Keep in mind I'm a 180lb lady who overcomplicates everything even tying my shoes as someone will chime in to point out
Goal, stay lean year round, be healthy, no desire to be huge, I'm almost 40
Best and easiest way for me is intermittent fasting and carbs cycling.
Protein 250g Ed... training days add carbs. Off days, less total calories trace carbs more fats.
Pre workout shake on training days
Protect sources steak, casien, chicken, egg whites, Greek yogurt
Carbs, fruit, veggies, rice cakes oats
Fat is from meats plus added fish oil
Cheat day happens based on the scale, lower protein a bit, lower fat, carbs
Zero time meal prepping = extra time to sleep with is what has really made a difference. 8+ hours vs a shitty 6 means more intense gym sessions