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ANYONE LOOKING FOR SOME WORK? I am looking for reps...


Active member
Jan 5, 2004
I recently acquired the US distribution rights to a well known MMA company's products and I am looking for people to go into the field or cold call or email blast or whatever, to help us expand the business.

I cant give any more info in this post about the company or the products but please PM or email me at [email protected] and I will fill you in completely.

I am looking for US based people only as I do not have the Canadian rights.

If you love MMA or martial arts or any type of combat sport then this is a great opportunity for you to make money doing something and selling something that you enjoy.
just emailed you contact info. look forward to talking to you soon

also emailed you
I want to thank everyone who has responded so far and for those who will soon, thank you too.
I am very interested in talking to all of you so in your replies I am sending contact information. This saves us both hours of nonstop emails back and forth.

I have had a couple of guys who felt uncomfortable with the calling part so I just want to post up quick and address that. I am looking to hire people who will be serious about working and making this brand and this company the biggest in the industry.

One thing I will NOT do is employ a screen name avatar. If we are going to work together we will be speaking at least weekly, if not more often. I will be calling you and you will be calling me. You need to be comfortable with exchanging information. You will know me personally, and I will know you personally. If you are not comfortable giving me your name or do not feel comfortable calling me because I may see your phone number I can respect that. But please do not email me asking for information.

Also, one last thing. Please know this is a real business and real company. If you send/sent me an email calling me "homey" or telling me "im totally down wit it" or any combination of something other than english I will not be responding back. I mean no disrespect to anyone by that but I need to have people out there representing me, my company, and this brand professionally.

Ok, hope I haven't made any enemies there. Just wanted to get that out of the way to save us all some time. Those of you who do get in contact with me...... we are going to build something huge together!
thank you all so much. im looking forward to working with you

Wow, what an amazing response I have received. Thanks to all the guys who have responded. Those of you who have emailed that havent heard from me yet I promise I will get to you. I have been flooded with responses. That is another one of the reasons I just started asking people to call me directly for details. I found that it cut out the non-serious guys. Plus, not to state the obvious, but I do have to interview you to see if I think you are right for the job and the right person to represent our brand. I am not just hiring anyone who emails me. You MUST be the right person with the right personality for this.

If you havent heard from me please send me an email to [email protected]. This is a REAL job and you will be getting paid for real. Please expect that we will be talking on a regular basis as you will be working for me. Once again, If anyone isnt comfortable with me knowing your name or your phone number then this isnt for you.

I should also note I will be paying you via business check. So this is a legit thing. I will NOT need anyone's social security number as you are going to be essentially contracted. But you will get a real check every month.

I will not send e-gold payments or western union cash to anonymous people or fake names. As an example (and to address several requests), using my own name here, I will not "hire" you and send payments to "TAZ" through egold or to "joe smith" via western union.

Our company is one of the oldest and best known in the MMA industry. Some of our sponsored fighters are Febrico Werdum, Jose Aldo, Frankie Edgar, Snowman Monson, Kendall Grove, Matt Hamil, Thiago Silva, TJ Grant, and many others. Come join the next biggest brand to hit MMA!
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Thanks again everyone for all the support and interest.

I am still absolutely open to talking to anyone else interested. It is a huge country and there is more than enough business out there for all of us. This past week was a huge one for our company as 2 of our long term fighters were chosen to be part of The Ultimate Fighter tv show coming up!!!!

Once again anyone that is interested should pm me or email me at [email protected] for more information. Once you do I will direct you to call me so that we can have a phone interview. This is a very real job working for a very real company and I will not hire anyone through instant messenger or email. There is ample growth opportunity so the future is wide open. We are part of the single most aggressively growing sports industry in the world right now. Consider this, our market grows by 50% every 4 months!

The static growth alone is more than enough to support you. But that kind of expansion growth can send your paycheck through the roof in a very fast time frame.
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I wanted to bump this back to the top again to give a second round for anyone who may not have seen it the first time.

We have had some openings and are in need of representatives in various places around the country.

We just recently signed new deals with the UFC for sponsorships as well as our standing deals with SHINE, K1, and Strikeforce. So the awareness of the brand is getting stronger and stronger. I have had over a dozen requests that have come through our site alone from places that want to carry our line so out in the field you have the regular opportunities that you create as well as business that I just hand you within your territory.

To give an update to date I have already paid over $3000 to several reps and we have some incredible exposure that they are building for us. We have become the Fight Team brand for 2 of the larger camps in the US recently and anyone who goes to the Mr. O this year can expect to see a nice big booth carrying our full line of product from one of the sponsors of that show.

So again, if you are interested in joining a very fast paced company and growing with us please prepare for a phone interview with me and email me at [email protected]

The phone interview is mandatory as I have to get a feel for your personality and your background to make sure this is a good fit.

To save time I have a list of requirements:
- must be very outgoing, personable, talkative
- must be able to intelligently communicate both in email and in person
- must have some knowledge of MMA or martial arts in general
- must have a strong work ethic realizing that success only comes through real effort
- must have working knowledge of microsoft Word and Excel

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