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Has anyone heard of madorf

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Yep or being called “butt hurt”. He didn’t seem like the guy that would get “butt hurt”
The butt hurt comment was as a joke.not bashing him! I didn't even know what had happened. That's why I asked about him
Since had the heart problem I was hoping someone would say his ok
That thread must have been deleted…
You guys are blocking people? I can honestly say, I've never blocked anyone.

If you feel the need to block someone, just know they'll probably take their football and go home when they dont get their way eventually. If they dont get banned.

Those huge egos come with a huge sense of entitlement. No idea where that comes from but it's literally everywhere not just here. It's infuriating to see because if you think about, if everyone acted like that, virtually no one would want to be here or anywhere else. It's golden rule shit your parents are supposed to teach you and if they fail some teacher does it and if they fail you usually catch a beating somewhere in life and figure it out.

It's insufferable to see kids act this way, nevermind grown men.

No hate for him but I can tell you with 100% certainty I did not secretly like him.

Want to clarify Im not coming at anyone who considers themselves friends with him.
I have blocked people here from time to time.

It's like walking down the sidewalk on a beautiful day, enjoying the birds and the trees and stepping in dog poo.

I don't need to subject myself to that.
Maldorf was a good contributor that at one time pushed things hard and then his health crashed. He stuck around for a long time afterward, continued to train and live the lifestyle even though he was compromised, and he struggled with that. He had good insights. The thing is when the pandemic hit tensions in this country were through the roof (still are really). A lot of us here have an investigative spirit but stick to topics relevant here. 2020-2021 was a tense time and things spilled over. He decided to leave and I understand why. It's hard to compartmentalize all the time.
Out of all the people with big egos on this board, maldorf was one of the last person to fit that description.

If you guys felt so strongly negatively about him maybe you should have voiced it when he was here, not when he is gone and can’t say a word.
Maldorf was a good contributor that at one time pushed things hard and then his health crashed. He stuck around for a long time afterward, continued to train and live the lifestyle even though he was compromised, and he struggled with that. He had good insights. The thing is when the pandemic hit tensions in this country were through the roof (still are really). A lot of us here have an investigative spirit but stick to topics relevant here. 2020-2021 was a tense time and things spilled over. He decided to leave and I understand why. It's hard to compartmentalize all the time.

If I remember correctly he never pushed it too hard. Nothing compared to the average shi you see today that’s being normalized. His incident happened while squatting. His angiogram was clean minus the culprit blood clot due to his thrombotic mutation
If I remember correctly he never pushed it too hard. Nothing compared to the average shi you see today that’s being normalized. His incident happened while squatting. His angiogram was clean minus the culprit blood clot due to his thrombotic mutation
Dig through his old posts. He was in the upper range for a while.
Out of all the people with big egos on this board, maldorf was one of the last person to fit that description.

If you guys felt so strongly negatively about him maybe you should have voiced it when he was here, not when he is gone and can’t say a word.

Why can he not reply?
He should have been banned for talking shit about a moderator ( he sent a mod a pm he thought he was sending his buddy)
But I just checked and that moderator didn’t ban him for it. He left after he made that mistake on his own.

My guess is like all the others, he is here using another alias.
The guy was always a gentleman to me and seemed like that to everyone else. I liked him. We spoke in PMs often and most of you have no idea what he was going through in real life. This was an outlet for him but I get it, there is a time and place. To see a few people drag him down is disappointing but not surprising. You should all know he wasn’t a bad person whatsoever, just a regular guy that went through some shit.

What goes on behind the scenes with the board is none of my business and up to the mods to handle. Anyway, life goes on.
The guy was always a gentleman to me and seemed like that to everyone else. I liked him. We spoke in PMs often and most of you have no idea what he was going through in real life. This was an outlet for him but I get it, there is a time and place. To see a few people drag him down is disappointing but not surprising. You should all know he wasn’t a bad person whatsoever, just a regular guy that went through some shit.

What goes on behind the scenes with the board is none of my business and up to the mods to handle. Anyway, life goes on.
Well said. Gentleman would be a good word to describe him.
All of this happened before your join date of September 9, 2023.

I have been a visitor for years before deciding to post.
I liked Maldorf, but I have worked with Bio as a Mod, and he is solid as hell. I would not think either would lie, to be honest. Like Pickapeck stated, Covid and the vaccine were super hot/heated topics. We all had/have our opinions on it all. Things got out of hand at times, but at the end of the day, we all should separate that heated talk from each person's actual IRL demeanor when it comes to politics. I can't say i condone what Maldorf did behind the scenes if true. Also, I think just about all of us here had at least one to a few posts that got deleted and moderated from that topic, but I can't say I held any grudges over at least most of the mods doing their jobs. Big A has been adamant that no politics should be discussed on this forum, and it should be respected. When all those threads (or the 1-2 longer ones) were up, i'm surprised they even were allowed. I get it though, it was like stuff movies are made up of, or at least it did during that time we all lived it, lol.

I can't say i wouldn't sit down and have a beer and pizza (BBQ actually) with most on here regardless of their politics....unless you are a fukking Vegan, you can go to hell!

Heh Heh heh, just joking:)
The butt hurt comment was as a joke.not bashing him! I didn't even know what had happened. That's why I asked about him
Since had the heart problem I was hoping someone would say his ok
it came off as bashing tbh ...typically used in that fashion. not that im butt hurt lol....
Well, we all know things are pretty good if this is what we have to debate about lol!
If you few who are missing him so much want….. I can pretend to be Him.
I’ll just start everything by saying” before I had my heart attack
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