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ALL Things Diet Thread - Slin/Bulk/Cut/Recomp


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2013
Created to stop derailing other threads that lead to diet.

What have been your most effective diet protocols for different compounds, cuts, bulks, etc?

Share what has worked, questions, drug interactions, etc.

Whether it's keto, paleo, low carb, high carb, carb cycling, for what uses, and any hacks to make it sustainable long term.
I’m telling you man, you should just start a log. You’re gonna get so many people responding to this thinking their way is best and I fear you’re just going to overthink it again.
I’m telling you man, you should just start a log. You’re gonna get so many people responding to this thinking their way is best and I fear you’re just going to overthink it again.

I hear you. All opinions are welcome.

If people can just keep it to what has/hasn't worked for them and why, i think it can be productive. This isn't meant for me to figure out a diet, I've lost tons of weight in the past and been in damn good shape, but i am always open to learning different/better ways.

What I should have actually done is rename this "Tasty BB Recipes". Fuck me lol.
I hear you. All opinions are welcome.

If people can just keep it to what has/hasn't worked for them and why, i think it can be productive. This isn't meant for me to figure out a diet, I've lost tons of weight in the past and been in damn good shape, but i am always open to learning different/better ways.

What I should have actually done is rename this "Tasty BB Recipes". Fuck me lol.
It's far too broad of a subject to put in 1 thread in many ways. Diet posts should be more specific. There are probably 1000 threads on diet/nutrition on this forum. 1000's of posts on people's favourite diet approaches and diet "hacks". Loads of recipe threads and even food pic threads. To have a thread on diet as a whole in many ways it's far too much information which would become impossible to navigate on a forum set up like this.

I would recommend you starting a log and posting everything you eat in the day plus your training/drugs. People can give you feedback on your specific diet and offer ways of improving it (recipe ideas etc). You could throw out ideas and with the help of members on here come up with new ideas from what you are already doing so it's tailored to you. Listing 100 different diets in a thread would have the opposite effect and would end up confusing most. A log will also keep you accountable and will be useful for you to look back on.
Whether it's keto, paleo, low carb, high carb, carb cycling, for what uses, and any hacks to make it sustainable long term.
I’m not sure what your goals are. If you are just a gym bro looking to look good; pick whatever you can stick to consistently and do long term and be in a deficit. There is no cheat codes, no hacks. It’s just calorie deficit.
and once again I recommend cooperation with a coach, otherwise you will waste another year or two and at the very end you will decide anyway because you won't be able to cope on your own and you will analyze too much - trust me because I have been working with people for 10 years and I have cooperated with hundreds of people
You’re going to get 100 different answers here and then still be in the same position you were in when you started this thread. I’ve stated several times this game is about trial and error. YOU need to figure out what works best. Someone coming on here and saying I love Test and Deca with a keto diet and low volume training does absolutely nothing for YOU.
Tried and true...

Set a modest 350-500 cal deficit from food. Set protein and fat first, and fill the rest in with carbs. Start with as little cardio as possible.

When weight loss stalls, subtract from carbs, but prioritize carbs in the peri-workout window as long as you can.

Don't pull from protein or fat until subtracting from carbs becomes unsustainable.

Build in a carb refeed day if desired, though the physiological benefits of this have largely been exaggerated, most are just psychological...and at the end of the day just add to your weekly caloric intake, unless you are already stupid lean you can get away with no refeeds. Cheat days are irrelevant.

Continue to pull from carbs and or add cardio as needed to keep the scale trending downward. Lower training volume as needed to facilitate recovery, but always keep intensity high. this will preserve mass. LISS cardio is the best option, HIIT will eat too much into recovery. (unless time is a crucial factor) Keeping NEAT high can also aid in caloric expenditure outside of cardio.

Some will need to get into keto to get the last bit of fat off, but most won't. No drugs needed to get shredded, that said, Yohimbine HCL (dosage calculated based on BW, 0.2mg/Kg of bodyweight. So that means a 220lb bodybuilder (divided by 2.2 to get Kg) is 100Kg and would work up to a dose of 20mg of Yohimbine HCl) +200mg Caffeine + 2g L-Tyrosine + fasted cardio to get stubborn fat off. Not necessary, but extremely helpful if you can handle the sides of yohimbine.
You’re going to get 100 different answers here and then still be in the same position you were in when you started this thread. I’ve stated several times this game is about trial and error. YOU need to figure out what works best. Someone coming on here and saying I love Test and Deca with a keto diet and low volume training does absolutely nothing for YOU.

Realest thing anyone has said about this. Tbh, just mainly something to get conversation going. I cut out partying, drinking and the majority of my toxic ass old friends, so besides gym, work and watching sports this is my entertainment lol. Laugh if you will, im a recovered drug addict 6 years sober so as weak as coming to a bb forum to bounce ideas around is, i guess it's better than doing dope and chasing whores.
Realest thing anyone has said about this. Tbh, just mainly something to get conversation going. I cut out partying, drinking and the majority of my toxic ass old friends, so besides gym, work and watching sports this is my entertainment lol. Laugh if you will, im a recovered drug addict 6 years sober so as weak as coming to a bb forum to bounce ideas around is, i guess it's better than doing dope and chasing whores.
@slesh is simply trying to tell you that you are only confusing yourself and wasting your time because with such overthinking there is no way to achieve your goal - he is saying the same thing as me, but you are trying hard to avoid going to someone for coaching...

Your decision and your effects, or rather their lack and wasted time - I don't write more because there is no point
Realest thing anyone has said about this. Tbh, just mainly something to get conversation going. I cut out partying, drinking and the majority of my toxic ass old friends, so besides gym, work and watching sports this is my entertainment lol. Laugh if you will, im a recovered drug addict 6 years sober so as weak as coming to a bb forum to bounce ideas around is, i guess it's better than doing dope and chasing whores.
Agreed. @slesh means well and @luki7788 is right- especially now fully reading all your post and the above. This is an addictive sport and one that requires discipline. Competing or not.

What you will need most IMO is accountability, which I say respectfully knowing your past.

I’d hire someone like @luki7788 or @Quadlife on here. You even have Dom Cardone on here who’s one of the best in the game lately.

Starting a log will only give you too much outside influence as well IMO. You need one voice and one person you are accountable to. Then you come here to share, have a log and for the community aspect.

Just my opinion as we all want to see you succeed!
Keep in mind I'm a 180lb lady who overcomplicates everything even tying my shoes as someone will chime in to point out

Goal, stay lean year round, be healthy, no desire to be huge, I'm almost 40

Best and easiest way for me is intermittent fasting and carbs cycling.

Protein 250g Ed... training days add carbs. Off days, less total calories trace carbs more fats.

Pre workout shake on training days
Protect sources steak, casien, chicken, egg whites, Greek yogurt
Carbs, fruit, veggies, rice cakes oats
Fat is from meats plus added fish oil
Cheat day happens based on the scale, lower protein a bit, lower fat, carbs

Zero time meal prepping = extra time to sleep with is what has really made a difference. 8+ hours vs a shitty 6 means more intense gym sessions
When I posted above I thought the question was specifically about starting a cut diet either to just get lean or compete.

Are you asking these terms of bodybuilding specifically, or are you asking for sustainably in a lifestyle? A modified Keto (high fat, very low carb, high protein) is probably not the best for maximizing muscle growth but can be a great long-term sustainable lifestyle diet. A lof of folks have also found OMAD or structured eating windows to also be great for sustainability, also not great for maximizing muscle.

I would suggest to anyone whose priority is building the most muscle possible, determining protein intake and spreading protein feedings out over the course of a day in an absolute minimum of 2, but probably 3+ meals is the foundation to further build upon. As long as you are getting enough dietary fats necessary to support physiological functions, you can pretty much fuck around with your remaining calories with regard to carbs and fats that best supports your training and lifestyle.

I know some guys loved vertical diet, not sure if anyone on this board does it or does it anymore. Seemed to get really popular about 4-5 years ago
Secret of the pros....

Burn more calories than you eat!
Keep protein high and remove calories via carbohydrates and fats.
Don't go into too deep of a calorie deficit and give yourself plenty of time to burn the fat you are carrying.
Secret of the pros....

Burn more calories than you eat!
Keep protein high and remove calories via carbohydrates and fats.
Don't go into too deep of a calorie deficit and give yourself plenty of time to burn the fat you are carrying.
But what kind of food should those calories come from?
And how high should the protein be?
And how deep of a deficit?
And why plenty of time, really impatient.
How often can I have a cheat meal cause I'm gonna eat it either way 😅

Oh and I can't afford ( actually just to
cheap and don't wanna spend my money on it ) a coach at the moment.
But if you offer free advice I won't stick to it either cause you know it was free
But what kind of food should those calories come from?
And how high should the protein be?
And how deep of a deficit?
And why plenty of time, really impatient.
How often can I have a cheat meal cause I'm gonna eat it either way 😅

Oh and I can't afford ( actually just to
cheap and don't wanna spend my money on it ) a coach at the moment.
But if you offer free advice I won't stick to it either cause you know it was free
I think it’s super noble what @b-boy is doing (and he’s likely trying to prove a point).

But IMO and experience people don’t value things they don’t pay for in life.

@Love_to_Bodybuild please prove me wrong.

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