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Are slower gains better on cycle?


New member
May 10, 2010
I see a lot of threads where guys first cycles they gain 20-25 even 30+lbs on a cycle but they usually lose 5-10 or more once they are finished.

Most of them seem to gain a majority of their mass in a short period of time during a 12-16 week cycle. Say 6-10 weeks people gained a majority of their weight.

Is it easier to keep gains if they come slow and steady?
yes. General rule of thumb is the faster you gain, the faster you lose.
That's what I've noticed with a lot of people on this site and many others. Some make huge gains in a short time then lost more than 50% of it.

Right now I'm at week 7 of 14 of a 500mg/wk test e cycle with a small 3 week dbol kickstart at 20mg/ed and I'm only up 14lbs total but I've lost about 2% in BF. Gains are coming slow but I make great strength gains every single week. Feeling great and still gaining great, just not as fast as I've seen others do.

I'm hoping that means I actually was a lot closer to my natural genetic limit than I thought otherwise I'm guessing I would have blown up real fast and then lost it all like most people do.
That's what I've noticed with a lot of people on this site and many others. Some make huge gains in a short time then lost more than 50% of it.

Right now I'm at week 7 of 14 of a 500mg/wk test e cycle with a small 3 week dbol kickstart at 20mg/ed and I'm only up 14lbs total but I've lost about 2% in BF. Gains are coming slow but I make great strength gains every single week. Feeling great and still gaining great, just not as fast as I've seen others do.

I'm hoping that means I actually was a lot closer to my natural genetic limit than I thought otherwise I'm guessing I would have blown up real fast and then lost it all like most people do.

Dang son! If you've gained 14lbs after just 7 weeks (2lbs/wk) AND have lost BF while on just 500mg/Test E then I'd say you're doing great! How much more did you expect? The 25-30lbs gains per cycle are pie-in-the-sky numbers and generally it's sloppy weight. Are there exceptions that get massive gains on a cycle like that? Yes, but they're probably already a genetic anomaly.
Dang son! If you've gained 14lbs after just 7 weeks (2lbs/wk) AND have lost BF while on just 500mg/Test E then I'd say you're doing great! How much more did you expect? The 25-30lbs gains per cycle are pie-in-the-sky numbers and generally it's sloppy weight. Are there exceptions that get massive gains on a cycle like that? Yes, but they're probably already a genetic anomaly.

I expected to get to 230 at my peak and probably lose 8-10lbs of it. So I'm hoping to be 220+ and down to 13% BF or lower.

Started at 208 & 16%. I'm 6'2"
A guy who's opinion I respect a lot, told me that the longer you hold your size, the more likely you are to keep it.

It makes a lot of sense to me, that's why I decided not to use time limits for cycles, and just listen to my body.

How are you responding to the Dbol at 20mg per day bro? 40mg seems to be the sweet spot for me, and I fucking love the shit. I cant wait to combine with some Drol.

A guy who's opinion I respect a lot, told me that the longer you hold your size, the more likely you are to keep it.

It makes a lot of sense to me, that's why I decided not to use time limits for cycles, and just listen to my body.

How are you responding to the Dbol at 20mg per day bro? 40mg seems to be the sweet spot for me, and I fucking love the shit. I cant wait to combine with some Drol.


that makes a lot of sense, going this route on my present cycle, instead of a predetermined #
30lbs on a reasonable cycle is almost always 80% water weight. do it right, take the correct ancillaries and not only will you not look like a bloated ass-clown while you're on, you won't be fooled into thinking you packed on 30lbs of prime rib in 12 weeks.
A guy who's opinion I respect a lot, told me that the longer you hold your size, the more likely you are to keep it.

It makes a lot of sense to me, that's why I decided not to use time limits for cycles, and just listen to my body.

How are you responding to the Dbol at 20mg per day bro? 40mg seems to be the sweet spot for me, and I fucking love the shit. I cant wait to combine with some Drol.


I responded well to the dbol at 20mg/day but it was just for the first 3 weeks. I'm thinking about adding it in again at the end of my cycle at 30mg on lifting days only for the last 4-6 weeks.

I didn't really gain much water at such a low dose. But starting at 16% bf it's harder to tell in the first place. I think I'd notice a difference now since I've dropped some fat.
Some guys mostly mistake lean gains with water weight. I always put on extra 5lbs at least from water on the first four weeks so I never rely on the scale but by what I see in the mirror.

The quality of your cycle comes after PCT, when you were able to maintain whatever you have earned after the "supplements" effects are gone.
I responded well to the dbol at 20mg/day but it was just for the first 3 weeks. I'm thinking about adding it in again at the end of my cycle at 30mg on lifting days only for the last 4-6 weeks.

I didn't really gain much water at such a low dose. But starting at 16% bf it's harder to tell in the first place. I think I'd notice a difference now since I've dropped some fat.
D-bol is certainly an awesome oral, I can't stress enough how much I love it.

I could really notice the water in my face a few days in on the D-bol at 30mg ED. I looked absolutely ridiculous and told everyone it was just creatine bloat. :D

I upped the Aromasin to 25mg ED for a week which took care of the bloat really fast. By this time, my strength was way up, and I felt fucking great, so I decided to up the Dbol dosage to 40mg ED, and slowly taper the Aromasin back down to 12.5mg ED over a week, which worked great.

Aromasin seems to work wonders for my blood pressure also, which never hurts. A little pricey, but definitely worth it imo.

Take care bro,

IMO heres how it workes.

want ot keep most of what you gained? when your gains stop at a given doseage, drop down to a maintainence dose lets say 200mg/wk(just a number i made up, it will differ for everyone) and hold that mass for 6 months. then when you come off youll retain more of it better. or you can search and search the internet until you find Dante's cycle for pennies archived somewhere and follow it to a t.
Always keep in mind that connective tissue grows much slower than muscle so if you make huge strength gains really quickly you increase the risk of tearing something.
Well I'm up to 230lbs now and definitely leaner. On week 10. Started at 208lbs

**broken link removed**
i think slow and steady gains are easier to keep in the long run,

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