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Alternating DNP with Keto?


New member
Kilo Klub Member
May 18, 2007
so I was talking with someone very well know in my area who has his guys do 1 week cycles of dnp leading up to the show. for example: week 1: dnp, week 2: off, week 3:dnp,....ect.

heres what I was thinking:

3 day carb deplete(keto)

then days 1-7: DNP with 150 carbs/day (or go by feel if you can't handle sides)
days 8-14: KETO less than 20 carbs/day
day 15-21: DNP with 150 carbs/day
day 22-28: KETO less than 20 carbs/day

since youre basically in keto on dnp anyway you should be able to have dnp hit your system fast just like the initial 3 day carb delpete as soon as you come off the 1 week keto run.

My QUESTION is would it be even worth while to do a refeed meal OR day after the 1 week dnp run?

this goes with the question above, most important question is WHEN to do the refeed day or meal since dnp clears your system at 36 hours or so correct?

example: day #7 is a sunday evening and 10:00PM is the last dose of DNP for the week and monday is keto, tuesday is keto, ect. refeed tuesday night 10:00 PM, (48 hours after last DNP dose)???
so I was talking with someone very well know in my area who has his guys do 1 week cycles of dnp leading up to the show. for example: week 1: dnp, week 2: off, week 3:dnp,....ect.

heres what I was thinking:

3 day carb deplete(keto)

then days 1-7: DNP with 150 carbs/day (or go by feel if you can't handle sides)
days 8-14: KETO less than 20 carbs/day
day 15-21: DNP with 150 carbs/day
day 22-28: KETO less than 20 carbs/day

since youre basically in keto on dnp anyway you should be able to have dnp hit your system fast just like the initial 3 day carb delpete as soon as you come off the 1 week keto run.

My QUESTION is would it be even worth while to do a refeed meal OR day after the 1 week dnp run?

this goes with the question above, most important question is WHEN to do the refeed day or meal since dnp clears your system at 36 hours or so correct?

example: day #7 is a sunday evening and 10:00PM is the last dose of DNP for the week and monday is keto, tuesday is keto, ect. refeed tuesday night 10:00 PM, (48 hours after last DNP dose)???

Refeed will turn much inactive t4 into t3, so for the metabolism it's beneficial. But to carb up, well you wont really be holding much carbs for long on DNP.
when in the scheme of things do you think would be a good idea to carb up so dnp doesnt just burn it up?

Maybe not carb up, but add carbs to your diet therefore you won't have to. Carbing up on DNP is a waste in my opinion as you will be depleted shortly, plus even if you are not, you won't have the energy to lift very heavy. If you are worried about thyroid supression while on DNP, add 12.5 or 25mcs of T-3. Definitely add some appetite supressant as it increases hunger for many people, bad!. I've tried DNP a couple times, it has very little affect on me.
Maybe not carb up, but add carbs to your diet therefore you won't have to. Carbing up on DNP is a waste in my opinion as you will be depleted shortly, plus even if you are not, you won't have the energy to lift very heavy. If you are worried about thyroid supression while on DNP, add 12.5 or 25mcs of T-3. Definitely add some appetite supressant as it increases hunger for many people, bad!. I've tried DNP a couple times, it has very little affect on me.
I think maybe you misunderstood what I was getting at? I was thinking carbing up AFTER dnp clears your system to refill glycogen in tissue without kicking you out of ketosis for the following week to fight catabolism. or is this even possible? thyroid suppression is not a concern since supplemental t-3 is already taken care of.
why dont you add carbs in 36hrs after your last dose of dnp for the cycle...carb up for just 1 full day, use 5g creatine and some waxy maize or maltodextrin...similar to an old school animalbolics diet carb up on the weekends, but just do it for one day...
why dont you add carbs in 36hrs after your last dose of dnp for the cycle...carb up for just 1 full day, use 5g creatine and some waxy maize or maltodextrin...similar to an old school animalbolics diet carb up on the weekends, but just do it for one day...

you dont think a full day of carb refeeding will kick you out of keto? im currently running keto on dnp and feel WAY better than if I ate carbs. I couldnt control my cravings it was unbearable but all good now.
do you specifically need to be in keto? many suggest and ive seen personally the glycogen "rebound" effect when carbing up for 1 or 2 days after dnp use, especially extended dnp use
i could never understand why someone would need something as harsh and strong as dnp?

how can someone not drop fat by doing cardio, clean diet and even adding t3/clen?

srsly, were you really that fat?
i could never understand why someone would need something as harsh and strong as dnp?

how can someone not drop fat by doing cardio, clean diet and even adding t3/clen?

srsly, were you really that fat?

no, stress will do strange things to do your body bro. im 12% right now.
do you specifically need to be in keto? many suggest and ive seen personally the glycogen "rebound" effect when carbing up for 1 or 2 days after dnp use, especially extended dnp use

well, in a short answer, yes. the idea would be to cycle dnp not having to deal with not sleeping well for weeks at a time and give your body a bit of a break before going through another blast. IF (a big "IF") one was able to stay in ketosis while carbing up AS SOON as dnp clears your system and not get kicked out of ketosis, it would be a "perfect" situation since you'd still get the rebound effect/glycogen compensation without getting bumped out of ketosis and contuine to use ketones for the following week leading up to the next dnp blast.
you dont think a full day of carb refeeding will kick you out of keto? im currently running keto on dnp and feel WAY better than if I ate carbs. I couldnt control my cravings it was unbearable but all good now.

I know what you mean bro ......i would have to watch my girl eat her cheat meal and i wasnt having any......i would almost start to shake.....i was freaking out for sure.....if you can get 3-4 days out.....that should be a good start...i used some phentermine my first few days and that helped alot....:)
I know what you mean bro ......i would have to watch my girl eat her cheat meal and i wasnt having any......i would almost start to shake.....i was freaking out for sure.....if you can get 3-4 days out.....that should be a good start...i used some phentermine my first few days and that helped alot....:)

im interested in that stuff, dont know much about it but heard its GREAT for curbing cravings..hhhhhmmmmm....:D
what supplements are you taking right now?
what does your cardio consist of right now?
whats your diet look like right now?

diet is keto 2600 cals 122 fat, 16 carbs (10 is fiber) psyllium husk added as well, 336 pro. cardio is 8-10 hours/week. im 255 lbs. the only shake I do is whey iso pre workout. I have someone doing my diet by its not working and cravings were uncontrollable thats why I swithed to keto and now dnp, not dropping fast enough. I honestly think its stress related. t-3 is 100mcg/day. no clen right now but may need to throw it in there. cravings are my biggest hurdle right now.
yeah, phentermine works...its amphetamine...of course it will work to curb appetite. if your willing to go that far, its honestly too much. whats next adderall? cocaine? people talk of dnp being harsh. depends on dosage. guys running 200-300mg/daily for 28 days will say its not. guys doing blast cycles of 600mg will. do you have personal experience to say its so bad?

if youre adding t3 in to that cycle, get ready for thyroid dropout etc depending on your dose, then youre going to get lethargic etc if those levels drop as well...theres no easy way around this...dnp would be great at a low dose for extended time with low intensity cardio and heavy weights...personally if you have to take 1 pill for this, another pill to counteract that and this, i hope this is your career or a big part of it, otherwise i dont see the point...

yeah, phentermine works...its amphetamine...of course it will work to curb appetite. if your willing to go that far, its honestly too much. whats next adderall? cocaine? people talk of dnp being harsh. depends on dosage. guys running 200-300mg/daily for 28 days will say its not. guys doing blast cycles of 600mg will. do you have personal experience to say its so bad?

if youre adding t3 in to that cycle, get ready for thyroid dropout etc depending on your dose, then youre going to get lethargic etc if those levels drop as well...theres no easy way around this...dnp would be great at a low dose for extended time with low intensity cardio and heavy weights...personally if you have to take 1 pill for this, another pill to counteract that and this, i hope this is your career or a big part of it, otherwise i dont see the point...

I agree........good advice. I know MANY guys on DNP........MANY.....very effective and at low dosage ( 100-200) not harsh at all.

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