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Almost died- pretty traumatic, posting as an outlet


Active member
Sep 1, 2008
Hi my iron friends. Long long time member but mostly a lurker. A few weeks ago my wife and kids found me unconscious without breathing in the middle of the day. The night before (and a few days before) I had been struggling with what I thought was a bad flu. It turned out that I had the flu, covid, and strep throat with bilateral pneumonia. All of those conditions(and specially the pneumonia) caused me to go into acute renal failure. When my kidneys failed, it caused my potassium levels to go to 7.1 (5 is considered lethal) and that triggered heart problems and caused me to black out and insufflate, which worsened the pneumonia and caused acute encephalopathy (brain swelling). I woke up 2 days later completely deaf, blurry eye sight, loss of control of my right arm (this was puzzling), and terrible kidney pain among other symptoms. Last thing I remember was going to be the night before. It was pretty traumatic (also traumatic for my kids who watched me get resuscitated by the emts). My primary believes that what put me over the edge was the dehydration (i was severely dehydrated, I typically drink a gallon of water a day but i was feeling so crummy that I skipped on the water). Right now it’s been 3+ weeks and I feel incredibly weak. I went in the hospital at 223lbs and left at 198lbs 2 weeks later. I’m in my late 40s so I’m no longer interested in getting big or doing anything beyond trt, but I would like to get my weight and strength back. Feel so weak though that it’s hard to eat or workout (plus I still have pneumonia).

Anyways, I just wanted to share my story because I need to let it out as it’s been pretty traumatic and hopefully for others to learn from my experience, mostly in terms of always being diligent about hydration no matter how crappy you feel. My kidney values are back to normal and lab work looks great except for wbc, platelets, and inflammation markers, which I guess it’s expected. If anyone has any suggestions I’d welcome any and all input. This is a great and supportive community and I want to wish all of you lots of health in your fitness quests. Nothing nothing can ever replace good health. Thank you for listening.
Wow you had flu covid, strep AND pneumonia!!! And you were still going. First off get better first and then you’re strength and weight will come back you’re probably depressed rn and that’s normal but you’ll bounce back brother
Hi my iron friends. Long long time member but mostly a lurker. A few weeks ago my wife and kids found me unconscious without breathing in the middle of the day. The night before (and a few days before) I had been struggling with what I thought was a bad flu. It turned out that I had the flu, covid, and strep throat with bilateral pneumonia. All of those conditions(and specially the pneumonia) caused me to go into acute renal failure. When my kidneys failed, it caused my potassium levels to go to 7.1 (5 is considered lethal) and that triggered heart problems and caused me to black out and insufflate, which worsened the pneumonia and caused acute encephalopathy (brain swelling). I woke up 2 days later completely deaf, blurry eye sight, loss of control of my right arm (this was puzzling), and terrible kidney pain among other symptoms. Last thing I remember was going to be the night before. It was pretty traumatic (also traumatic for my kids who watched me get resuscitated by the emts). My primary believes that what put me over the edge was the dehydration (i was severely dehydrated, I typically drink a gallon of water a day but i was feeling so crummy that I skipped on the water). Right now it’s been 3+ weeks and I feel incredibly weak. I went in the hospital at 223lbs and left at 198lbs 2 weeks later. I’m in my late 40s so I’m no longer interested in getting big or doing anything beyond trt, but I would like to get my weight and strength back. Feel so weak though that it’s hard to eat or workout (plus I still have pneumonia).

Anyways, I just wanted to share my story because I need to let it out as it’s been pretty traumatic and hopefully for others to learn from my experience, mostly in terms of always being diligent about hydration no matter how crappy you feel. My kidney values are back to normal and lab work looks great except for wbc, platelets, and inflammation markers, which I guess it’s expected. If anyone has any suggestions I’d welcome any and all input. This is a great and supportive community and I want to wish all of you lots of health in your fitness quests. Nothing nothing can ever replace good health. Thank you for listening.
Very glad you’re safe.

Wanted to point out though, a 5 potassium is not lethal assuming you’re talking standard millimoles per liter, higher than 6 usually will start requiring treatment and presenting serious symptoms I believe.
I feel for your family having to see their loved one basically dead. Gonna be some lingering trauma for them no doubt. Focus on you now so you can be there for your family! At least you’re still here!

During the flu season take your zinc!!!!!

I’ve seen family members have to be shocked back to life infront of me. It’s not something I wish on anyone. So sorry your family had to go through that.

Like most guys here, we will push through anything no matter how we feel. It’s a good reminder to listen to our body. I’m glad you’re on the other side.

I would load up on Astragalus and Taurine for the kidneys- grams of each daily. Then add in pureway c and Zinc Bisglyciante.

You’ll likely have spiked proteins after COVID so some Natto/serra would be ideal for that IMO.

Hang in there and happy you’re still with us!
You are tough as nails. I would have thrown in the towel long before. Much respect. Thanks for sharing. Sometimes I need a story like yours to put things in perspective for me.
BigFucker...firstly, glad you made it through. Prayers for your speedy and full recovery.

Secondly.... I won't post it again fully, as I just posted my (Very Similar) story under a recent thread where our brother in iron "BadGuy" had a serious health crisis and was in the ICU (thankfully he is now recovering at home). I will share with you that a few years ago woke up intubated in ICU with COVID, and pneumonia after being in a drug induced coma for over a week, and not remembering how i got there. Went in at 250 lbs. Left at 195 lbs and having to use a walker for a week until I could balance and locomote. When I was strong enough to get back (meaning just able to drive and walk from my car to the front door) to the gym..... benching just the bar on the smith machine felt like 315lbs free weight previous to my illness. My lungs were scarred and I would get winded doing 5 lbs dumbell curls. 8's were hard and 10's may as well have been 90's.

I don't share this to hijack your thread my friend. I share it to motivate and encourage you. It was the most humbling, emasculating, demoralizing, and discouraging experience of my life. I was a Marine. A cop. I fought competitive MMA (locally, not like big leagues or anything) until I was 49 years old. At 52 I could still squat and deadlift enough that the young guys in my gym were impressed. That COVID- pneumonia hospital stay left me feeling like a feeble very old man. I spent the majority of my life as a protector (even after the military and LE, I was a mentor and coach and leader in business), now I needed people looking after me and to remind me of which meds to take because of the brain fog the long term anaesthesia caused and needed help bathing and putting my clothes on. Full disclosure I spent many nights crying thinking I would never feel big, strong, or tough again.

However.....I made a full recovery and SO WILL YOU!

Dig deep. Abandon ego. Find the toughest bastard inside of you and tap into him. Leverage your love for family and their love for you and fight like hell to be everything they need you to be. Meditate on positive thoughts. Pray. Be patient (Slow is smooth and smooth is fast). Heal.

If you ever need to talk or vent, feel free to PM me. Happy to exchange personal emails or give you my number. We all need to stick together and I am happy to be someone you can share your trauma with.

God Bless You. Get back to who you were and plan on sticking around for a good while.
Damn the flu is one thing but strep and pneumonia both at once? You had to feel like shit. I second the astragalus reccomendations along with plenty of H20 + sleep, glad your ok
Beyond happy you are still with us man. Sincerely hope you get back to full swing quickly. Happy to hear also that you are surrounded by family right now.

Much love mate
Hi my iron friends. Long long time member but mostly a lurker. A few weeks ago my wife and kids found me unconscious without breathing in the middle of the day. The night before (and a few days before) I had been struggling with what I thought was a bad flu. It turned out that I had the flu, covid, and strep throat with bilateral pneumonia. All of those conditions(and specially the pneumonia) caused me to go into acute renal failure. When my kidneys failed, it caused my potassium levels to go to 7.1 (5 is considered lethal) and that triggered heart problems and caused me to black out and insufflate, which worsened the pneumonia and caused acute encephalopathy (brain swelling). I woke up 2 days later completely deaf, blurry eye sight, loss of control of my right arm (this was puzzling), and terrible kidney pain among other symptoms. Last thing I remember was going to be the night before. It was pretty traumatic (also traumatic for my kids who watched me get resuscitated by the emts). My primary believes that what put me over the edge was the dehydration (i was severely dehydrated, I typically drink a gallon of water a day but i was feeling so crummy that I skipped on the water). Right now it’s been 3+ weeks and I feel incredibly weak. I went in the hospital at 223lbs and left at 198lbs 2 weeks later. I’m in my late 40s so I’m no longer interested in getting big or doing anything beyond trt, but I would like to get my weight and strength back. Feel so weak though that it’s hard to eat or workout (plus I still have pneumonia).

Anyways, I just wanted to share my story because I need to let it out as it’s been pretty traumatic and hopefully for others to learn from my experience, mostly in terms of always being diligent about hydration no matter how crappy you feel. My kidney values are back to normal and lab work looks great except for wbc, platelets, and inflammation markers, which I guess it’s expected. If anyone has any suggestions I’d welcome any and all input. This is a great and supportive community and I want to wish all of you lots of health in your fitness quests. Nothing nothing can ever replace good health. Thank you for listening.
dehydration was a huge culprit for my Acute renal failure , It almost took my life also bro, I know how it goes,lost around the same amount of weight as you. hope you heal, megadose astragalus and taurine for starters, you were saved for a purpose, walk with that knowledge! be an ambassador for health and stay close your family#1
you had all that and survived.... lesson learned is your a tough SOB and it wasnt your time... god speed in your recovery.
Forum name fits you I bet.
Yep, hydration or lack of can throw off your electrolytes. A K+ of 5 is Ok, see it a lot. 7 is bad.
I'm relieved to hear you're still with us. You know, 198# is still pretty big BF and I'd bet staying
within 5+ or - of 200#, plus some daily cardio and a cleaner diet would keep you here. Just a
thought. Insufflation is not a term I see used in the hospital. I'm thinking you meant aspiration?
Aspiration pneumonia is something I see all the time unfortunately. Patients are sicker, and stay
longer in the hospital. They often need IV antibiotics and respiratory therapy txs. Has your right
arm strength returned, how about the fine motor coordination?

I don't know but have you considered this might have been a warning and a gift at the same time?
We all know there will come a day when we need to downsize and drop the extra 25-30# for
longevity. We say longevity but it's the people we suddenly realize we're responsible for/to (family,
friends) that we're doing it for. Get to work!
I’ve seen family members have to be shocked back to life infront of me. It’s not something I wish on anyone. So sorry your family had to go through that.

Like most guys here, we will push through anything no matter how we feel. It’s a good reminder to listen to our body. I’m glad you’re on the other side.

I would load up on Astragalus and Taurine for the kidneys- grams of each daily. Then add in pureway c and Zinc Bisglyciante.

You’ll likely have spiked proteins after COVID so some Natto/serra would be ideal for that IMO.

Hang in there and happy you’re still with us!
Thank you for the suggestions bro. Sorry to hear you had to witness that too. My kids are struggling with it because they’re young but hopefully with time it fades.
BigFucker...firstly, glad you made it through. Prayers for your speedy and full recovery.

Secondly.... I won't post it again fully, as I just posted my (Very Similar) story under a recent thread where our brother in iron "BadGuy" had a serious health crisis and was in the ICU (thankfully he is now recovering at home). I will share with you that a few years ago woke up intubated in ICU with COVID, and pneumonia after being in a drug induced coma for over a week, and not remembering how i got there. Went in at 250 lbs. Left at 195 lbs and having to use a walker for a week until I could balance and locomote. When I was strong enough to get back (meaning just able to drive and walk from my car to the front door) to the gym..... benching just the bar on the smith machine felt like 315lbs free weight previous to my illness. My lungs were scarred and I would get winded doing 5 lbs dumbell curls. 8's were hard and 10's may as well have been 90's.

I don't share this to hijack your thread my friend. I share it to motivate and encourage you. It was the most humbling, emasculating, demoralizing, and discouraging experience of my life. I was a Marine. A cop. I fought competitive MMA (locally, not like big leagues or anything) until I was 49 years old. At 52 I could still squat and deadlift enough that the young guys in my gym were impressed. That COVID- pneumonia hospital stay left me feeling like a feeble very old man. I spent the majority of my life as a protector (even after the military and LE, I was a mentor and coach and leader in business), now I needed people looking after me and to remind me of which meds to take because of the brain fog the long term anaesthesia caused and needed help bathing and putting my clothes on. Full disclosure I spent many nights crying thinking I would never feel big, strong, or tough again.

However.....I made a full recovery and SO WILL YOU!

Dig deep. Abandon ego. Find the toughest bastard inside of you and tap into him. Leverage your love for family and their love for you and fight like hell to be everything they need you to be. Meditate on positive thoughts. Pray. Be patient (Slow is smooth and smooth is fast). Heal.

If you ever need to talk or vent, feel free to PM me. Happy to exchange personal emails or give you my number. We all need to stick together and I am happy to be someone you can share your trauma with.

God Bless You. Get back to who you were and plan on sticking around for a good while.
Thank you very much for sharing your story. It sounds very similar to mine indeed. Thanks for the motivation brother! God bless

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