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Anvanced users of nootropics

Kratom really works for me as well, Ive used ADD meds, Adipex, ECA stacks, DMMA, Nootopics...you name it and Kratom makes me feel the best and there is no crash or jittery edgy feeling. Just don't take too much of it.

Was taking Adderall before I joined the Corps in 01, then started taking it again when I got out and stateside in 09. I am prescribed to it for ADD (Not ADHD) so I have to take it to work efficiently but I only take it during the week so I don't feel like a tweeker hanging out with my wife and son on weekends. Only problem is I hate the speedy/jittery feeling amphetamines give me. I've tried the alternatives (concerta, add xr, etc) but none were as efficient as regular Adderall. So I just deal with it the best I can. Never really tried any other supps besides what my dr prescribed for me.

With stims like adderall, take "drug holidays." Prevents withdrawal and rebound syndromes. Likewise, you won't have the emotional breakdowns marked by mood lability, anger, fatigue, and depression. Teaches your body and brain to be ok without the med at times (even if highly unexpected). people commonly get it for "adhd" which is so easy to feign but it helps nonetheless.
Hey guys I'm looking for something to give me more mental alertness , focus ,memory etc. Someone has mentioned looking into nootropics. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thx in advance!

Freak1976, your inbox is full. Here is my reply.
That's perfect!
I wanted you to start too low because I made 5 friends puke by starting them too high, and I don't want that to ever happen again.
Some guys can handle the effects of the opiate receptor. Others puke.
My dose is a heaping tablespoon but I have been on Kratom for 1 1/2 years.
Keep playing with it. You'll feel it. If not I'll send you more on me.

Freak1976 said:
Tried level tsp. Nothing. Gonna try heaping one Tom. Kyp!
Freak1976, your inbox is full. Here is my reply.
That's perfect!
I wanted you to start too low because I made 5 friends puke by starting them too high, and I don't want that to ever happen again.
Some guys can handle the effects of the opiate receptor. Others puke.
My dose is a heaping tablespoon but I have been on Kratom for 1 1/2 years.
Keep playing with it. You'll feel it. If not I'll send you more on me.

Debating ordering. What do you recommend ordering for a first time user who's interested in mental alertness and memory? There are a handful of meng da blends confused on which one I should be ordering

And considering this is a opiate is there not some reason for concern using this stuff??
And that is ?????

Are you familiar with piracetam? It was the first of the racetams created, its a nootropic. Phenylpiracetam is piracetam with the addition of a phenyl group to its structure. I guarantee that a good dose of phenylpiracetam will give you EXACTLY what you're looking for. Anyone who says otherwise simply hasnt tried it (or hasnt tried real phenyl).
Kratom man, It's def good stuff. I haven't bought any since Queefer passed (RIP) but it was always a nice little pick me up that was super mellow and I just knew I had shit to get done and I did it. Joe Rogan put out a product called Onnit and I enjoyed that as well it gave some nice focus.
Crl 40-940 flomodafinil. Google it. Works great for awakefulness but can include some tremulous hands and anxiety. Find your dose and enjoy. The 941 isn't nearly as effective. It's essentially bisflouro analog of provigil. Works fast for me every morning.

Overman where do you find that stuff?
Freak1976, your inbox is full. Here is my reply.
That's perfect!
I wanted you to start too low because I made 5 friends puke by starting them too high, and I don't want that to ever happen again.
Some guys can handle the effects of the opiate receptor. Others puke.
My dose is a heaping tablespoon but I have been on Kratom for 1 1/2 years.
Keep playing with it. You'll feel it. If not I'll send you more on me.

JJ I have wanted to try kratom as an alternative to modanafil. Everytime I research it seem to run into horror stories about liver issues? Any knowledge about that?
JJ I have wanted to try kratom as an alternative to modanafil. Everytime I research it seem to run into horror stories about liver issues? Any knowledge about that?

**broken link removed**

That is such a good read. To me Kratom is a life saver. It has allowed me to get away from all pain medications that I once took. Kratom takes care of my pain, anxiety and it doesn't leave me feeling shitty.
Modafinil has a lot of hype but it never did anything for me.

Kratom does work but be very careful as no matter what you hear to the contrary, this stuff IS addictive. Take breaks and avoid extracts/tinctures.

Overman- you mentioned adderrall catching up to people over time as you've seen in the ER. What did you mean? What type of damage have you seen? I'm guessing heart but what type of damage specifically? Curious..

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Nootropics always struck me as snake oil LOL. I'd go with Kratom for sure.

I had a Friend recently try some Kratom tea I made and guy was feeling like he was on the moon lol. He was very social and happy, it all ended when he vomited cuz I gave him too much. Definitely start low to access your tolerances. I used to vomit from any dose, now I can take multiple tsps back to back no issues.
Try 100 mg caffeine and 30 mg of noopept. Very nice combo and lasts a couple of hours.
My favorite stack I just got done capping is 100 mg caffeine, 250 mg phenibut, 12.5 mg tianeptine and 30 mg noopept. Happy days.
Modafinil has a lot of hype but it never did anything for me.

Kratom does work but be very careful as no matter what you hear to the contrary, this stuff IS addictive. Take breaks and avoid extracts/tinctures.

Overman- you mentioned adderrall catching up to people over time as you've seen in the ER. What did you mean? What type of damage have you seen? I'm guessing heart but what type of damage specifically? Curious..

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Im not overman, but can confirm of a few girls who recently (1-2 yrs ago) suffered strokes from abusing adderrall, and they were in like 8th or 9th grade, pretty disturbing and makes me very cautious about touching it myself

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I have heard of some of the modafinil variants on reddit. Vendors are mentioned, although I'd be interested in hearing from overman as well.

I have something to add. I personally do not respond well to noopept, so I have a few grams that have just been sitting in the cabinet.

Every morning I give my wife a capsule with caffeine and theanine, but for the last 5 days I put a little scoop of noopept into her capsule without saying anything. I told her this morning, and she said she had noticed being calm and focused at work. And for my wife to be focused... Well, that's saying a LOT.
Paulo, please clear your inbox. Thank you

JJ Put me on to the kratom powders and it has changed my life. He has guided me on do's n dont's and he has been spot on!!!
Tried Kratom and didn't like the feeling one bit. Feels too pill-like for me if that makes sense. You can clearly tell its derived or similar to opiates. I've done some stuff in my day and this does not have a "clean feeling" to it. Take it for what it's worth cuz I know it's pushed a lot on this forum for obvious reasons. I recommend only getting a small sample and trying if your interested

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