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Anyone heard of Chinese White?

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Got Juice

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Kilo Klub Member
Jul 23, 2002
a friend of mine has been having some issues with his wife... she has been cheating on him, hasnt seen their kids for 2 weeks, and is just acting a little nutty... her father found a vial in her drawer that had the words CHINESE WHITE written on the vial.. it had a piece of tape on it, and the word was wrote on the tape.. he said its a clear liquid..

i know heroin is called china white, but i think thats typically a powder, correct?

if anyone knows, it would be really helpful information i could give her husband.

Being a liquid like that my first thought is Ketamine, but it depends on how she's acting. I need to know symptoms of her "BUZZ" or whatever it is. Can they tell that she's fucked up. Could be that this is something that she's doing in conjunction with it. Sounds also like it's a designer type of drug like someone fugging around and trying to mix compounds. What does the solution look like in the vial?
I was just going to say what JAG did, it's most likely IV pain meds. See if she has any track marks. This is along the lines of Nubain addicts. And we all know what that can do to people.
If she was injecting ketamine in the liquid form she would be unconcious. I watched a show on tv about illegal cosmetic surgery clinics in Miami, and the "doctor" was using ketamine to sedate the patient.
Techy said:
If she was injecting ketamine in the liquid form she would be unconcious. I watched a show on tv about illegal cosmetic surgery clinics in Miami, and the "doctor" was using ketamine to sedate the patient.

depends on the dose of ketimine a lot of my buddys in school used to inject it and it would make them trip, I'm sure if the dose is high enuf she would pass out or go into a "K hole" as it is also called
km2000 said:
depends on the dose of ketimine a lot of my buddys in school used to inject it and it would make them trip, I'm sure if the dose is high enuf she would pass out or go into a "K hole" as it is also called

You would not be unconcious and that's not considered a "K Hole". Injecting K will fug you up and will leave you sitting on the coach with the pet. You will drool and nod off but no passing out, not unconciousness, just plan stupidness.
km2000 said:
depends on the dose of ketimine a lot of my buddys in school used to inject it and it would make them trip, I'm sure if the dose is high enuf she would pass out or go into a "K hole" as it is also called
Yeah, I knew a guy that would get vials of "K" , pour it in a pan and bake it into a powder. He was into all kinds of shit, that is until he went to jail!
Armageddon said:
You would not be unconcious and that's not considered a "K Hole". Injecting K will fug you up and will leave you sitting on the coach with the pet. You will drool and nod off but no passing out, not unconciousness, just plan stupidness.

I have seen someone pass out from using ketimine, from what I know that was the only substance used, so I would disagree with that statment. From what I understand ketamine is used to tranqulize horses, I am sure if you use enuf you would pass out. I know that passing out is not a k hole, If you read my stament above i said you would pass out OR go into a k hole
Look sorry to hear about your wife, the compolund is an opiate but does that matter? I would think the cheating would be a much bigger issue. If She is doing that fuck her and whatever she does get rid of her.

Oh yeah I have ijected ketamine and yes youi can pass out, go into a vicous hole, or "trip" depending on dosage

K sucks its the one drug that if you had a big white powdery pile(or vial) it wouldn't be fun its like yeah I have lots of drugs then reality hits aw damn its K help I have fallen and can't fucking move
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Vespa103 said:
Look sorry to hear about your wife, the compolund is an opiate but does that matter? I would think the cheating would be a much bigger issue. If She is doing that fuck her and whatever she does get rid of her.

Oh yeah I have ijected ketamine and yes youi can pass out, go into a vicous hole, or "trip" depending on dosage

K sucks its the one drug that if you had a big white powdery pile(or vial) it wouldn't be fun its like yeah I have lots of drugs then reality hits aw damn its K help I have fallen and can't fucking move

OHHH NO MAN, not MY wife, heck im not even married:eek: :D .. this is a friends wife.. basically he wants to know what she is using because of their children.. he can use this against her in court of whatever..
Vespa103 said:
Look sorry to hear about your wife, the compolund is an opiate but does that matter? I would think the cheating would be a much bigger issue. If She is doing that fuck her and whatever she does get rid of her.

Oh yeah I have ijected ketamine and yes youi can pass out, go into a vicous hole, or "trip" depending on dosage

K sucks its the one drug that if you had a big white powdery pile(or vial) it wouldn't be fun its like yeah I have lots of drugs then reality hits aw damn its K help I have fallen and can't fucking move

Wow!! I'm a fricken light-weight!! I've done the powdered shit.... pour on a glass plate and cook in an oven.... about as much as a small line of other stuff... and my fricken knees were buckelining!! And I partied like a rock star for a few years.... Couldn't imagine injecting!!

Be careful bros.

Armageddon said:
You would not be unconcious and that's not considered a "K Hole". Injecting K will fug you up and will leave you sitting on the coach with the pet. You will drool and nod off but no passing out, not unconciousness, just plan stupidness.

Army -- actually a sufficient dose of K will indeed knock you the fuck out. And that is usually where the K-hole is found -- ketamine is used for anesthesis, it is classified as a "dissociative anasthetic" where it basically seperates your mind from your physical body, often inducing near death experiences, or NDE's, which is really what the K hole is -- seeing yourself leaving your body, and then being transported to a 'realm' that is like a lucid, interactive dream.
I've been around it enough, but never seen someone pass out and these are high dose candy kids. These little ravers never stop.
Look you can pass out from it how do I know? Well lets just say my buddy passed out and the shitter with his pants down and we had to draw straws to figure out who was going to pull his ass out of the stall.He was on nothing else. I have injected 1.5cc and thought I was going to die and could not move but did not pass out. All I did was concentrate on breathing. But like I said a buddy passed out on considerably less. If anyone even considers injecting that consider you may die. 1/4cc is absolute max anyone should consider most guys use a slin pin to inject which is even less. As said K really sucks would never touch it now..
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