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Back Thickness help


New member
Jun 12, 2002
hey guys,
I need to add some thickness to my back. any suggestions.

i do lots of deadlifts t-bar rows db rows. anything else you guys can think off.

after my last show, i looked at pics and the only reason i can see that i took second was my back was weaker then the guys next to me. everything else of mine was better.

help a brother out.

Try 45 degree bar rows. (Dorians favorite) They add thickness like crazy. Also close grip weighted chins if your gym has that.

Try this......

Stick to the basics bro, bent over dumbell or barbell rows are great for adding monster thickness!
T-bar rows, cablerows, and deathlift are my favourites
Deathlift, lol. That's actually a pretty good name for it.

I agree with the deads and weighted chins. Both are excellent. Cables aren't really very good for back mass.
You said you do "lots" of deads and rows, ect...Well, try doing less, going a bit heavier, and making each rep count.

Off-the-rack deads and seated Hammer Strength rows are my favorites for building thickness and giving a 3-D look to my back.
my lats are wide. i just have no thickness overall in my back. before i started doing shows, i always thought my back was my best bodypart. well its amazing how much fat i must hold back there cause when it comes off. your weaknesses defineatley show! hehehe.
okay.... this will sound odd but, follow me.lol the reason that some people do not add mid back thickness and depth is because of arm length. they are not able to draw the arms back far enough to give the back the contraction and scapula "squeeze" it needs to add density. nasser is a prime example. great back thickess but, he is constantly being chastised for his lack of detail in the back. if you watch his videos he can not draw his arms back far enough to get a good contraction. try to find exercised that allow"you " to get the longest possible range of motion. remeber , low pulley rows and barbll rows ect may limit you by the bar or handles coming in contact with the belly before you can get a good contraction. i find hammer exercises the best for me because i can draw the arm back far. single arm pulley rows also alllow this. but, for beefing up the upper back ....rack pulls.
thanks guys. Lats. I will try to find something. Thanks!
What LATS said about Nasser is soo true. I saw him at Frog's gym in Ensenitias a couple years ago doing chins, and can tell you that the man has range of motion of about 3 Inches! LOL Up down, Up down, Up down....finnished. LOL.
rope pulls to the neck, ill try to send the link where poliquin wrote a little about it
if ur problem is short range of motion like lats posted there are soemthings u can do, a closer grip will allow u to pull further back then a wider grip, also try what coleman does, attach a close grip attachment to one end of a barbell and wedge the other end into a corner, and u basically do t-bar rows but with a better grip for midback
HEAVY, HEAVY deads and heavy freeweight squats. believe it or not bro, squats are great for EVERYTHING not just freaky ass legs. barebell and dumbell rows are good as well. but stay away from cable shit unless your looking for the fitness model look. otherwise bro, go heavy and lower the volume.
good luck and be safe...

Cables aren't really very good for back mass.

I agree, but i do this excercise at the end of my backtraining, it's very good for definition, not for mass.
Mostly good advice so far. Deads and free weight rows are key. The one aspect that hasn't been mentioned yet is traps. Your traps form a diamond shape, which runs down to the middle of your back. If you can jack up your traps, you will also add significant back thickness. Bar shrugs are the only exercise on which I use wrist straps. Try doing super heavy shrugs with wraps, twice a week. If you think you're going heavy, go heavier and just power the weight up. You won't be able to use as much weight with dumbbells, so think about sticking to the bar. I also recommend staying away from cable exercises. I would only do these if I were 1-2 months out from a competition, and not as a primary movement.
i agree with most of all being said but, one thing. resistance is resistance. the muscle does not know the difference. sometimes cables and machines offer advantages that free weights can not duplicate. if tissue is being tore down then it will grow regardless if it is from free weights or cables. remeber that the best back that ever walked this earth (dorian) used predominately machines in his back work. nautilus pullover, hammer low row, hammer high row and low pulley cable row. he did also include free weights like barbell rows and deadlifts.. free weights do provide a higher neuro muscular output due to the balance aspect but, that also has some disadvantages. so in other words, i always recommend to include both. just my 2 lousy cents lol
Geoffke said:

I agree, but i do this excercise at the end of my backtraining, it's very good for definition, not for mass.

Geoffke please dont make statements like that beliveing cables give u definition

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