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Behind the neck presses?


Mar 4, 2004
I love doing them and feel they are the best overall shoulder movement for me. People always say Im just asking for a shoulder injury. What does everyone think of them? Is front presses that much better. Dont tell me to do dumbells either. My gym only goes up to 110lbs.
YOu must workout at the same place I do???

I do Presses last...I figure they get enough front delt strain from benching(incline, delcine, and flat).
my gym has a hammer machine which is not isolateral(dual movement arms) that is a rear military press, i LOVE it for shoulder development, its added abt 2inches to my girdle this training cycle
its killer
When I was training 3 days a week I used to do chest,shoulders, tris together and would generally only do behind the neck presses for shoulders. Sometimes maybe some upright rows. My shoulders responded well to this routine and they are my strongest bodypart.
galaxy said:
I love doing them and feel they are the best overall shoulder movement for me. People always say Im just asking for a shoulder injury. What does everyone think of them? Is front presses that much better. Dont tell me to do dumbells either. My gym only goes up to 110lbs.

The reason that people are susceptible to injury with this exercise is because of the extreme external rotation it places the shoulder in. I used to be a pitcher throughout childhood so I have great flexibility in external rotation and therefore this is actually one of my favorite exercises and has contributed greatly to my shoulder mass. However most people don't have that kind of flexibility and it can therefore be very dangerous. My advice would be to avoid this exercise unless you know that you have the proper flexibility.
Threw a NO NO in my first career varsity start. I guess there for me then.

I used to like them, but did myself an injury on upright rows so now only do presses either with dbells (mainly) or military (in front).

FRKNHUGE - if it's the hammer machine I'm thinking of, I always found it mimicked more of a dbell or military pressing action, and didn't give the same angle as behind the neck presses...? Which is why I do dbells instead of it. I guess it could be just how it's used.

I wouldn't just do military presses, but that's me. If behinds work for you and they don't seem to strain your joints etc, i don't see the problem. A lot of guys are fine with them. And I'm sure some injuries come about through poor form or cheating. IronMike
muscle96ss said:
The reason that people are susceptible to injury with this exercise is because of the extreme external rotation it places the shoulder in.
This is the biomechanics involved with this movement. It's just an injury waiting to happen unless you're using a minimal amount of weight. Behind the neck movements are the culprit of MANY shoulder injuries.

I was just reading about some powerlifter who messed up their shoulder doing behind-the-neck presses. You may want to disagree with me but you can't argue with Mother Nature :p

|-[\\\\\\\]>------------ I like them too, but my shoulders are my weakest bodypart, but i do feel them burn after i do them. i hvae a friend back home who could do presses in the back with 3 plates on a side!
believe it or not u can do behind the neck presses without external rotation...........the key is to keep the elbows drawn back and to with the knuckcles and certain way...cant really describe well here

if u picture or look at the way u do db presses as far as how the knucles look....do this with a barbell and draw the elbows back
I've always been advised to stay away anything behind me--it's not natural. Tom Platz told me the only thing that really bothers him now is his neck and shoulders from not doing all of his exercises in the frontal plane.
I lean my head forward , so Im pretty sure Im aligned straight and I only go to my ears.
seated behind the neck presses

BigKiwi swears buy them and take a look at his shoulders.
Id say they deffinatley work but do whatever is more comfortable..
If they dont feel rite dont do em.. If you are ok with em and know there blasting growth into your shoulders tear em up.

I usually do my heaviest sets first and to the front...
and finish off with behind the neck seated on the smith machine.
Marty44 said:
I've always been advised to stay away anything behind me--it's not natural. Tom Platz told me the only thing that really bothers him now is his neck and shoulders from not doing all of his exercises in the frontal plane.

and there couldn't be anything else to blame except behind the neck exercises?
You could simplify it by saying-if it doesnt cause pain/problem then you are OK.
But the mechanics of twisting the rotary cuff and then applying extreme pressure down on it afterward sounds like looking for trouble. I agree not twisting any joints into unnatural positions and applying resistance on top of that.
i sit backwards on the girly machine and load it... that way it is controlled and the same movement.

Leaning your head forward could be worse. You should try some stretching techniques to loosen your shoulder girdle so you can keep your head in a neutral position, and let your shoulders move.
I always do my strict presses in the front, usually standing. Occasionally I use DBs. I love heavy push presses. I'm a big fan of heavy behind the neck push presses and push jerks though. Mind you I come from an athletic background and still train that way. I did 407x3, 440x1, 460x1 last thursday, tomorow I will try to excede those numbers.

also, as a point of interest, Hugo Girard and Steve Kirit are two guys I know of that can do over 405 front or back on a seated press!

Jonnyel said:
Leaning your head forward could be worse. You should try some stretching techniques to loosen your shoulder girdle so you can keep your head in a neutral position, and let your shoulders move.

very important no matter how yoiu choose to do them.

Mr_Magoo said:
and there couldn't be anything else to blame except behind the neck exercises?

I said ANY exercises that do not take place in the frontal plane--not just behind the neck presses

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