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Almond and Coconut Milk good?


May 1, 2009
My local supermarket just began to carry Coconut and Almond Milk (unsweetened). I decided to buy 1 of each and use them with my protein/LBA shakes.

They each contain like 1g carbs, 1-2g protein and 3g fat for the almond, and 5g Fat (all saturated) for the Coconut.

They also have flavored Almond Milk (sweetened or unsweetened).

I was just using these as sources of good fats, and to add some flavor to my shakes. Plus every now and then I like a glass of milk, and the almond milk has an interesting flavor, but I like it.

Are these good sources of fats (omegas from the almonds and the MCT's from the Coconut)? Or should I just stick to eating almonds and using Coconut oil?

No major benefit using one over the other. Use what you like. Just becareful using the sweetened ones, my by full of sugar. I just like eating the almonds.
My local supermarket just began to carry Coconut and Almond Milk (unsweetened). I decided to buy 1 of each and use them with my protein/LBA shakes.

They each contain like 1g carbs, 1-2g protein and 3g fat for the almond, and 5g Fat (all saturated) for the Coconut.

They also have flavored Almond Milk (sweetened or unsweetened).

I was just using these as sources of good fats, and to add some flavor to my shakes. Plus every now and then I like a glass of milk, and the almond milk has an interesting flavor, but I like it.

Are these good sources of fats (omegas from the almonds and the MCT's from the Coconut)? Or should I just stick to eating almonds and using Coconut oil?


Coconut oil is primarily composed of medium chained triglycerides which are not burned like fats. They actually fell like carbs when dieting. do a search on pubmed for MCTs. The are investigating MCTs for obesity, diabetes, etc.

A ton of evidence there to support that it is really a fat burning fat. Dont worry about the saturated fat content. saturated only means the carbon atoms of the fat chain are single bonded with hydrogen atoms attached. It is a carbon short of a typical animal saturated fat. This makes the fat function completely different.

The downside is it is not a EFA like omega-3s.
COCONUT WATER is great for rehidration. more so in the summer if you work in the heat.
Everything in the thread mentioned on coconut and MCT's is spot-on. Only one important factor has been left out:

coconut is fucking awesome.

Win-win either way. Coconut milk, coconut juice, etc. all taste fantastic.
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Since this thread is about coconut/almonds I have this 3d image for u....


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Hey bro, I happen to work construction. ANd in the Summer with the Hard Hat and Jeans in 90 pluss weather its a blast..lol.

What do you mean by Coconut Water? Thanks

exactly that. coconut water not milk for rehidration the water has electro's, in it no sugar great stuff. i actually feel much better after a couple cartons in the heat. walmart used to sell something that was called replenish that was good but they dont have anymore. so coconut water is a good replacement. i suppose you good also drink flavored pedialyte.
I used to get coconuts from whole foods that had the tops shaved off where you could just stick a straw in and drink up. Very refreshing after some hard cardio. We'd then eat the meat out of it.

I too love this stuff. Makes shakes have a great texture.
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Cocnut water is a good rehydrator , but use it in moderation , to much will give your the shits and leads to dehydration.

This has happend several time to people try to do survival test in the tropics.

the vest way to beat dehydration if working in the heat is to be hell hydrated before hand , drink your gatorade and coconut milk in the evenings when you get off work to replentish and refuel your body for the next day.

remember that their has to be a balance of sodium and potasium in the body or you can get severe cramping and other dehydration problems.
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i use coconut oil along with olive oil to get my fats in
Almond and Coconut milk are godsends for those pussies out there like myself that can't handle water with their protein supplements.

They're both very nutritious, but I don't use coconut milk anymore because I find when using more than one scoop of protein with it, the shake becomes entirely too thick. To the point where it's like protein slop. Not even drinkable. The almond milk is MUCH thinner/more watery, so the shakes come out perfect. So I go with almond milk all the way for my shakes. Blue Diamond brand, unsweetened. 40 cals, 3.5g fat, 2g carb, 1g pro.
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No major benefit using one over the other. Use what you like. Just becareful using the sweetened ones, my by full of sugar. I just like eating the almonds.

Unfortunately, this is very far from the truth.

I had to go back and erase my total rippage of your post and opted for a civil one instead.

Coc. milk has an absurd amount of benefits over almond, not that almond is bad, but almond milk tastes like sand sometimes.

I recently asked a similar question in regards to the coconut milk you are prob. referring to as far as the taste, if it was palatable.
I have since gone back to my old ways of buying a can of coconut milk, watering it down in a half gallon container, and giving it a shake b4 pour.
Costs @ 1.00 for the can @4-5.00 per half gallon when you consider the servings ( 5 grams fat carton/ 9 grams fat can)

MAJOR benefits of using coconut

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