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BB rows form


New member
Nov 11, 2009
This lift has put me in a haze. I see so many forms but I don't know what is correct. They all 'feel' like they work but what works for you?

Describe how you're form is or post a video on how you're form is; doesn't have to be you in the video.

1. Bend over grab BOTH DBs.
2. Parallel to floor, back arched, palms facing each other near sid eof lower leg, row up towards lower chest
I imagine that the elbows would be much higher since Phil mentioned pulling to lower chest. Is that correct?
^ what about doing single-arm DB rows if your lowerback is giving you trouble. its half the load for the lower back but the same load for the pulling muscles (alternating).
Same here...

Yes, I am aware of this exercise, see people doing it
(rarely correctly, in good form, in my opinion) and have
tried in myself but for some reason I don't like it, does
not feel "right" as I'm prone to twisting my torso to get
the weight up which is not as good in my opinion and doing
it with both hands simultaneously, I get a better contraction.
One arm at a time I feel is a poor substitute to what I
described, though people seemingly get good results
from it, but not me. To each their own I guess.

I've tried DB rows like you described before Al... I agree, I like it alot. Same with this statement too... single arm DB rows- I've ALWAYS had a hard time feeling it like I would with bilateral movement as well as constantly wanting to twist my torso. Besides which, I think that is the "added benefit" of the DB row- all the muscles that are recruited to stabilize the upper body (spinal ecrectors, etc).

Right now I use a great machine at the gym b/c it allows my wife to push on the negative a lot easier than if I use a DB or BB.
bent over rolls do feel better with DB for sure, you do have to drop the weight but a very natural movement.
bent over rolls do feel better with DB for sure, you do have to drop the weight but a very natural movement.

I used to switch back and forth between dumbells and barbell. Phil encouraged me to try them and they worked for me. I would do dumbells for maybe 2-3 weeks or whatever felt right, and then switch back to barbell. Whenever I came off of doing dumbells I would ALWAYS be stronger at barbell rows. Strangely, it didnt work the other way so much. One problem youll run into is though that the dumbells at most gyms dont go very hight, so youll have to stick to high reps. THe gym I was at only went up to 120 lbs.
1. Watch Dorian do them.
2. Copy Dorian's form.
3. Say a 'lil prayer at the beginning of each set so ur biceps tendon stays attached.
I found some random guy on youtube doing db rows and I think this might be the form that Phil is talking about. Around the 35 second mark

YouTube - Phil Training Back

Except he stated palms facing each other in this thread.
In the video they are facing back.

I prefer to go with what he said in this thread. The other way messes with my shoulder joint.
what about doing them as supported from incline bench?
Muscle activation...

what about doing them as supported from incline bench?

Technically it's "fine", BUT....

- I think parallel activates the most (granted, I know Dorian and Ronnie do these at 45 degree's... but, they're not mere mortal men like some of us hahaha). Think about it- how much can you lift at 45 degree's vs parallel? At 45 degree's the angle offer's less direct pull on the muscle so you can handle a significant amount more weight... at the end of movement, your upper arm is along side your chest... where is the greatest amount of "pull" d/t gravity? When the arm is parallel to the ground.
Technically it's "fine", BUT....

- I think parallel activates the most (granted, I know Dorian and Ronnie do these at 45 degree's... but, they're not mere mortal men like some of us hahaha). Think about it- how much can you lift at 45 degree's vs parallel? At 45 degree's the angle offer's less direct pull on the muscle so you can handle a significant amount more weight... at the end of movement, your upper arm is along side your chest... where is the greatest amount of "pull" d/t gravity? When the arm is parallel to the ground.

problem with doing it parrallel while supported , even on a high bench , is that I get choked befofore I fail with the lift....

i am bored all i am doing is sitting around! Any hot guys
around that are up for a little picture trade hehe?!? My bf took some
last night on my phone and i figured they should be shared with more
then one guy!!! We can trade but there is a little catch to my game!

Just email me to find out!!!

zeenaxxx40 (AT) gmail.com

What yous guys tihnk?

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