One questions for you guys. I am still kind of confused about not taking it PWO so some opinions or information much appreciated. I am confused about the aspect of when you take PWO shakes you are taking in alot of carbs would it still be beneficial for not allowing the carbs to go to fat. And if it is a glucose disposal agent Dan Duchaine hinted that it would help in glycogen super compensation. Any thoughts
I only take 500 mgs metformin at breakfast a few hours apart workout and PWO shake.
At this moment it improves my slin sensitivity on muscle cells that is good when you eat carb meals, muscles are fuller, less fat depot.
For PWO shake and the next meal is a different story.
In this two ocassions you want a big slin production, mainly in the first...remaining in the later.
Taking a PWO shake you are looking for a very FAST slin production following a HIGH SIMPLE CARBS intake(dextrose,waxy maize, ect...).
More carbs you take=more slin your body produce=FASTER your bloodglucose down AND aminos will be transported to muscles in the famous 1 hour opportunity window.
If you take Metformin in the PWO you are reducing your slin response (improving cell sensitivity), you are reducing this anabolic hormone and his effect.
Yes, less fat but also less muscle.
It makes sense for you as for me or i'm typing BS?