here it goes. Last week while over at LATS house I caught his 2 daughters after they had just taken a bath. needless to say the 2 were naked(hey, they are kids of LATS)! Anyway, the youngest one is getting ready to get her diaper put on when LATS, with his sick fu%cking mind, says the unthinkable. he says, and i quote..."would you look at the meat curtains on that girl!?
i could drop something on the floor and she could squat down and pick it up with those!"
It's funny b/c you think I would be used to it by now but I am not! there is this baby girl with a smile on her face and daddy with that smirk that only he has on his face! LATS, if the girls play music anymore, don't calmly say, "girls, wanna put your thongs on now and dance for him(me)"
What is a man to do?