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Answer for the PMs regarding Adrinol problems

emeric delczeg

IFBB PRO / Verified Customer
Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Dec 22, 2007
Ufofortunately,are body normal functions have been distruped by various types of stresses. In our current high-stress culture the body`s stress response is activated so often that body doesn`t always have a chance to return to normal, resulting in a state of chronic stress.

Higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream have been shown to have negative effects. Althrough stress isn`t the only reason that cortisol is secreted in the bloodstrem. Anyone who trains hard may not consistently eat well enough to make those workouts pay maximum dividends.
Cortisol it has been termed the stress hormone because its also secreted in hiher levels during the body`s Fight or flight response to stress.

The answer for those with cortisol problem is adaptogenic. Adaptogens are substances that help the body respond and adapt to stress. They normalize bodily functions that have been distrupted by verious type of stresses. Weight training is one such stress. Other than the brain,the most important target organ for adaptogens are the adrenal glands, because of all the hormones they produce and because of the overriding influence on metabolism and so many other aspects of physical and mental functions. That`s one reason you have to be smart when using thermogenics, stimulants, prohormones- they also affect the adrenal glands. These glands are too critical to push all the time If you deplet tham, the resulting mental irritation, loss of muscle, rgression of strenght and loss of sleep and can take a long time to recoup.
If you can normalize adrenal hormone output, virtually all physiological functions improve from sex and sleep to immune response. For bodybuilding purposes,normalizing adrenal output can increase the potentional for fat loss and muscle growth.

I use Humanofort to help the body to regulate my adrenal functions. Humanofort is a adaptogenic extract containing oligopeptides(short chains of amino acids) naturally occoring growth factors that influence, directly or indirectly, virtually every major biocemical pathway in the body, enhancing the immune system in the process. This is important since nourishing the immune system is crucial to bodybuilders serious about getting huge, rather than sick, frustrated, irritable and even skinnier.

I hope this is helpfull.
How much of this would you take each day?

I think you could take ten bottles a day and the IGF and other peptides it claims to contain will just turn to mulch in your digestive tract.

I'd be interested in knowing how this stuff claims to be able survive a HCL bath.
How much of this would you take each day?


If you train hard 300 mg per day, for non training people 200 mg per day.
If you would like to take more then 300 mg per day, no problem, Humanofort has no side effect.
I think you could take ten bottles a day and the IGF and other peptides it claims to contain will just turn to mulch in your digestive tract.

I'd be interested in knowing how this stuff claims to be able survive a HCL bath.

it did something for me unexpected, i was taking it to lower cortisol like emeric said and i am not sure if its doing this lol but what i noticed is it does work like a pain killer. i am boatloading the stuff but i do have some anxiety issues. emeric said it was okay to take 10 a day so i do, sometimes even a few more, this are evenly spaced out through the day . i also play baseball competitively , what i noticed is it take away my elbow pain .i have scar tissue and tendinitis and my elbow and my arm is bouncing back much quicker and pain actually goes away just like if you took advil. this was totally unexpected. i am not really sure if it works for what i originally took it for though
I think you could take ten bottles a day and the IGF and other peptides it claims to contain will just turn to mulch in your digestive tract.

I'd be interested in knowing how this stuff claims to be able survive a HCL bath.

The oligopeptides in the Humaofort are cytopotective peptides fraction(SECO) based on heterologous peptides extractions. These oligopeptides have low molecular wight less than 8000 daltons, are non-immunogenic and are able to cross the gastro-intestinal membrane. More ,these ologopeptides as orally introduced in the body are acting as growth factors(type G), as well as binding proteins (discoverd in 1998).

Humanofort should not to be confused with growt hormones.
it did something for me unexpected, i was taking it to lower cortisol like emeric said and i am not sure if its doing this lol but what i noticed is it does work like a pain killer. i am boatloading the stuff but i do have some anxiety issues. emeric said it was okay to take 10 a day so i do, sometimes even a few more, this are evenly spaced out through the day . i also play baseball competitively , what i noticed is it take away my elbow pain .i have scar tissue and tendinitis and my elbow and my arm is bouncing back much quicker and pain actually goes away just like if you took advil. this was totally unexpected. i am not really sure if it works for what i originally took it for though

One of the growth factor in the Humanofort is CTGF (Conective Tissue Growth Factor) Growth Facotor that promote collagen accumulation in the body. This helps rejuvenate ligaments and alleviate joint pains.

Go to www.petequinox.com to see the results on Dogs. Dogs have no placibo effects , and Dog don`t lie.

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