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Another story about bally total fitness


IFBB PRO / Kilo Klub Member
Jan 12, 2008
So, I don't really know who out in the corporate world of Bally's is really out there to listen to my rant, so i figured, I might as well share my experience with all the members here, and maybe, just maybe dissuade someone from going there.

My old training partner and I lost contact over many years ago due to a misunderstanding. Recently he shows up my house one day I was not there and speaks to my wife about how he wants to reconnect and we should train again.

We decide to meet at bally's where he trains, and he gets me a 7 day pass. He tells me the GM is his buddy and we should be fine to train, bs, and catch up.
I walk in, and sit in the lobby as he wasn't there yet. A girl looks over with a half of smile and leaves me alone until he is walking up, mind you that she doesn't know he is coming to the door, just timing. She asks if I need help, and I responded no I was meeting someone and he was here. He hands me the guest pass, and before I even say hello, Mister tough guy Gm walks out and says, yes you need help. She'll do it for you. She takes my licence, and directs me to a kiosk computer to register. The touch screen on the computer is really less then adequate, so I am having trouble logging in. I ask ALPHA male to help. He tells me to wait and he will be with me when he is free???
While this is going on the girl asks me if I am going to join today
I said "Do I have to answer that now"?
She says "yes"
I then asked "How do I know if I am going to join, I haven't even gone up the stairs or into the locker room to change my shoes. How do I know if I want to sign up right now?"
Her response was "You should know before you walk in the door, whether or not you are going to join."
This kind of talk went back and forth because I could not even get a tour, and had to come up with the credit card to walk in.
The Gm then chimes in that if I don't like it I can leave his club, followed by the girl saying she has the authority to have me leave as well.
He says he heard the whole thing and I was impeding her form doing her job.
I apologized emphatically that it was not my intent to disrupt her work day, and would be happy to continue with whatever they had in store for a potential new member.

All the while I am thinking, shit I at least want to get in here for a little while, so I can train and reconnect with my friend, so I had no attitude at all, fearing this training session wasn't going to happen.

The girl I guess trying to show her authority, after I apologized like 4 times, says get out my club.

I then asked for my licence back, and responded that maybe I would talk to someone above her and let them know how I was treated and that I could not use my seven day pass for seven minutes, because I couldn't even get past the door.

She replied "Go have good time"

I called the corporate office in the car on the way out, just to see if I could let someone know about what just happened, and it didn't get any better.

The regional guy said he was mad that this situation happened, and he was there all day yesterday, and wished it had happened then. He went on to say

:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :naughty::naughty:

I can read between the lines to understand what that meant, but I was on the phone with him. I don't know how he was able to see what ethnicity I was, or what city I lived in since I told him nothing of the sort, and if he wanted to go to the club level, since they go the info from my driver's licence, he could get it there.

I don't really know what I experienced there, b/c after some thinking about it, I don't really know what it was. I have come up with all the classifications for this type of treatment, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions, so I am leaving alone for what it was.
I hope that someone will read this and maybe think twice before giving a company like this any of there hard earned money. There are gyms all over the place, and I am sure there is one better then Bally's. Mine is.
It doesn't do me any good with the training with my buddy, as that experience was taken away that day, but i think we can go somewhere else without this trash.

Sorry for the long post. A Lot to say
Wow. There is some bullshit going on at the big name corporate gyms. I belong the two gyms, la fitness (2 minutes from my house) and lifetime fitness (15 minutes from my house). Lifetime is a much better gym but due to time constraints I find myself training at la fitness most of the time. That is about to end. I am ready to cancel la because they treat their members like shit and I and tired of it. Too bad the shitty gym has to be the closest one to me.
Sounds really bad. You did the right thing calling the office but it sounds like your complaint was not the first and that he was aware of the issue. I guess maybe they are having problems getting good people to staff it because of the location? Just be glad that you dont have to workout there and that it was just a visit. I cannot imagine having to lift somewhere like that if it were all you had to use.
I admire your calmness in a situation like that. I dont know if I could have done the same... I cannot tolerate completely unprovoked disrespect. Especially if you tried to be the adult and make things right.

But what can you do short of flying off the handle and getting arrested? Seems the people that treat others like shit get treated the same way. Odds are they deserve it too (those ballys workers).
I didn't know I could tolerate it either, until I was thrust into it. I was tempted to do and say so many things.
wow man that is really messed up. the rudeness of that girl. you really should pursue this issue with corporate, if only to get a message to that girl. maybe she will be reprimanded or even fired if you pursue it. let her know that in the grand scheme of society she occupies the bottom, and is completely useless and without function. perhaps this is why she acts out with her menial granted authority
Bally's is a joke, well at least the one i joined years ago. i lasted a month before i said see ya.
Ive never been to one but thought they folded years ago.
Another reason if you can,,to build your own home gym.

exactly! gym at home would be sweet. the bally's i'm talking about is no longer open so your probably right
One of the VERY FEW things i like about my country is the gyms around here :)... i swear if i was in the states, i'd go crazy with all this LA fitness, bally, planet fitness crap... LOL
gym membership here? $300 per year (this includes personal trainers that provide diet and exercise programs, and have to spot you all the time)... the gym i go to is the company gym and it's free.
the 'big guys' in the gym usually come at the same time (5-6 pm) we joke around (loud), throw weights, yell, scream... the guys on the treadmills don't like it :)... one of them once went to the gym supervisor and complained that we were making so much noise and that this is "uncivilized" behaviour. bu fahad (one of the big guys in the gym, i put his pic in one of my gym pic threads) overheard him talking to supervisor and came running to us on the other side of the gym and told us what happened... we went marching to the supervisor and asked "what the hell did that guy say?"... the supervisor (french canadian guy) mumbled something in french and then said "he tinks gym is lebrareeeh... everyone shud be qwayeeet!!!" then mumbles something in french... i told him i'll handle it... do you know his name?... he looked at the sign in sheet and gave me his name... (confidentiality is non existent in this country if you're wondering... LOL)
i wrote an email to the general manager of the recreation facilities in our company telling him the guy insulted us by calling us uncivilized because we threw around weights and were loud. i told him this was a gym not a library (got that from frenchy! LOL!) and told him that we are serious competitive bodybuilders and if the company that promotes health and wellbeing does not condone our actions, then i guess it's just for show...
he replied to me immediately and called me saying he's sorry for the inconvenience and it will never happen again... never saw the guy in the gym who complained again.... LOL

it's the exact opposite here... they respect bodybuilders (especially if those bodybuilders have a college education)

in the states... from i see and hear... they mostly support obese lazy individuals and support all the diseases that come with... plus they are against looking good or being healthy (not talking just gyms... but in general)
Bally's is still in business? I thought they were in financial troubles about 4 years ago.

I would have walked out and said I wouldn't belong to a gym that welcomed me that way....and I would have said it loud enough so everyone within earshot would hear me. Then I would have written the BBB, my States Attorney general and filed a complaint.... then a TV station that did consumer complaint investigations.
One of the VERY FEW things i like about my country is the gyms around here :)... i swear if i was in the states, i'd go crazy with all this LA fitness, bally, planet fitness crap... LOL
gym membership here? $300 per year (this includes personal trainers that provide diet and exercise programs, and have to spot you all the time)... the gym i go to is the company gym and it's free.
the 'big guys' in the gym usually come at the same time (5-6 pm) we joke around (loud), throw weights, yell, scream... the guys on the treadmills don't like it :)... one of them once went to the gym supervisor and complained that we were making so much noise and that this is "uncivilized" behaviour. bu fahad (one of the big guys in the gym, i put his pic in one of my gym pic threads) overheard him talking to supervisor and came running to us on the other side of the gym and told us what happened... we went marching to the supervisor and asked "what the hell did that guy say?"... the supervisor (french canadian guy) mumbled something in french and then said "he tinks gym is lebrareeeh... everyone shud be qwayeeet!!!" then mumbles something in french... i told him i'll handle it... do you know his name?... he looked at the sign in sheet and gave me his name... (confidentiality is non existent in this country if you're wondering... LOL)
i wrote an email to the general manager of the recreation facilities in our company telling him the guy insulted us by calling us uncivilized because we threw around weights and were loud. i told him this was a gym not a library (got that from frenchy! LOL!) and told him that we are serious competitive bodybuilders and if the company that promotes health and wellbeing does not condone our actions, then i guess it's just for show...
he replied to me immediately and called me saying he's sorry for the inconvenience and it will never happen again... never saw the guy in the gym who complained again.... LOL

it's the exact opposite here... they respect bodybuilders (especially if those bodybuilders have a college education)

in the states... from i see and hear... they mostly support obese lazy individuals and support all the diseases that come with... plus they are against looking good or being healthy (not talking just gyms... but in general)

You are 100% correct Buselmo. If you go to the gym, hit the weights hard, watch your diet, you are viewed to be weird or conceited. Wanting to be healthy and look good is sadly frowned upon
i might be the only one here with a positive experience at Bally's.

i travel for work so wherever i am i get a week's membership at the local gym.

2 months ago, St. Louis, MO. i google local gyms. Gold's gym, sweet i think to myself. go into there, speak with the guy at the counter and explain i'm in town for a week and need a membership during that time, $55.00 fucking dollars, thinking he might have heard me say a months membership i repeat myself, he again tells me $55.00 after explaining to him that whoever came up with that figure was/is high i thank him for his time and leave.

back to the car and plug into the GPS "gyms", BOOM right across the street is a Ballys knowing the reputation ballys has in Chicago where i'm from i already expect to be ass raped on the price when i walk in, but, what the hell, lets see.

explaine to the girl behind the counter, do not tell her about golds experience and she says..."well it's $30.00 a month so how about $10.00 for the week?"

my responce...."sold"

was not what i was expecting. my point being maybe it's not the gym allways, maybe it's the location.

i belong to a gym that has several locations in Chicago and depending on which one i go to the atmosphere changes, sometimes quite a bit.
One of the VERY FEW things i like about my country is the gyms around here :)... i swear if i was in the states, i'd go crazy with all this LA fitness, bally, planet fitness crap... LOL
gym membership here? $300 per year (this includes personal trainers that provide diet and exercise programs, and have to spot you all the time)... the gym i go to is the company gym and it's free.
the 'big guys' in the gym usually come at the same time (5-6 pm) we joke around (loud), throw weights, yell, scream... the guys on the treadmills don't like it :)... one of them once went to the gym supervisor and complained that we were making so much noise and that this is "uncivilized" behaviour. bu fahad (one of the big guys in the gym, i put his pic in one of my gym pic threads) overheard him talking to supervisor and came running to us on the other side of the gym and told us what happened... we went marching to the supervisor and asked "what the hell did that guy say?"... the supervisor (french canadian guy) mumbled something in french and then said "he tinks gym is lebrareeeh... everyone shud be qwayeeet!!!" then mumbles something in french... i told him i'll handle it... do you know his name?... he looked at the sign in sheet and gave me his name... (confidentiality is non existent in this country if you're wondering... LOL)
i wrote an email to the general manager of the recreation facilities in our company telling him the guy insulted us by calling us uncivilized because we threw around weights and were loud. i told him this was a gym not a library (got that from frenchy! LOL!) and told him that we are serious competitive bodybuilders and if the company that promotes health and wellbeing does not condone our actions, then i guess it's just for show...
he replied to me immediately and called me saying he's sorry for the inconvenience and it will never happen again... never saw the guy in the gym who complained again.... LOL

it's the exact opposite here... they respect bodybuilders (especially if those bodybuilders have a college education)

in the states... from i see and hear... they mostly support obese lazy individuals and support all the diseases that come with... plus they are against looking good or being healthy (not talking just gyms... but in general)

wow thats a great story bro. the last part you said is 100% correct about the US. here people cater to the weak and sick. if you are a physical specimen you are seen as threatening because you make other people feel insecure merely by existing. of course instead of looking up to people like this as a role model, they are removed because they make other people feel uncomfortable. we call these people pussies
wow thats a great story bro. the last part you said is 100% correct about the US. here people cater to the weak and sick. if you are a physical specimen you are seen as threatening because you make other people feel insecure merely by existing. of course instead of looking up to people like this as a role model, they are removed because they make other people feel uncomfortable. we call these people pussies

First bolded part, 100% correct. In the United States, we promote mediocrity and just plain average. Don't do anything to stand out, or you will be bastardized.

Second part, ROFLMAO!!!!! Couldn't say it any better.
Appreciate the thinking I might be a Physical specimen.
My wife told me the same thing. I walk in, GM is the bad ass there, didn't like another alpha male in his house, someone physically more dominant then he is, so he threw his weight around.
I of course would never admit to this, as I try and be very humble about everything except maybe my kids, but I guess this could be a reality.
I told her she was crazy, but now she is giving me the I told you so bit since somebody else says the same.
Oh well, I guess I can believe it, and gleam with pride for a day
"Women" with attitudes and behavior like the woman the OP describes at Ballys are a major problem in the USA. These sort of women disgust me and I would have no problem knocking one such woman out if nobody was looking, and I was sure I could get away with it.
ballys member here actaully due becuase i got a premier membership form the family a long time ago, but i checked out la and future just for a possibility and was kinda disssopointed in the 2 sales guys at both of these places trying to get me to sign up, i i have found that some gyms will say and lie about anything to get you to sign, la guy said they had like 200 channel cable but only had basic like 20 channles, future guy blew my mind when he said they were part of anohter facilty included that had a fottball arena, lied about the dumbells, hours, extra services, and he got kinda mad at the end when i didnt join
wow thats a great story bro. the last part you said is 100% correct about the US. here people cater to the weak and sick. if you are a physical specimen you are seen as threatening because you make other people feel insecure merely by existing. of course instead of looking up to people like this as a role model, they are removed because they make other people feel uncomfortable. we call these people pussies


America is fucking awful, I can't wait to get the hell out of here and move to some frozen tundra wasteland in Siberia.
in the states... from i see and hear... they mostly support obese lazy individuals and support all the diseases that come with... plus they are against looking good or being healthy (not talking just gyms... but in general)

couldn't be anymore right about that...that's exactly how it is where i come from anyways

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