meadows, Scott Stevenson, Dusty, I could go on with successful people who are well known who've been on this board. Oh but wait they must be scammers too I mean john and dante both own supplement companies....
Yes I am calling Shaq a scammer.I think you missed my point entirely.He has access to the best doctors and was a professional basketball player.Shaq is not ignorant to Test and HGH.A world class athlete knows all about Test and HGH.The supplements he is putting his name behind are complete garbage (look at the ingredients) and we all know he didn't transform his body with those supplements.This company is using Shaq for his fame and he is using his fame to take advantage of the public to make himself richer.Everyday Americans are not going to research a products ingredients that is ridiculous.They cant even read a nutrition label.There are many superstar athletes and movie stars who could do the same thing but wouldn't because they have integrity.Brad pitt looks amazing for his age.He could put his name behind products that are garbage to become richer and make a killing.He wouldn't do it just like counless other athletes and celebrities.

Nothing wrong with owning a supplement company.If Dante tried to sell you those products Shaq is selling and told you that they increased IGF-1 levels by 800% and posted some before and after picture you guys would lose respect for him.Would you not?

Shaq is a predator, I don't know how you don't see this.I guess we will just agree to disagree.
Yes I am calling Shaq a scammer.I think you missed my point entirely.He has access to the best doctors and was a professional basketball player.Shaq is not ignorant to Test and HGH.A world class athlete knows all about Test and HGH.The supplements he is putting his name behind are complete garbage (look at the ingredients) and we all know he didn't transform his body with those supplements.This company is using Shaq for his fame and he is using his fame to take advantage of the public to make himself richer.Everyday Americans are not going to research a products ingredients that is ridiculous.They cant even read a nutrition label.There are many superstar athletes and movie stars who could do the same thing but wouldn't because they have integrity.Brad pitt looks amazing for his age.He could put his name behind products that are garbage to become richer and make a killing.He wouldn't do it just like counless other athletes and celebrities.

Nothing wrong with owning a supplement company.If Dante tried to sell you those products Shaq is selling and told you that they increased IGF-1 levels by 800% and posted some before and after picture you guys would lose respect for him.Would you not?

Shaq is a predator, I don't know how you don't see this.I guess we will just agree to disagree.
So it is ridiculous to expect adults to google what they put into themselves? Yeah, personal responsibility is just asinine. Dante and Shaq are not the same, that’s comparing apples to walnuts. If a person looks to Shaq to tell them what to put in their body for hormonal purposes they are a moron. Dante actually owns a supplement company, does his research, has put in the work and has been involved in this since before a lot of gym rats and physique competitors were even alive. He has proven himself.
Also you have no idea what Brad Pitt would do lol.
Some people deserve what they get and sometimes that involves getting ripped off. Stupidity shouldn’t be protected or rewarded.
So it is ridiculous to expect adults to google what they put into themselves? Yeah, personal responsibility is just asinine. Dante and Shaq are not the same, that’s comparing apples to walnuts. If a person looks to Shaq to tell them what to put in their body for hormonal purposes they are a moron. Dante actually owns a supplement company, does his research, has put in the work and has been involved in this since before a lot of gym rats and physique competitors were even alive. He has proven himself.
Also you have no idea what Brad Pitt would do lol.
Some people deserve what they get and sometimes that involves getting ripped off. Stupidity shouldn’t be protected or rewarded.
I didn't bring Dante into the conversation the member I quoted did.He was comparing them.Nothing wrong with personal responsibility.You have to remember not everyone thinks like you or I do.People are raised very different.

''Stupidity shouldn’t be protected or rewarded''

The last thing I will say on this matter is '' Taking advantage of people shouldn't be rewarded or looked at like it is ok''
For those of you who think Shaq is a scammer for putting his name on this stuff, fine, I'm not going to actively try to change your opinion. But before you rush to judgement ask your self this; If this supplement actually does produce results for a portion of the people that buy it than were they scammed? Second point, free market capitalism will determine wether this product will be long term successful. If it sucks than a competing product will overtake it. This is the American way and our economy thrives because of it. So the whole debate of wether or not Shaq and this product are scamming people is moot. Crap products, especially in the fitness industry tend not to last very long, and I've been in the game for 32 years and I've seen this happen over and over again.
For those of you who think Shaq is a scammer for putting his name on this stuff, fine, I'm not going to actively try to change your opinion. But before you rush to judgement ask your self this; If this supplement actually does produce results for a portion of the people that buy it than were they scammed? Second point, free market capitalism will determine wether this product will be long term successful. If it sucks than a competing product will overtake it. This is the American way and our economy thrives because of it. So the whole debate of wether or not Shaq and this product are scamming people is moot. Crap products, especially in the fitness industry tend not to last very long, and I've been in the game for 32 years and I've seen this happen over and over again.
1) does that mean "results may vary"
2) yes
3) yes

Ladder Supplements bothered me when it came out for some reason. I'm like wtf does arnold and lebron need to make more money for. especially off protein powder that could go to other small businesses like the ones here.
1) does that mean "results may vary"
2) yes
3) yes

Ladder Supplements bothered me when it came out for some reason. I'm like wtf does arnold and lebron need to make more money for. especially off protein powder that could go to other small businesses like the ones here.
I’m so out of the loop. I’ve never even heard of ladder supplements.
Just looked it up. $50 for a preworkout. Is this a normal price?
I’m so out of the loop. I’ve never even heard of ladder supplements.
Just looked it up. $50 for a preworkout. Is this a normal price?
i think it is. they advertise a lot, especially on tiktok and other susceptible social media places.

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