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Kilo Klub Member / Verified Customer
Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Nov 15, 2006
I should probably introduce myself. I've been mainly a lurker here for the past 1-2 years, but have been on the boards since 1995/96. I took a 2 year break from the beginning of 1998 to the end of 1999 to beginning of 2000 because of college/school. I started out at EF in 95/96, along with Meso and to a very small degree mfw. I was around when EF very first started, back when BigCanuck used his real name "Dave" as a board handle before switching it over to BC. Was also around at the beginning of 1997 when Raupp and Llewellyn started up Anabolix, and then a few months later when Raupp started Anabolex. I think he used the handle name "Moonface" at that time. I posted quite a bit in 1996, and by the time 1997 came about I still posted but mainly just read a lot of the posts by PA, Animal, Duchaine, Unique, et al. I know a lot of them guys posted interchangeably with Anabolex, but then some later left to Varix, Renegade, and UG. I was a member of these later boards, but never posted because I was busy in school. In fact, I may have checked in with 'Bolex and EF maybe 5x from 98-2000.

Seeing that there seems to be a lot of guys here at ProMuscle that were around back in the early days, I want to throw out a few names to see if they are still around?

Here's who I used to post with back in "the day."

-Dr. Vet?

-Big Canuck (Dave Bay)?

-Juice Monkey?



-Lil Rob?


-Trek Armice (later as Trek)?


-W8lifter (initial of name >F.S.)?

-Gym Rat (the one who used gymrat@ telepath.com)



-Another Jeff?


-The Slinger? (Who was this guy...old source?)





-Dr. L?



-Maximum Overdrive?

That's pretty much all I can think of. I know there are some names missing, but I think I see them on the boards still: KOEVET, SBC, MikeS, I think Massive G stated that he posted as "george" at EF, Dante/doggcrapp (hard2core). And I know about Damian Borleone (enquirer), Raupp, Kneller, Andrew Bunner, Ragnar, CE, etc, etc.

-Berserker, are you the one who had the berserkerr@ hotmail.com addy? Wondering if you are the same berserker?

I know a lot of you left EF/Anabolex and made homes at the varix, UG, 'Gade sites, but I was in school at that time.

Anyway....just wondering. Hope these names bring back some memories:)

I have old links to these names if needed:)

didn't canuck recently turn rat?

That was Canuck4 from Intense-Training. Two separate people. Big Canuck co-authored the original "Gainskeeper" with Juice Monkey (PJ). I assume the 2 just whithered away like most, especially after EF promoted their bood with their real names out in the open. They were some cool guys.

Yep. I remember a large number of those.
Big Canuck wrote some article for the Hulksters News letter.
Alot of dudes on there from the old Anabolex site.
Man, I remember the old Gade News letters too. They were actually really informative. I miss stuff like that.
I remember a bunch of those guys bro.
That was Canuck4 from Intense-Training. Two separate people. Big Canuck co-authored the original "Gainskeeper" with Juice Monkey (PJ). I assume the 2 just whithered away like most, especially after EF promoted their bood with their real names out in the open. They were some cool guys.


ahhhh ok. i wasn't sure.
I hate to be the voice of paranoia, but it seems like this guy is phishing to me. I know I have a low post count, but wow, what can I say about this post.

Look bro, I also have a low post count having just been recruited here by one of the best guys on this board, but MR BMJ is stand up and VERY highly respected on some other boards, he is not "phishing" I can assure you;)

Be cool and don't start stupid crap aka.........DRAMA!
Cajun, Prizz, W8lifter, Hulkster, Tazzy, Manimal, Damian Borleone (depro), dont forget Simean, he was that guy "Gorilla something" from NY who always signed his emails "anabolik projekt" where the k was facing backwards?) yeah I remember those guys, and probably TONS more that you dont.

I'll post up MY list a little later when I have time.

Oh yeah, I see Prizz on ICQ like once a year! lol, lost touch with most of those guys though

Speaking of ICQ, here are a few that might bring back some smiles..

big remm
Bigdave (RIP)
Heavy Set
Juiced Pig
MCRepman (RIP)
Pig Vomit
The Sleeper
Trapzilla (RIP)

:) just to name a couple :)
Last edited:
i know trapz and sturge...they're still around
i know trapz and sturge...they're still around

Trapz and sturge were over on 'bolex then on Gavin Kane's board before it went down. Not sure where they're at now.

I recognize a lot of those names as well. I was over on Renegade quite some time ago. Ah the memories....
Anabolex days.
Who remembers Leighton, Flex, Insomniac/oilbased, JJ, Piper(IP's guy), Z-man
First time I heard anyone mention Varix in a while. Remember about 1/3 of the names.

ONe that used to stand out was Humanasaurus
Trapz and sturge were over on 'bolex then on Gavin Kane's board before it went down. Not sure where they're at now.

I recognize a lot of those names as well. I was over on Renegade quite some time ago. Ah the memories....

they're still over at gavin's

but things have changed a lot...new URL and everything
I knew some of those guys

I still have alot of them on my Icq program. Very few are still on anymore or have changed names or numbers. W8lifter was the guy that got me to get icq years ago. My number is 647,843 and numbers are up to 451,000,000 now. W8 disappeared before sleepers problems. Still talk to trapz, sturge is on my list but havent talked to him for years even though he is still around. Used to have slow k on my list but I deleted him years ago he was buddys with puffader who I see here and there, mostly there. Alot of those names I havent seen for years. I got bigremms number but no longer see him on. Big guy, chase, db, bad, dolph, everclear, hank, iron freak, rizz and gymmedic still on my icq but havent seen them on for years. Well I have seen hank on but havent talked to him in years. Any oldertimers got icq,,look me up.
actually Id figure more old vets from the original board are here than anywhere...since most have disappeared. All those names...gone.
I started on old Anabolex...Flex, borleone, leighton, hulklster. Then migrated to UG and Gade. I dont know how you guy remember all those old names! I must have slight dementia...:eek:
Anabolex days.
Who remembers Leighton, Flex, Insomniac/oilbased, JJ, Piper(IP's guy), Z-man

JJ!!! Put 15 pounds of solid muscle on me back in the day of the old Gade. Wish he was still around.

Jerkyboy, those are some other old members too. I am not as familiar with a lot of the members who established themselves at the original 'Gade and UG. I would drop in here and there but never posted at all. Like I stated above, I was gone for their infancy, and left January 1998. I also posted from the junior college I was attending from 95/96-98 because it was the only access I had to the boards. My parents owned them old Commodore64's which were crap for loading, and of course, I didn't want them all up in my business when I loaded up a thread with a big ol' bottle of Anabol popped up...lol. I left to my University college in 1998, and only used the libraries computers to check in on all the sites until I moved back hom the end of 1999/2000. Although, some of the main guys I do remember that you mentioned: Pig Vomit/enforcer, badawg, slider, slow k, sleeper, trapz, BCborn, wynn, FLEX, etc. Shinobi still posts on a few boards, if it is the same one that I know. Many of those names I mentioned were the first on these boards, as well as myself I guess you can say...lol. I was young though at that time, only like 18 or 19 years old. I started at a young age you can say, but a lot of them older guys helped me a lot along the way (not advocating AAS use at that age of course...but I did, so I can't really go back and change it). Dr. Vet and a few others, we would exchange info on the Mexican scene. I played around with the international scene a little at that time, but for most of us here in the USA, well cali/texas for sure, Mexico was a second home, and we knew it well, at least during that time.

Manimal...did he post under the name DaDude (ANImal)? (Not the kit animal).

Irish_sd....LOL @ Leighton, I remember him. Didn't he try to pull some GH scam? He was a good guy for awhile before that happened, if I remember correctly. Going off memory here though. Isn't he the one who stated getting brovel's test 200 tested out.....was something around 137mg/ml.

NWMuscle, thanks for the props. Yes, definately not phishing for anything. Thanks bro. No hard feelings taken from the other guy either....nothing wrong with paranoia these days;)

MadMick, hey buddy:)

Pekkerwood...I remember Humanasaurus as well, but never coonversed with him I don't think. I was mainly a 'lurker' at varix as well when I had the chance to actually pop in and keep up on things.

Neanderthal....was this you:
I remember W8's geocite page as well...lol....or maybe it was Gym Rat...dangit, I forgot.

MikeS....Yeah, I still have a bunch of stuff/pictures/posts from like 1996/97 printed out from both EF/anabolex. I have one with enquirer (db, depot) when he was starting out, and asking about whether or not his Australian Stanabolic (ileum) winny was legit that he got down in Mexico...conversing with Big Fella. You can still search old posts from that era at EF....but I got banned from that site because I am a MOD at AFboard (formerly anabolicfitness) as you already know, and they had a falling out. The new guys running EF are a bunch of 'tards. I got banned for no reason at that site....greedy sob's.

BMJ what's up buddy. Hopefully Ulter will get the board back going.

Whatever happened to the "kit" animal?

Seems like he just dissapeared...
Lots of memories in this thread.
I started on Bolex and UG and EF in 1996.
Around 1997 Varix came around and I left EF, George changed the format and we didn't like it.
Varix was around till a few years ago and we decided to kill it (due to member inactivity) too bad those early posts were lost, was some great shit. Especially when Pig Vomit (The Enforcer) chased animal off the board by revealing his name and occupation.
too much to write there was so much stuff on renegade UG Bolex all that stuff lost...sad.

Remember this guy:

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