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Am i in too deep with my diet?


Sep 20, 2007
Hi everyone...

I am a serious trainer...my dedication and committment is very high...i train 4-5 times per week balls to the wall.

The problem is i seem to eat clean all of the time and never have a cheat day or a cheat meal. I crave so much stuff but i tend not to have it simply because i dont...thing is it seems to be having an effect on my relationship...we dont go out to eat...dont even have a bit of ice cream when we are watching a film at the weekend...and etc...

I think the last time i had something 'not clean' was around 20 weeks ago when i had a Chinese one Saturday night...since then i have been dieting to bring my bodyfat levels down to bring out definition more and i havent strayed from the diet and have progressed very well.

However...am i in too deep...im not an elite sportsman...i train for fun and vanity...i am not doing any competitions...i appreciate that being dedicated to training and my diet is great...but have i gone too far...

I thought about this today and just thought even if i was to have a cheat day once every 2 weeks is this likely to do damage to my physique when you look at it as in i have 24 cheat days per year...doesn't sound all that bad when you think of it like that.

Any input i welcome and i am new to the forum so hello tall of you you members... thank you guys.
Have a cheat meal dude! Once or twice a week aint gonna hurt u at all. Its most likely gonna help!
Sounds like a non issue.

Do what you do - Let her do what she does
Hi everyone...


..i train for fun and vanity...i am not doing any competitions.. .
I don't get it..You train for fun yet take nutrition so seriously that you are fucking up your relationship. What's wrong with you? Do you really think that a cheat meal once a week is the end of the world. It might just be if your in love and you lose your girl~!
I think cheat meals are good to throw in there. Keeps the body from getting used to the same ol same ol. Just my opinion.

If not competing, I say go for it!! Take your girl out tonight. Suprize her with a good meal, just don't stuff yourself so much you can't perform later!!:p
A cheat meal will do you the world of good. That good is in regards to results, freedom, relationship, mentality etc etc. Your looking at it all wrong... plus your not even making money (career) from your physique so don't ruin your relationship over it.

It's great you are dedicated but what you don't understand is a cheat meal (even day) will be good for your results. It keeps your metabolism high and keeps your body guessing. You need to change your complete outlook... be dedicated but use cheat meals like treats. Don't feel guilty over it.

Enjoy life and have some freedom otherwise you will look back and realize you spolit many things/experiences cos of your excessive behaviour.
I really never understood this, if you're not gonna compete or want to get to be a pro or something, why kill yourself and be so anal with diet?! I see this everywhere on so many boards; people weighing their food, need super lean cut meats, junk food once every 2 months, and they don't even compete or want to have some crazy top physique. I think a lot of people need to stop just liking/loving bodybuilding and start enjoying it. I LOVE and enjoy the fact that because of my exercising and extra muscle mass I can get away with eating a bunch of junk food!
In your case, if you have one "regular" meal out of 10 you'll never see the difference. Dont go extreme on either side of being strict or lazy. A good physique takes years to build.

The stress your putting on your diet is effecting not only your relationships but also your gains. Stress loves to eat muscle and store fat.
my thoughts exactly bro... I take my girlfriend out to eat at least twice a week, it wont kill you.. ... dont ruin your relationship dude...

Have a cheat meal dude! Once or twice a week aint gonna hurt u at all. Its most likely gonna help!
right now......i'm having a cheat meal once a day!!!

If you want to grow you have to get calories in. Clean food is great and should be the staple of your diet but it isn't very calorie dense. Junk food is calorie dense and the extra calories will help you grow faster. I am around 255lbs at 13-15% ATM and can get away with eating quite a bit of non-typical diet food.

Personally I eat 5-6 clean meals per day and have whatever I like for my evening meal (5-6pm). I do this for variety and also this is the meal I eat with my girl: most nights I will cook something, but 1-3 times per week we eat out or get a take out.

I also eat whatever I like on one day of the weekend depending on what I am doing. I know I am fortunate to be able to do this and not get too fat, but come competition time I put the extra work in so it evens out I suppose. I do a little CV 4-5 days per week and am normally on some sort of thermo and/or gear, which helps.
Bro...this is all about balance. Balance in all areas of your life. I admire your passion but you have become obsessed with it. So much so to the point of annoying those close to you. If you are prepping for a show then by all means, balls to the walls all the way. But in life and not contest training you need to alllow for relaxation. This means relaxation of dogmatic eating practices. You are doing yourself a dis-service by torturing not only your self but others close to you. Will you really get all soft and gooey from one meal a week of what it is you crave..............I think not!!!! Will this at least be a happy compromise between you and your loved one? I think so. Find a happy middle ground on this one or it will ruin you!!!
This thread kind of reminds me of why I am doing intermittent fasting atm. When I eat which is over an 8 hr. window, I have pretty much whatever I want. It is not pschologically sane to forever limit yourself.
What does your diet look like that you don't need or can't have a cheat meal a week ?
Hi everyone...

I am a serious trainer...my dedication and committment is very high...i train 4-5 times per week balls to the wall.

The problem is i seem to eat clean all of the time and never have a cheat day or a cheat meal. I crave so much stuff but i tend not to have it simply because i dont...thing is it seems to be having an effect on my relationship...we dont go out to eat...dont even have a bit of ice cream when we are watching a film at the weekend...and etc...

I think the last time i had something 'not clean' was around 20 weeks ago when i had a Chinese one Saturday night...since then i have been dieting to bring my bodyfat levels down to bring out definition more and i havent strayed from the diet and have progressed very well.

However...am i in too deep...im not an elite sportsman...i train for fun and vanity...i am not doing any competitions...i appreciate that being dedicated to training and my diet is great...but have i gone too far...

I thought about this today and just thought even if i was to have a cheat day once every 2 weeks is this likely to do damage to my physique when you look at it as in i have 24 cheat days per year...doesn't sound all that bad when you think of it like that.

Any input i welcome and i am new to the forum so hello tall of you you members... thank you guys.

When I was younger I did the SAME thing.I was in college and working and All I did was train,study and work.

I realized even though I was productive and working toward some goals I had no real life.The things in life you will look back on and fondly remember are good times and meaningful relationships so don't lose out on those experiences.You will eventually burn out if you continue this extreme regimine of constantly fighting cravings and depriving yourself .You can have both trust me.

I know this is the second board you have posted this one. How many more??

So F'n what?!?!? many people are members of a few boards and want lots of feedback and opinions.I can't believe someone takes the time to respond just to be an ass.
Marks for passion and persistence!

But you are on the edge of having a problem.
If you were a female people would label you with an eating disorder.

Many competitors are very strict only during precontest, but even then they can't wait to go get some ice-cream after the show!

Man I thought I was lucky to have a girl who put up with my ass 20 precontest weeks a year. I don't think many could do it year round.
Thank you for the replies...yes it was the second forum i put it on...i wanted loads of advice and differing opinions/view points...i need to hear this stuff at the moment what you guys are saying...so i dont think that is a problem...like the guy said above...if that is a problem then maybe refrain from posting on the topic if it bothers you and let people on the forum give me advice...which they have...which i am very grateful for and i appreciate.

Thank you all for your extremely nice replies...you have all been very helpful and i know what i need to do...i need to relax more and just enjoy some food a bit more and as long as ~90% of my diet is nailed...then the 10% shouldnt matter as much...right?!

My girlfriend is a Saint...she never moans or gets annoyed because we dont go out...but i know that really she would love it if i surprised her with a nice meal that i wouldnt normally eat...or we had some ice cream when we were out somewhere together.

Who is Phil out of interest?! someone mentioned Phil that he does diets or something?1

Thank u again for your kinds replies...just what i needed to hear.
Thank you for the replies...yes it was the second forum i put it on...i wanted loads of advice and differing opinions/view points...i need to hear this stuff at the moment what you guys are saying...so i dont think that is a problem...like the guy said above...if that is a problem then maybe refrain from posting on the topic if it bothers you and let people on the forum give me advice...which they have...which i am very grateful for and i appreciate.

Thank you all for your extremely nice replies...you have all been very helpful and i know what i need to do...i need to relax more and just enjoy some food a bit more and as long as ~90% of my diet is nailed...then the 10% shouldnt matter as much...right?!

My girlfriend is a Saint...she never moans or gets annoyed because we dont go out...but i know that really she would love it if i surprised her with a nice meal that i wouldnt normally eat...or we had some ice cream when we were out somewhere together.

Who is Phil out of interest?! someone mentioned Phil that he does diets or something?1

Thank u again for your kinds replies...just what i needed to hear.

Phil Hernon.... He will teach you the Jedi ways

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