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Anybody still use METFORMIN?


New member
Dec 9, 2006
I remember awhile back there was some sort of "craze" about this stuff ,Now nobody talks about it.It looks real good on paper ,but didnt do anything for me except LOOOOOOSE STOOLS:eek:.......just wondering
Getting mine from Hardwood later this week. This will be my first run of the stuff. Will let you know how it goes.

I got four bottles on the way until my humalog and humilin r show up.
Just started on the 500mg XR (extended release). It's nice cause you can just take one per day. Results so far (just one week) seem to be positive. I'll need a few more weeks for full evaluation.
I got mine from HardWood this morning (two days earlier than expected I might add ... how do they do it :D ). Bit confused: they were advertised as 250 mg, but the bottle says 25mg. All the script is Chinese, which I cannot read, maybe the bottle was from something else...

Anyway, I took two tabs after consuming 75 grams of carbs from brown rice. I expected hypo symptoms, as 500mgs metformin would be a lot for only 75 grams of carbs. Well, no hypo but muscles did feel very full 30 minutes later.

So I'm trusting HARDWOOD on this one - they seem like real stand up guys, and all their other stuff I've tried is great. This should be great stuff if there are no tolerance issues, etc. I would recommend it (recall this is only a first impression). My first stepping stone to slin...
I've been using a brand called Metomin 500mg that I got from an overseas pharmacy. I've been using it for 5 weeks. I use 1500mg per day. One with any carb meal over 75grams of carbs. I have also used 2 pills with a "binge" and I do believe it helps keep bodyfat lower. I always stay at 10% or so, but I feel less appetite and desire for carbs as well since using the metformin. I have not had the loose stool stuff since the second or third week of use.
Big A has a great article on Metormin, try synthetek.com and check
under articles. I have used it because I cant be without it. It seems
to keep me alot leaner. It is great for several reasons. First if you use
any type of ketogenic diet it will drop you into ketosis quick. Second it helps metabolize high carb post work out shakes. And finally if you binge once in a while it helps again to metabolize the food.

Great product and I highly recommended it..
Big A has a great article on Metormin, try synthetek.com and check
under articles. I have used it because I cant be without it. It seems
to keep me alot leaner. It is great for several reasons. First if you use
any type of ketogenic diet it will drop you into ketosis quick. Second it helps metabolize high carb post work out shakes. And finally if you binge once in a while it helps again to metabolize the food.

Great product and I highly recommended it..

Indeed,,,,great article.
Do you guys take it before, with or after meals?

Once again check that article by Big A he covers just about everything.
You should take it with you PWO shake, and you should take it after heavy meals. Big A talks about 500mg if it is a little meal but if it is an all you can eat type of things you can take much more. I tend to keep each does around 500mg but sometime at the most I will bump it to 1000mg, but again read that article
It's good for plumping out your muscles, especially on the tail end of a carb load.

It definitely works for that, but it's no insulin substitute as it isn't anabolic in and of itself. In fact, one of the enzymes it increases the expression of blocks IGF-1 signalling.

I haven't tried cycling it 3 days on, 3 days off, but that might work for an anabolic effect...increase cell volume with glycogen, then go off.

Beengone...If it didn't work for you, you probably were not eating a high enough percent carbs in your diet.

Heavy...maybe you got phenformin instead?
Once again check that article by Big A he covers just about everything.
You should take it with you PWO shake, and you should take it after heavy meals. Big A talks about 500mg if it is a little meal but if it is an all you can eat type of things you can take much more. I tend to keep each does around 500mg but sometime at the most I will bump it to 1000mg, but again read that article

I wouldnt touch it PWO. Guys do you even know its mechanism of action?
1. Block the absorption of carbohydrates in the small intestine (Do you want this PWO? didnt think so)
2. Block the synthesis of glucose in the liver (could be beneficial on a cut)
Due to those factors, the sensitivity of cells is increased, because blood sugar levels drop.
Last undesirable effect is that metformin actually increases levels of SHBG, and may block the androgen receptor. (I dont think anyone of us wants this).
I only see this drug being useful for precontest dieting, and getting into ketosis. Do not use it on a bulk - it is counterproductive.
Use Avandia instead - much better.
I did read the article by Mr A. ,I appreciate the time and effort he put into it ,thats what got me to try it in the first place.The ones I used were not UG (they were from the pharm.).IMO It seems to do little or nothing noticeable in a healthy active person ,For example ,if you didnt tell people what it was they were taking ,they couldnt tell you what it was supposed to do ,It looks real good on paper ,but even BBers taking large doses for long periods of time have to say "I think its doing something".........................It prolly works better for HUGE diabetic fattys that jam sugar down their throat all day:eek: The plus is that its very cheap so all that are curious can try to see if it works for them:confused:
IMO It seems to do little or nothing noticeable in a healthy active person ,For example ,if you didnt tell people what it was they were taking ,they couldnt tell you what it was supposed to do ,It looks real good on paper ,but even BBers taking large doses for long periods of time have to say "I think its doing something"...

I have to agree with you on this one. The only time I think it really did much for me was post contest where I increased my carbs and avoided a big rebound. It kept me nice and lean for a while. Other than that, any other times I have used it I noticed nothing. I noticed more from taking Vanadyl Sulphate than Metformin.
First of all I mentioned the Big A article that talks about the practical side
of Metformin but forgot to mention Alins article that gives alot of detailed
information about the science of Metformin. Both Great Articles. Sorry Alin for not mentioning it before (Awesome Article!)

One thing I have to mention is about using Metformin post work out. Vandim got me curious so I did a little research. So I need to correct myself. It seems Metformin inhibits glucose from the gut, not what we want as Vandim
mentioned. We want to feel the muscles PWO with as much glucose as we can. Any comments about this would be appreciated. Thanks for that input by the way from Vandim, and if you have any more info would be helpful.

But Metformin is a glucose disposal agent and a pretty powerful one. It helps refresh receptors and doesnt let carbs depsoit into fat cells (Alins Article).

For me it is hard to notice any difference when you take it, but if you take it for a while and then stop taking while keeping the same diet the difference becomes more apparent. I know that it is the closest thing to insulin out there and doctors prescribe it to diabetics that cant take injections for certain reasons. I know it is alot better than over the counter glucose disposal agents. Still highly recommend it.

One questions for you guys. I am still kind of confused about not taking it PWO so some opinions or information much appreciated. I am confused about the aspect of when you take PWO shakes you are taking in alot of carbs would it still be beneficial for not allowing the carbs to go to fat. And if it is a glucose disposal agent Dan Duchaine hinted that it would help in glycogen super compensation. Any thoughts
BIG A we need you!

I am all confused after reading this thread.

Big A, if your out there, your thoughts...

Is Metaformin good post work out?

Second is Metaformin good for carbing up before show?
I will be using waxy maize...

Ive read that it slows down or inhibits the absorbtion of carbs and
this would not be what we want during carb up. Big A we need you!
One questions for you guys. I am still kind of confused about not taking it PWO so some opinions or information much appreciated. I am confused about the aspect of when you take PWO shakes you are taking in alot of carbs would it still be beneficial for not allowing the carbs to go to fat. And if it is a glucose disposal agent Dan Duchaine hinted that it would help in glycogen super compensation. Any thoughts

I only take 500 mgs metformin at breakfast a few hours apart workout and PWO shake.

At this moment it improves my slin sensitivity on muscle cells that is good when you eat carb meals, muscles are fuller, less fat depot.

For PWO shake and the next meal is a different story.

In this two ocassions you want a big slin production, mainly in the first...remaining in the later.

Taking a PWO shake you are looking for a very FAST slin production following a HIGH SIMPLE CARBS intake(dextrose,waxy maize, ect...).

More carbs you take=more slin your body produce=FASTER your bloodglucose down AND aminos will be transported to muscles in the famous 1 hour opportunity window.

If you take Metformin in the PWO you are reducing your slin response (improving cell sensitivity), you are reducing this anabolic hormone and his effect.

Yes, less fat but also less muscle.

It makes sense for you as for me or i'm typing BS?:confused:
Thanks Sammarbella for that response. It is kind of funny
because I was actually thinking about doing that exact thing.
I usually take 50mg waxy maize preworkout with NO Shotgun,
and then I take 80mg of waxy maize with glutamine, ethyl creatine,
and BCAA, and about a half hour later I eat some oatmeal mixed
with some whey protein. I was taking Metformin after waxy maize
but was intending to take after the oatmeal and protein.

You have any ideas about carbing up for a show. Will be using
waxy maize but it looks like taking metformin with all the liquid
waxy maize meals will slow its effects???
You have any ideas about carbing up for a show. Will be using
waxy maize but it looks like taking metformin with all the liquid
waxy maize meals will slow its effects???

I can't share my comp experiences with you cause i haven't, i'm only a small newbie and i don't expect to compete in near future.:eek:

About ideas...I think that waxy maze is a bad idea to carbup (for a comp) cause it needs a LOT of water to be ingested, if not you are swallowing something like dry glue.:che;ky-sm

After 8-16 weeks of pre-contest diet you normally must have a high slin sensitivity in muscles so i don't think that you need metformin at this moment and metformin can only slow down the carbup process and at this moment you don't have to worry about fat depot cause the body have no time to do it...

Above statements are only my toughs...i recommend you to read the logs of some of the member's forum who compete.
You guys should try the XR (controlled release). You don't need as much and I think the results are better as I have read that it is absorbed better. Try it. 500mg with dinner. That's it. It seems to be helping me strip fat while keeping muscles full. Believe it or not I have felt hypo at times, particulary after workouts if I don't get a meal in shortly after. I know the feeling as I have used slin for some time but not now.

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