Do some reading on cross friction massage and myofascial massage.
You can do most of this yourself with a tennis ball and a strong thumb.
Post RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
Depending on how screwed up you are (see your sports doctor first and get an mri to see what is really wrong).
MEAT is the next thing to learn (Movement, Exercise, Analgesics and Treatments)
google dislocates - flexibility and mobility are important to your shoulders.
exercise - again depending on where you are at... completely screwed can't turn your head... "7 minute rotator cuff" achey... youtube "diesel crew shoulder rehab"
Analgesics... mmm rub a535
Treatment ART, myofascial and crossfriction massage.
myofascial... grab a tennis ball and roll on it against the wall.
cross friction... dig your thumb in the achey area and massage against the grain of the ligaments tendons.
sometimes pressure and circular massage on pain points can break up scar tissue that are sitting around nerve bundles that just "hurt" but aren't actually making you weak.
I found a good aggressive massage every 3 or 4 days gave me time to recover from the massage, reduce inflammation and get some mobility and exercise in.
In many cases if you have gotten chronic with your tendonosis it is as much because of adhesions//scarring in your tissue that has gotten "grabby" and tied your meat together. This can be even more of a pain if you have narrow ac openings or have built up shit/grit on the joint. The grit/shit can be reabsorbed if it's not too bad... Your doctor should be able to tell you how much damage you've done. Talk to him first as if you have done too much damage you may be looking at surgery to clear the ac joint or fix the tendons depending on the damage. Hopefully this is not you as tendons don't really fix.
I had to work through chronic tendonosis in both shoulders and elbows. Ongoing for several years and I finally got pissed off and decided I was going to fix myself. After about 6 months of fairly consistent self therapy I am down to mild tendonosis in 1 elbow that feels like it should be good by spring.
I am being careful with my bench and press at this point but both are stable and without pain.