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Sep 19, 2002
You mentioned over on Chad's board about possibly having DPSQUAT or another of your clients post a sample diet (Offseason and Pre-Contest) so that we could get an idea of your practices. Any chance you guys would be willing to do that over here too? Thanks again.
I would also like to see a sample, since wylde is not taking any more clients right now.

When i signed on with wylde one of the conditions was not to discuss aspects of his nutrition and supplement plans! Guys i paid for his service..i did eat a little more cal. on his food plan but the sups shewwwwwwwwy, how when what and why... I got what i paid for thats for sure!!!!!!!!!
I appreactiate that DP!

I will leave it at your disretion but if you want to post what i had you eating meal plan wise say 8-10 weeks out that would be okay with me if not thats okay as well. I will try to write a sample meal plan if none of my clients decide to write what i had them do. In all honesty that is their choice as DP stated he paid for my services therefore i cannot give out the info i used on him or any of my other clients without their consent. I can list the foods i would reccomend in a meal plan that is still very general but effective if there is infact an interest in it. best wishes wyldeone.
wyldeone & dpsquat

I can appreciate dpsquat's desire for secrecy. I would like to see more "good" info shared about pre-contest diet - since this is the REAL SECRET! :)

While I'm at, I'll ask a pre-contest diet question. I just started working with a guy in the gym who has done very well competing (he's helping out several bros). He made the comment that come pre-contest time you should not be drinking protein drinks?!?! He said that maybe one a day was OK. I need to get back to him to clarify that he meant "lactose" and not protein drinks in general - as some have "no lactose" but most do. He made the comment that eliminating whey products is what gets your skin thin?!? Looking for some feedback from "anyone" one this.


Bro can you hit me up with an email sometime? I want to see what food plan you recommend for offseason first hand ;)!
hey ive heard that to, Ive had it rationalized to me 2 ways, some believe lactose gives you a subcutenious layer of water/fat that you cant realy lose. the second reason some believe that some of the hormones given to the cows transfer over to the milk. Me personaly Iam eliminating dairy at either 5 or 8 weeks out; I also plan on only using small amounts of whey up till about 4 weeks out.
The lactose thing I agree with. It tends to make my skin thicker and the last time I dieted for something important I drank milk with most of my shakes and felt that it didn't allow my skin to get as tight as I wanted. But I don't know if I agree with the whey theory. Now I know I don't agree with there diets but I know beverly has alot of there guys still doing the Muscle Provider up to and even on days of there shows. I have a friend who used them for a contest and was drinking this. He turned out fairly well. But this goes into another thread that I'm going to start.

he ok'ed so here is a sample
meal 1
8-10 egg whited
1 cup oats
meal 2
8 0z chicken
6 oz of yams
1 can beans
meal 3
6 oz salmon
1 can beans
4 oz potaotoe
meal 4
6 oz potaote
meal 5 ( post workout)
protien drink
meal 6
6 oz potatoe
salad or veggie
meal 7
i took a boatload of BCAA throughout this was my adding. aslo i ate a jar or natural p/b a week but i wont tell when i cut it out! only my WIFE and strunk know not even wylde( he would beat me if he knew LOL:))
i also did a carb rotate 2 days low one day high
low would be 75 high 225 untill maybe until we started this 8 weeks out..
once wylde took over my diet it was just one less thing i had to worry about
Thanks for the reply. I'm sure that this is a huge help to everyone.
Re: ok

dpsquat said:
i also did a carb rotate 2 days low one day high
low would be 75 high 225 untill maybe until we started this 8 weeks out.
THANKS dpsquat! I assume then, this is an example for "up-to" 8-weeks out? Looks like I'd expect. Do you feel it's OK to eat Yams for the "potatoes"? Any more opinions on the Whey "Protein" vs. Lactose?

The theory about protein drinks before comps is because most protein drinks are so full of garbage, one cannot trust them enough to use them for competition dieting. That goes for 99.9% of brands.
If you use a protein powder that is only pure protein and you trust the label that indeed it is that, then it will make a great addition to a contest diet - actually it will be the best source of protein as you can fully control how much you are getting in and the quality of it.
Big A said:
The theory about protein drinks before comps is because most protein drinks are so full of garbage, one cannot trust them enough to use them for competition dieting. That goes for 99.9% of brands.
If you use a protein powder that is only pure protein and you trust the label that indeed it is that, then it will make a great addition to a contest diet - actually it will be the best source of protein as you can fully control how much you are getting in and the quality of it.
That's "exactly" what I thought - thanks for reinforcing that!!

The whey protein isolate I get comes right from the manufacturer - assay states: 90+% Protein, 0.2% Fat, 0.2% Carbs.


i feel the body process the whey to fast for a dieting bb. The whole foods will aid in speeding up the digesting. AND i just get plain harder on food!
Thanks dpsquat for all the info.

And if you ever want to e-mail a more detailed diet plan I would love that too, but I understand you had to pay for it and I would be willing to pay if wylde starts to take on any new guys.

Thanks again

Surpisingly, it doesn't look as though you take in as much protein a day as I would have thought. If I remember correct, you were about 230lbs contest wieght?
Also this is the diet that led up to your 8 weeks out?
Re: dpsquat

mike man said:
Surpisingly, it doesn't look as though you take in as much protein a day as I would have thought. If I remember correct, you were about 230lbs contest wieght?
Also this is the diet that led up to your 8 weeks out?
I know dpsquat is a big middlewt - 178# stage weight. Not sure about his off season weight.

Re: whey

dpsquat said:
i feel the body process the whey to fast for a dieting bb.

Actually, according to independant, medical studies, whey isolate is one of the slower absorbing proteins, only beaten by casein. Whey takes literally hours to get absorbed.
The supplement companies are the ones that have been promoting that whey isolate is fast absorbing, just so they can justify adding cheaper proteins to their blends in order to 'slow' down absorbtion.
Oh, and those night time formulas are bullshit too. Another scam to sell cheaper blends of protein.
xcelbeyond said:

That's "exactly" what I thought - thanks for reinforcing that!!

The whey protein isolate I get comes right from the manufacturer - assay states: 90+% Protein, 0.2% Fat, 0.2% Carbs.


There you go - that makes a perfect protein source, dieting or non dieting. The only variation you will get is from moisture within the powder and ash. The amount of moisture will make the protein vary between 94% and 96%. 90% only if it's really 'wet'.

Wylde, you may want to buy some stock in peanut butter when Dp is dieting again.LOL Not that I'm ratting him out, but....... to say he ate a few tablespoons a day is an understatement!!! I'm just glad I'm not his wife. From what I hear, there were many dirty hidden spoons throughout the home. LOL Msmuscle didn't go through two jars a week like someone..........

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