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At it again, my new study...PGF-2/Insulin and MGF

The Scientist

Nov 13, 2008
Okay guy's I'm back with a new study that I just started yesterday...

Protocol setup

Day 1 to 21 PGF-2/Insulin and MGF
Day 15 to 35 AAS
Day 30 to 50 PCT

PGF-2/Insulin and MGF

Day 1-7 Lutalyse 2mq-3xd / Humalog 7iu-2xd / 60mcg MGF x 3
Day 8-14 Lutalyse 2mg-4xd / Humalog 7iu-3xd / 60mcg MGF x 4
Day 15-21 Lutalyse 2mg-5xd / Humalog 7iu-4xd / 60mcg MGF x 5

All mix in one syringe and administered site specific...

My logic behind this kind of protocol in the beginning of my AAS is to splice new cells, then to grow them with the AAS and to regain all levels back to bese line and to solidify new cells.
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60mg of MGF??? really?

hey, not sure if it will be a good idea to mix all in one syringe, buffer systems are different i know from personal experience, mixing BA recon'd peps with Humulin R turned everything into a cloudy mixture meaning protein denatured so either slin got messed up or my other peps got messed up eitherway you will NOT be shooting those things if you mix all of em, the protein structure will change if they change they will be non functional, non functional proteins are useless.... trust me on this one

as for dosage and protocol i have no idea, i will be watching though, goodluck!
60mg of MGF??? really?

hey, not sure if it will be a good idea to mix all in one syringe, buffer systems are different i know from personal experience, mixing BA recon'd peps with Humulin R turned everything into a cloudy mixture meaning protein denatured so either slin got messed up or my other peps got messed up eitherway you will NOT be shooting those things if you mix all of em, the protein structure will change if they change they will be non functional, non functional proteins are useless.... trust me on this one

as for dosage and protocol i have no idea, i will be watching though, goodluck!

Hi Eded,

Thanks for your input, so far for the last 2 days I have mix them all without getting a cloudy mixture...

According to bloodwork from Author L Rea

When insulin was stacked with a specific-tissue anabolic stimulator such as PGF-2 in the same syringe, amazing muscular growth occurred.
60mg of MGF??? really?

This has to be 60mcg. 60mg would be 15 4mg vials several times per day :eek:

If I am right and you mean 60mcg, how did you come up with that dose. I have been using mgf pre-workout at 400mg split bilaterally in the muscle to be worked. Am I way overdoing it?

Good luck with the pgf2a. Went through a 30ml bottle once, and never again. Besides the crippling pain upon injection, the gastric sides were not for the feint of heart.
This has to be 60mcg. 60mg would be 15 4mg vials several times per day :eek:

If I am right and you mean 60mcg, how did you come up with that dose. I have been using mgf pre-workout at 400mg split bilaterally in the muscle to be worked. Am I way overdoing it?

Good luck with the pgf2a. Went through a 30ml bottle once, and never again. Besides the crippling pain upon injection, the gastric sides were not for the feint of heart.

Hi Tyler,

Sorry that mg is actually mcg and I edit it already. Thanks for that.

Well a study of Anthony Roberts on Mesomorph adviced a 60 mcg dose that I was experinzing earlier with awesome results.

PGF-2 taken with the MGF and insulin needs a lot of amino acids to be availible...like what Author said...To utilize PGF-2 without assuring building materials would have been like telling the wife and her sister a threesome would rock: Message sent and received,but it is highly unlikely anything good would result. Only very bad things, including a huge waste of money on divorce in most cases. Of course, as I have said countless times prior, some have responded positively to almost any stimulus. We are talking muscle chemistry of course.

So to counter this and the insulin hypoglycemia effect I will ingest 60 g Tuna with 2 scoops of Whey blended with Coke light in a blender 15 min prior to my injection(this will give me 60g of Protein), after that I will have a solid meal with protein and some complex carbs 15 min there after.

So far my second day and no discomfort with the PGF-2 as previously when my nutrient intake wasn't that high.
Interesting... For most people that used it, Lutalyse never really panned out. Will be interested to see your findings.
look foreward to reading about your results.
ddo you know how the original PGF2a compare to the PGCL stuff thats supposed to be like it?
Interesting... For most people that used it, Lutalyse never really panned out. Will be interested to see your findings.

"There will always be individuals who claim something is not true due to
what someone else has said. Those who say PGF-2 does not induce dramatic
effects simply have not used it or failed to procure the real deal."
look foreward to reading about your results.
ddo you know how the original PGF2a compare to the PGCL stuff thats supposed to be like it?

Well I only use the one by Phizer called Lutalyse, I know the PGCL is made by a guy called Chuck and its a synthetic of the normal PGF-2. I also know there was some oilbase ones not to long ago on the black market.
Hey bro you always have some interesting stuff going on...I love reading about your studys and what not...Good stuff !!!
"There will always be individuals who claim something is not true due to
what someone else has said. Those who say PGF-2 does not induce dramatic
effects simply have not used it or failed to procure the real deal."

Have read the book and am not discounting what you're doing, just saying what the general consensus has been on pgf2a in the bodybuilding community. I look forward to your findings, Scientist.
Day 5

Hi guy's

I'm on day 5 now and so far I can see and feel the diffirence on my clothes.
Will take my weight today and I'm sure my fat % is also down.
Results so far...

Well so far into week 3 of my PGF-2/Insulien and MGF...

My primarily muscles I concentrated on was chest, triceps,traps and calves.

So far no Hypoglycemia at all and taking 7 iu Humalog 4 x per day, waist 4 cm smaller and arms 1/2cm up...weight consistent at 204.6 pounds.

Started with my first phase of Androgens on Saturday...1 ml Sust per day for 10 days and 50 mg dianabol to create the plasma level for the sust that will start taking full effect in 3 days from now...
did you take any before and after pics

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