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after 20 years of juicing i got a BLOOD CLOT ....


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Feb 8, 2003
had some pretty bad pain in my right arm and went to the doc who gave me an anti -inflamatory, then went back a few days later cuz no relief, so then he put me on Prednisone cuz he didnt know what it was. well after that pain got worse so i went back and demanded some results and pain meds and he sent me to get an ultrasound and i had blockage in my forearm , so anyway im pretty bummed and am now on Xarelto, just want everyone to be aware that this could happen, i am older (55 now) but still i never juiced heavy and always took time off and ate really healthy 90 % of the time, i just never thought that my blood could be getting thicker, although my cholesterol is way high,.... so where do i go from here ? just trt ? low dose test and tren or EQ or Npp...ok i know i shouldnt do anything but thats not gonna happen, i think once the Xarelto kicks in ( i can see it slowly working by my arm progress, also the pain is slowly subsiding each day) maybe i can get back to my "baby cycles".. any input good or bad is appreciatted and would love to hear from Stewie and a few of the other "minds" on here.:(

do what you gotta do brother.
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What causes blood clots, high hematocrit? By the way, sorry your going through this.
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Sorry to hear about this man. Tough one, but look at the bright side that you caught it before it was too late.

Did you have your hematocrit/hemoglobin checked?
I had 2 in my legs about 4 to 5 years ago. You need to get a Factor V test to see if you are prone to blood clots. I would change your way of thinking and never take test over your normal limits again. I also do not recommend NPP or tren. Stay safe. I had to change a few things around, but you can live a healthy life with some changes. You need anymore advice let me know.
had some pretty bad pain in my right arm and went to the doc who gave me an anti -inflamatory, then went back a few days later cuz no relief, so then he put me on Prednisone cuz he didnt know what it was. well after that pain got worse so i went back and demanded some results and pain meds and he sent me to get an ultrasound and i had blockage in my forearm , so anyway im pretty bummed and am now on Xarelto, just want everyone to be aware that this could happen, i am older (55 now) but still i never juiced heavy and always took time off and ate really healthy 90 % of the time, i just never thought that my blood could be getting thicker, although my cholesterol is way high,.... so where do i go from here ? just trt ? low dose test and tren or EQ or Npp...ok i know i shouldnt do anything but thats not gonna happen, i think once the Xarelto kicks in ( i can see it slowly working by my arm progress, also the pain is slowly subsiding each day) maybe i can get back to my "baby cycles".. any input good or bad is appreciatted and would love to hear from Stewie and a few of the other "minds" on here.:(

Sorry to hear that.

Emeric has talked often times about nattokinase. Maybe you can research and see about this supplement, but it does help with not getting clots etc...

Maybe Emeric can chime in.

What do your baby cycles look like?
Sorry to hear that.

Emeric has talked often times about nattokinase. Maybe you can research and see about this supplement, but it does help with not getting clots etc...

Maybe Emeric can chime in.

What do your baby cycles look like?

I take Nattokinase. There's a ton of research online about it, and it's supposed to be a very effective supplement, especially in this case.
I had 2 in my legs about 4 to 5 years ago. You need to get a Factor V test to see if you are prone to blood clots. I would change your way of thinking and never take test over your normal limits again. I also do not recommend NPP or tren. Stay safe. I had to change a few things around, but you can live a healthy life with some changes. You need anymore advice let me know.

Factor 5 just happens to be the most common, however there are several "Factors" that can affect blood clotting, and you need to be tested for them. Hereditary blood clotting disorders tend to present themselves in late 30's at the earliest, and into 40's is typical. I personally have Factor 2 and Factor 8, and I learned that I had these when I had a heart attack in October 2009 at the age of 39. This is no joke, after learning about my conditions, and the way AAS affects blood thickness, clotting, etc, for me to take any type of AAS now would be like certain suicide. Therefore I can't and I don't.
Maldorf get in here!

Mikevegas that was in 2009, No aas, but do you do TRT?

Do you/can you still train hard? Just thinking 7 years on what keeps you in the game
had some pretty bad pain in my right arm and went to the doc who gave me an anti -inflamatory, then went back a few days later cuz no relief, so then he put me on Prednisone cuz he didnt know what it was. well after that pain got worse so i went back and demanded some results and pain meds and he sent me to get an ultrasound and i had blockage in my forearm , so anyway im pretty bummed and am now on Xarelto, just want everyone to be aware that this could happen, i am older (55 now) but still i never juiced heavy and always took time off and ate really healthy 90 % of the time, i just never thought that my blood could be getting thicker, although my cholesterol is way high,.... so where do i go from here ? just trt ? low dose test and tren or EQ or Npp...ok i know i shouldnt do anything but thats not gonna happen, i think once the Xarelto kicks in ( i can see it slowly working by my arm progress, also the pain is slowly subsiding each day) maybe i can get back to my "baby cycles".. any input good or bad is appreciatted and would love to hear from Stewie and a few of the other "minds" on here.:(

I thought if anyone would have listened to some of my advice over the last few years Thor it would be you.....(and im not saying that to be a dick but I would think you would have followed my lead on a few things)

Questions: What has your bloodwork been saying as far as hemoglobin/hematocrit when ON (NOT CLEANED OUT BUT ON) over the last few years?

b) How dehydrated did you let yourself get lately? Did you happen to sleep on that arm at all? Are you a side sleeper and slept on that arm? Any airplane flights of late?

c) Im just freaking shocked man that some of you older guys take such freaking chances with Equipoise and to a lesser point deca but Equipoise? As you age and being a juicer your hematocrit/hemoglobin ALWAYS RISES with AAS usage...and the last thing you want to be doing is adding to that blood thickening effect with a drug widely known to increase RBC's....I dont get it.....how often have you been using equipoise and deca in the last 5 years?

Basically I would like to know if you have been getting regular bloodwork when on or you have blown it off.....

after i see some answers to the above questions....if you want to hear what i would do if i was you (and it involves TRT if everything checks out and you get back to square one health wise so trust me I know you dont want to hear the goodytwoshoes "you must get off" speel...i get it )....ill give it...(it sure as hell doesnt involve Equipoise)
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Im going to vent a little bit. I swear to god I get so fucking frustrated with people on this site sometimes....it freaks me out. My wife has come up to my office and said "Dante you can only state your advice and if they dont want to listen...they arent going to listen".....How many freaking guys have to die on this site for some of you to stand up and take notice, how many heart attacks, and kidney failure, and low ejection fractions do you have to read about until it hits home?! Its like half of you forget about guys dying 10 days after they are gone and your right back injecting the turkey baster.

You can get away with stuff in your 20's and your early 30's that you cannot get away with in your late 30's 40's and 50's! These young guys on this site and on the net who are blasting everything under the sun, trying to convince you that "oh its totally safe that 38 year old guy must have died because of recreational drugs/genetic predisposition/this and that.....its freaking bullshit and you need to grab the bull by the horns here and get your head out of the sand....and JUICE responsibly and respectively with your health in mind or if not when that day happens that you get done a set of barbell rows, the gym starts spinning and you have a massive heart attack.....dont spew the "woe is me...why did this happen to me?" song.....you brought it on and ignored the protocol {bloodwork/heart scans/healthy diet/cardio/no alcohol and recreational drugs} that you were SUPPOSED TO DO to be a steroid using athlete. And ATHLETE is the key word because there are two kinds of people in this sport - junkies and athletes. Decide which one you are.
It pains me to see so many guys who could go around looking like they want to look and using things that gave them the look they wanted yet they ignore blood pressure/bloodwork/cardio/ and deductive reasoning because it feels better with the whole "out of sight, out of mind thought process"....You want to LIVE and juice in your late 30's 40's 50's....you BETTER develop a health plan early that you abide to to hold you in check with if that is your gameplan.....

sorry for the rant....i get irritated sometimes when i feel Ive written about something 50 times over on this site and it feels like nobody is listening until they wake up in a hospital bed
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Im going to vent a little bit. I swear to god I get so fucking frustrated with people on this site sometimes....it freaks me out. My wife has come up to my office and said "Dante you can only state your advice and if they dont want to listen...they arent going to listen".....How many freaking guys have to die on this site for some of you to stand up and take notice, how many heart attacks, and kidney failure, and low ejection fractions do you have to read about until it hits home?! Its like half of you forget about guys dying 10 days after they are gone and your right back injecting the turkey baster.

You can get away with stuff in your 20's and your early 30's that you cannot get away with in your late 30's 40's and 50's! These young guys on this site and on the net who are blasting everything under the sun, trying to convince you that "oh its totally safe that 38 year old guy must have died because of recreational drugs/genetic predisposition/this and that.....its freaking bullshit and you need to grab the bull by the horns here and get your head out of the sand....and JUICE responsibly and respectively with your health in mind or if not when that day happens that you get done a set of barbell rows, the gym starts spinning and you have a massive heart attack.....dont spew the "woe is me...why did this happen to me?" song.....you brought it on and ignored the protocol {bloodwork/heart scans/healthy diet/cardio/no alcohol and recreational drugs} that you were SUPPOSED TO DO to be a steroid using athlete. And ATHLETE is the key word because there are two kinds of people in this sport - junkies and athletes. Decide which one you are.
It pains me to see so many guys who could go around looking like they want to look and using things that gave them the look they wanted yet they ignore blood pressure/bloodwork/cardio/ and deductive reasoning because it feels better with the whole "out of sight, out of mind thought process"....You want to LIVE and juice in your late 30's 40's 50's....you BETTER develop a health plan early that you abide to to hold you in check with if that is your gameplan.....

sorry for the rant....i get irritated sometimes when i feel Ive written about something 50 times over on this site and it feels like nobody is listening until they wake up in a hospital bed

what specific labs would you recommend getting done often?
what specific labs would you recommend getting done often?

Ya, I am also curious about how I go about getting a heart scan. Thanks for sharing DC.
Im going to vent a little bit. I swear to god I get so fucking frustrated with people on this site sometimes....it freaks me out. My wife has come up to my office and said "Dante you can only state your advice and if they dont want to listen...they arent going to listen".....How many freaking guys have to die on this site for some of you to stand up and take notice, how many heart attacks, and kidney failure, and low ejection fractions do you have to read about until it hits home?! Its like half of you forget about guys dying 10 days after they are gone and your right back injecting the turkey baster.

You can get away with stuff in your 20's and your early 30's that you cannot get away with in your late 30's 40's and 50's! These young guys on this site and on the net who are blasting everything under the sun, trying to convince you that "oh its totally safe that 38 year old guy must have died because of recreational drugs/genetic predisposition/this and that.....its freaking bullshit and you need to grab the bull by the horns here and get your head out of the sand....and JUICE responsibly and respectively with your health in mind or if not when that day happens that you get done a set of barbell rows, the gym starts spinning and you have a massive heart attack.....dont spew the "woe is me...why did this happen to me?" song.....you brought it on and ignored the protocol {bloodwork/heart scans/healthy diet/cardio/no alcohol and recreational drugs} that you were SUPPOSED TO DO to be a steroid using athlete. And ATHLETE is the key word because there are two kinds of people in this sport - junkies and athletes. Decide which one you are.
It pains me to see so many guys who could go around looking like they want to look and using things that gave them the look they wanted yet they ignore blood pressure/bloodwork/cardio/ and deductive reasoning because it feels better with the whole "out of sight, out of mind thought process"....You want to LIVE and juice in your late 30's 40's 50's....you BETTER develop a health plan early that you abide to to hold you in check with if that is your gameplan.....

sorry for the rant....i get irritated sometimes when i feel Ive written about something 50 times over on this site and it feels like nobody is listening until they wake up in a hospital bed

Great post.

Ill check back in later or tomorrow and see if there is anything left to add at that point.

Oh and yes ive seen maybe bodybuilders who are otherwise " healthy" ( they only looked healthy) develop clots and then PE's and some died from them at a fairly young age and no it wasnt a genetic issue. But yea.. nolva is just fine for estrogen right.. ( sarcasm)
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I take Nattokinase. There's a ton of research online about it, and it's supposed to be a very effective supplement, especially in this case.

I started taking it recently too. I think it's a great supplement. For those on gear, they should look into it.

How much are you taking? Are you also taking baby aspirin?

I take natto, baby aspirin and fish oil.
what specific labs would you recommend getting done often?
Standard cbc panel will tell you the basics you need to know. It's the most common and dirt cheap. You can buy the one through LEF website for LabCorp draw for like $40 or less if you don't do it through doctor/insurance. Too cheap and easy not to get done a couple times a year minimum.
Standard cbc panel will tell you the basics you need to know. It's the most common and dirt cheap. You can buy the one through LEF website for LabCorp draw for like $40 or less if you don't do it through doctor/insurance. Too cheap and easy not to get done a couple times a year minimum.
Strike that, they are running a sale. Only $26 now for CBC panel. Literally get it in email, show up an LabCorp with print out, results in 4 days. Doesn't get easier.

Picked up an IGF for $75.
just sayin....

i know 55year olds and younger who have had blood clots
never using any kind of AAS.

why does everyone think this is the cause...????

I started taking it recently too. I think it's a great supplement. For those on gear, they should look into it.

How much are you taking? Are you also taking baby aspirin?

I take natto, baby aspirin and fish oil.

100mg/2000FU per day and yes, I take baby aspirin too.
just sayin....

i know 55year olds and younger who have had blood clots
never using any kind of AAS.

why does everyone think this is the cause...????


That is why I said for him to get a Factor V test. Mine has nothing to do with steroids, it is from genetics. Some people are prone to them, but without that test, you wouldn't know.

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