IP source....the guy on here? has anyone used him recently or can give recent feedback on his service? I couldnt find an official sponsor thread for him
I used to use IP injectables quite a few years back but it had alot of floating things in it back then....
My guess is other suppliers would buy bulk jugs on injectables....and I believe IP recommended that it be re-filtered thru a whatman filter before re-sending out for consumer use..and most never did...so there used be a lot of junk inside the vials...
Now the IP tabs are among the best availible...I also believe the chew the tabs is still in affect rather than swallow...
My thoughts that The IP injectables are much cleaner now..I dont see any bulk jugs availible either..
I meant a thread regarding regarding recent feedback...because there hasnt been any recent feedback and I was just wondering about t/a basically...thanks