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Bad PIP/swelling and overall crappy reaction to primo....common?


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Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Sep 18, 2014
Hello Gentlemen, haven't used Primo in a long while and checked my logs I didn't have this kind of reaction previously.

I'm getting bad PIP and swelling at the site after injections, it's 3ml of oil which accounts for 250mg cyp (1ml) and 400mg Primo (2ml), TWICE a week. I also feel like crap, like warm, achey and a little nauseous.....I assume this is my body fighting the swelling that the injections caused. It's only been 3 shots so far, first in the right cheek that took a week to stop hurting, second in the left check which is considerably more painful than the first and still well swollen....it needs more time. The third was last night in the delt and it's sore but seems okay, although it will probably get worse before better.

I know primo is normally well tolerated and guys do high doses, is this typical or perhaps is it a gear quality issue, or even too much oil in a site? Although 3ml doesn't seem excessive....what do you guys think?
If I'm reading this right is your Primo 200mg per ml?
Got it thanks fellas, so just too high of a concentration....honestly not too experienced with primo at all.
Most likely too high of concentration. Typically you see Primo at 100mg/ml. I'm using one of the guaranteed sponsors Primo that's 150 mg/ml with no problem at all but I'm only using 1ml at a time.
I use the 200 mg/mL concentration. There's just some associated discomfort with each pin. It's generally tolerable though. Maybe 1 out 10 shots is significantly worse. About once a year I'll get one that causes near crippling nerve pain that persists for a week.
I must be one of the lucky ones…never had any pip from primo 200. Been doing EOD pins of 1ml primo 200, 1ml tren ace and 1ml sust 300 with no issues. The only thing I changed recently was tren ace to 50mg daily.
Most likely too high of concentration. Typically you see Primo at 100mg/ml. I'm using one of the guaranteed sponsors Primo that's 150 mg/ml with no problem at all but I'm only using 1ml at a time.
This 👆
200mg primo, if it truly is 200mg, is going to give bad PIP.
Stick to 100mg-150mg. 👍
Thanks fellas, going to split up the shots and see if that helps. In regards to overall feeling like shit, could that be my body fighting the horrible welt in my ass?
Thanks fellas, going to split up the shots and see if that helps. In regards to overall feeling like shit, could that be my body fighting the horrible welt in my ass?
Yes, of course, any type of discomfort will affect how you feel if it's bad enough, also, your cyp 250 may be contributing to the reaction, so keep that in mind
Only ran two different company’s primo before.. primo enth was fine but I tried some primo ace and holy hell. I gave 5-6 bottles away to a buddy. Dude competes on a national level and he said it tore him up as well.
Only ran two different company’s primo before.. primo enth was fine but I tried some primo ace and holy hell. I gave 5-6 bottles away to a buddy. Dude competes on a national level and he said it tore him up as well.
I don’t even react well to primo E but Yeah that shit is brutal at a whole different level.
Thanks fellas, going to split up the shots and see if that helps. In regards to overall feeling like shit, could that be my body fighting the horrible welt in my ass?

Can’t provide any scientific proof but whenever I experience crippling PIP I almost feel like I have the flu. It just destroys my ability to even want to get out of bed.

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