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Has anyone heard of madorf

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We did actually start a forum for that called discussworldissues
Not many from here participated.

It’s no good for the forum to bring it here.
They get a lot of views, emotions, attention but at the end it’s all negative and counter productive to building muscle.
We did actually start a forum for that called discussworldissues
Not many from here participated.

It’s no good for the forum to bring it here.
They get a lot of views, emotions, attention but at the end it’s all negative and counter productive to building muscle.
I remember that subfourm. Popped in every once in awhile lurking around. Never had a interest in debating politics.
This is a forum for bodybuilding. If you want to talk politics, take it elsewhere.

You think there should be a section for politics? I’m sure the mods would love to spend their day cleaning up a thread full of overgrown babies arguing and throwing tantrums about their beliefs.

Jesus Christ. If politics are so important to you, perhaps you should join a political forum. Food for thought.
butthurt much buddy? Ease off. I was just making a suggestion. Chill on the tren.
This is a forum for bodybuilding. If you want to talk politics, take it elsewhere.

You think there should be a section for politics? I’m sure the mods would love to spend their day cleaning up a thread full of overgrown babies arguing and throwing tantrums about their beliefs.

Jesus Christ. If politics are so important to you, perhaps you should join a political forum. Food for thought.

I'm going to join a political chat forum and then bitch that they don't have bodybuilding subsection. :)

And Maldorf was cool. He was the ying to some on the the yangs on this forum and had his conservatism after his heart attack but so what. He contrasted the opposite type of posts. He was a nice person and contributed what he knew. He wasn't a duesh bag or anything. I have plenty of dueshes blocked on this site and it takes ten seconds and then the forum is like they left or never where here. If Maldorf bothered anyone they should have blocked him at that time. Being that you never blocked him makes me think everyone secretly liked him.
I know the truth about the incidents with Maldorf and I have the PM's to prove how lenient I was for a very long time...too lenient and one day that ran out. I sent him roughly half a dozen PM's asking him nicely to stop bringing up politics, as that topic is against forum rules. Time and time again, he just ignored me. It certainly wasn't personal, I liked him and I told him that. I told him I didn't want to ban him, so please stop breaking the rule regarding politics. One day he sent me a PM intended for someone else. He was basically setting me up to look like the bad guy if he got banned and wanted whoever it was intended for to spread the word. He sent me a message saying he meant to send that to someone else. I told him that I've never been anything but up front with him but now that I know how he really feels, and the fact that he was trying to set me up over something that was entirely his fault, I was done being lenient! I was very clear that if he brought it up again, he would be temp banned. I'm not sure that I'm the one who temp banned him after that...perhaps, but it was warranted either way. He decided to leave which I still don't understand, as everything was his own doing. I hope he's well and his family is well. I would never wish anything bad on him over something so petty. I will say this, there are some big egos that get developed here but it's surprising to see how fragile some of those big egos are!

One other thing I want everyone to read, members love to blame things on the MOD's. Remember one thing, THESE ARE BIG A's RULES, we just enforce them! I've never once seen someone call @Big A out and attack him. So, the next time the forum rules are enforced, and you don't agree, please direct your disenchantment to Big A and see where that gets you!!
This is wild. I have no recollection of any of these threads/posts. I must have been on some sort of hiatus. Yeah Bio doesn’t sound like anyone who witnessed all this go down is questioning the Mod’s decision. Maldorf a big boy - he knew the rules. Not to beat a dead horse - I’m just surprised that he got so political and intense about it. Like everyone said, for years he essentially spot his entire time on here warning everyone of heart failure and I knew he had a Porsche Turbo lol.

PS - I’m very high. I hope that all makes sense.
Strong disagree. Dude had lots of wisdom to impart on us all. Good character... and what kind of society are we in wherein we cannot discuss the most important of matters? Politics, religion, the nature of reality itself. This is a hardcore bb forum, that is true. Perhaps you guys should have made a section for "politics".

Anyway, good dude, will be missed.

We all know he was a hypochondriac and repeated his heart attack and his fear of PEDs hundreds of times after that, but he was a very active member and that is always appreciated. He was not a troll, I never saw him insulting or bothering anyone.

I don't understand why anyone would criticize him or say that the board is better without him.
Being that you never blocked him makes me think everyone secretly liked him.
I don't block anybody. Our paths never crossed and if you look at my response, you'll see that I made no mention of Maldorf. I don't like or dislike him, I just have no opinion of him. My response was to a member about why this board doesn't have a subforum for politics and why I prefer it that way.
You guys are blocking people? I can honestly say, I've never blocked anyone.

If you feel the need to block someone, just know they'll probably take their football and go home when they dont get their way eventually. If they dont get banned.

Those huge egos come with a huge sense of entitlement. No idea where that comes from but it's literally everywhere not just here. It's infuriating to see because if you think about, if everyone acted like that, virtually no one would want to be here or anywhere else. It's golden rule shit your parents are supposed to teach you and if they fail some teacher does it and if they fail you usually catch a beating somewhere in life and figure it out.

It's insufferable to see kids act this way, nevermind grown men.

No hate for him but I can tell you with 100% certainty I did not secretly like him.

Want to clarify Im not coming at anyone who considers themselves friends with him.

I'm going to join a political chat forum and then bitch that they don't have bodybuilding subsection. :)

And Maldorf was cool. He was the ying to some on the the yangs on this forum and had his conservatism after his heart attack but so what. He contrasted the opposite type of posts. He was a nice person and contributed what he knew. He wasn't a duesh bag or anything. I have plenty of dueshes blocked on this site and it takes ten seconds and then the forum is like they left or never where here. If Maldorf bothered anyone they should have blocked him at that time. Being that you never blocked him makes me think everyone secretly liked him.
I know the truth about the incidents with Maldorf and I have the PM's to prove how lenient I was for a very long time...too lenient and one day that ran out. I sent him roughly half a dozen PM's asking him nicely to stop bringing up politics, as that topic is against forum rules. Time and time again, he just ignored me. It certainly wasn't personal, I liked him and I told him that. I told him I didn't want to ban him, so please stop breaking the rule regarding politics. One day he sent me a PM intended for someone else. He was basically setting me up to look like the bad guy if he got banned and wanted whoever it was intended for to spread the word. He sent me a message saying he meant to send that to someone else. I told him that I've never been anything but up front with him but now that I know how he really feels, and the fact that he was trying to set me up over something that was entirely his fault, I was done being lenient! I was very clear that if he brought it up again, he would be temp banned. I'm not sure that I'm the one who temp banned him after that...perhaps, but it was warranted either way. He decided to leave which I still don't understand, as everything was his own doing. I hope he's well and his family is well. I would never wish anything bad on him over something so petty. I will say this, there are some big egos that get developed here but it's surprising to see how fragile some of those big egos are!

One other thing I want everyone to read, members love to blame things on the MOD's. Remember one thing, THESE ARE BIG A's RULES, we just enforce them! I've never once seen someone call @Big A out and attack him. So, the next time the forum rules are enforced, and you don't agree, please direct your disenchantment to Big A and see where that gets you!!
This thread can now be locked.
You guys are blocking people? I can honestly say, I've never blocked anyone.

If you feel the need to block someone, just know they'll probably take their football and go home when they dont get their way eventually. If they dont get banned.

Those huge egos come with a huge sense of entitlement. No idea where that comes from but it's literally everywhere not just here. It's infuriating to see because if you think about, if everyone acted like that, virtually no one would want to be here or anywhere else. It's golden rule shit your parents are supposed to teach you and if they fail some teacher does it and if they fail you usually catch a beating somewhere in life and figure it out.

It's insufferable to see kids act this way, nevermind grown men.

No hate for him but I can tell you with 100% certainty I did not secretly like him.

Want to clarify Im not coming at anyone who considers themselves friends with him.

I have blocked a couple people here and there and also unblocked too. And honestly I can see when someone quotes the blocked person to reply and they are always getting bitched at in the reply. But its like changing the station when I'm not feeling it rather than bitching at the station. And yes, these people seem to come and then go. And you're right, Maldorph did grab his football and go...

And I know you know I was joking about everyone secretly liking him. I generally get along with most. I am pretty sure on this forum I am disagreeing with someone and hating them in one thread and unknowingly agreeing with and joking with the same person in another thread. Also I know not all my friends like all my other friends. I find this forum to kind of like being on a sport team and hanging out with team mates that come and go with some you get along with and some you dont but still here for a reason that commonly unites us.
You guys are blocking people? I can honestly say, I've never blocked anyone.

If you feel the need to block someone, just know they'll probably take their football and go home when they dont get their way eventually. If they dont get banned.

Those huge egos come with a huge sense of entitlement. No idea where that comes from but it's literally everywhere not just here. It's infuriating to see because if you think about, if everyone acted like that, virtually no one would want to be here or anywhere else. It's golden rule shit your parents are supposed to teach you and if they fail some teacher does it and if they fail you usually catch a beating somewhere in life and figure it out.

It's insufferable to see kids act this way, nevermind grown men.

No hate for him but I can tell you with 100% certainty I did not secretly like him.

Want to clarify Im not coming at anyone who considers themselves friends with him.

If people on the Internet make you this angry (a few posts lately about me, him, etc)maybe time to evaluate your own emotional state.

Just my opinion but using words like "fucking, insufferable, infuriating" and referring to a disabled grown man you've never metas a "kid" and having to state you don't hate him rather dislike him...a little much
If people on the Internet make you this angry (a few posts lately about me, him, etc)maybe time to evaluate your own emotional state.

Just my opinion but using words like "fucking, insufferable, infuriating" and referring to a disabled grown man you've never metas a "kid" and having to state you don't hate him rather dislike him...a little much
This is really rich coming from you, especially since you spout similar things all the time to people that don't fit your idea of fitness or normal at the gym or in the general public. You're unhinged. 🤣
Were your ears ringing because I wrote this "But there's always that guy who can turn a thread into the same fuckin thing every time. You know the guy. He overcomplicates things needlessly or because his small world is all he knows, it's impossible for him to learn anything." about you.

For a guy who vents constantly about people being lazy, not wanting to work, and abusing the system, it sure is funny seeing you chime in to stick up for a guy on permanent disability and call me angry. Pure projection.

But he's "your guy". No cognitive dissonance there for you I'm sure.

If people on the Internet make you this angry (a few posts lately about me, him, etc)maybe time to evaluate your own emotional state.

Just my opinion but using words like "fucking, insufferable, infuriating" and referring to a disabled grown man you've never metas a "kid" and having to state you don't hate him rather dislike him...a little much
Were your ears ringing because I wrote this "But there's always that guy who can turn a thread into the same fuckin thing every time. You know the guy. He overcomplicates things needlessly or because his small world is all he knows, it's impossible for him to learn anything." about you.

For a guy who vents constantly about people being lazy, not wanting to work, and abusing the system, it sure is funny seeing you chime in to stick up for a guy on permanent disability.
Everybody but qbkilla knew you were talking about him.
We all know he was a hypochondriac and repeated his heart attack and his fear of PEDs hundreds of times after that, but he was a very active member and that is always appreciated. He was not a troll, I never saw him insulting or bothering anyone.

I don't understand why anyone would criticize him or say that the board is better without him.
All of this happened before your join date of September 9, 2023.
I’m not taking sides but Maldorf tested positive for Factor V, so the heart attack that happened to him should be more cautionary to those who also have Factor V, but less cautionary to those who don’t. John Meadows also had Factor V. It’s a shitty thing to test positive for if you’re a bodybuilder. Nevertheless, it’s encouraging he’s still alive (I hope) all these years later.
I could t begin to list all the guys I miss that have been through here. Maldorf though was not one that came to mind for me.
I don’t recall much about him
Other then he made a lot of posts about his heart issue.
That is definitely true. Would always bring up a conversation about it. I'm not pounding on him but it is true
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