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Added progesterone to my protocol - Wow


Well-known member
May 3, 2016
I was always misinformed that progesterone is a female hormone and men don't need it blah blah, I got it tested and came back at 0 after years of TRT and no HCG since it's produced by the nuts

After reading a few guys swear by it,
I did research and found out men produce anywhere btw .5- 1mg of progesterone a day. Also if you feel you're estrogen dominant, low progesterone could be the reason. Look it up

I bought the cream off of Amazon and started taking 2mgs a day, I put it on my scrotum. And if I absorb half of it, I'm at 1mg.

I didn't evev know I was missing this piece of the puzzle

I always had a bit of face bloat, it took that away within days, My gyno was puffy but the puff is subsidizing, Joints feel better! Sleep is deeper. Libido and erections improved. My skin is glowing, my hair seems more wet and healthy, and I finally want to suck some dick lmao jk but it's def not a female hormone, if our body produces the there's it plays a role. We just don't need a bit amount of it.

So throw progesterone into your next bloodwork
Nortestosterone covers the classical nuclear progesterone receptors, but it has extremely low activity at the membrane-bound progesterone receptors. Most of the benefits come from the nuclear receptors. Some people simplify the auxillary membrane-bound effects into the xanax-like neuro effects because that's about all we can seem to observe about their functions.

So what I'm saying is that I only consider nortestosterone derivatives as a partial replacement, and it's not unusual seeing as that the progestagens given to women have the same issue, some even being nortestosterone derivatives.
I work at a HRT clinic and one of our treatments for men is oral bio progesterone before bed. I've been on 5-10mg orally per evening for a few years now. It's cardio protective (really helpful especially if you're on an AI to lower estrogen), helps you sleep, reduce anxiety, can help with sex drive, and can also help with certain dysrhythmias like PVC's. Yes and also progesterone and dhea levels will drop if just taking testosterone. I often see dhea elevated in guys taking other anabolics but with just hrt or just high dose testosterone it seems to be pretty low.
I work at a HRT clinic and one of our treatments for men is oral bio progesterone before bed. I've been on 5-10mg orally per evening for a few years now. It's cardio protective (really helpful especially if you're on an AI to lower estrogen), helps you sleep, reduce anxiety, can help with sex drive, and can also help with certain dysrhythmias like PVC's. Yes and also progesterone and dhea levels will drop if just taking testosterone. I often see dhea elevated in guys taking other anabolics but with just hrt or just high dose testosterone it seems to be pretty low.
Might have to add Progesterone into my next panel. I don’t believe it’s ever been tested in all my tests!

I think it's important to remember that progesterone is what you want, not fricking progestins, or progesterone derivatives, eq doesn't replace test, does it? Same goes for progesterone, i too apply a little to my nuts when i need a boost in sex drive
Interesting, are you guys getting prescription or just amazon? Which one on amazon? Thanks
That's pretty interesting. I haven't had that tested before. I have been taking 100mg pregnenolone for years now. Since that is a precursor to progesterone among other things, would that be sufficient?

I know there's no substitute for labs, but I'm curious if anyone has input on this.
How do you dose it? Just bought some from Amazon. Getting here tomorrow.
Personally i just apply one pump to my nuts and shaft when i need a boost for the night
From what I have read you need at least 2 pumps split mornings/afternoon to keep blood serum levels stable. So I wonder what really makes you feel better when you only apply it once a day. The half life seems to be 4 hours max.
That's pretty interesting. I haven't had that tested before. I have been taking 100mg pregnenolone for years now. Since that is a precursor to progesterone among other things, would that be sufficient?

I know there's no substitute for labs, but I'm curious if anyone has input on this.
I'm curious as well!! Most of these over the counter creams use wild yam and from what I've researched the body can't convert it to progesterone?? Pregnenolone can also increase estrogen.. hopefully more people comment!!
I work at a HRT clinic and one of our treatments for men is oral bio progesterone before bed. I've been on 5-10mg orally per evening for a few years now. It's cardio protective (really helpful especially if you're on an AI to lower estrogen), helps you sleep, reduce anxiety, can help with sex drive, and can also help with certain dysrhythmias like PVC's. Yes and also progesterone and dhea levels will drop if just taking testosterone. I often see dhea elevated in guys taking other anabolics but with just hrt or just high dose testosterone it seems to be pretty low.
Would Tren or deca give you some progesterone?
Lol yea, tren increases progesterone a lot, hence why we become jealous emotional psychos???

Progesterone is vital but very small amount of it for men.
Does tren increase progesterone or progestin?

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