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eBay fined $59 million for "pill presses"

A lot of the pill presses sold were Xanax replicas…used to make fentanyl-laced knockoffs. The major issue was the use of pill presses for counterfeit prescriptions.
the molds do not represent the actual machine always, also you can buy any pharma counterfeit mold or packaging from china and damn near replicates what is being sold, just ask alibaba and the Arabian Nights

hardly were you seeing fetty laced street press xanax in big cities, trust me - it did happen, but rarely - they were all flu-alp, clonozolam, and bromazolam. nearly impossible to tell difference with bromaz besides halflife. this kept dealers in business and clients unaware. few fetty deaths from "xan bars" would have disrupted their flow and traffic, news stations were misinformed and spreading misinformation as always. now- the M30s were ALWAYS FETTY since 2020, East coast zombie tranq has made its way to west coast. and the addy presses are M-AMP or 4fmph. any thing labeled as 0xY was fetty for years and anyone pretending to have non street presses unless they got them directly themselves from doctor, which more than a few day supply was impossible with regulations, unless you are a severe pain management patient. OSDMT is what people are using now for p3rc presses
etizolam is what most of them were being pressed with also (bars). lots of submissions on druginfo website and lab assays done on contents proving, and mentions the region they came from in USA or abroad
If I was ebay Id lawyer up, no way you can seriously tell me its for illegal activity before you sold the press. Its like selling rolling tobacco paper in the coinvent mart. Its up to the user what they put in it. fuck that.
Oh I am sure they had the.best lawyers one can buy telling them to.settle. I agree though like you could say home depot was fined.59 million dollars.for.selling shovels. investigators have said Shove!s are sometimes used.to bury illegal things and.dead people. You could say something like.this about everything.
Exactly...once the government gets to this point in pursuing monetary damages, you're not getting away with anything.
The lawyers TOLD them to pay.
If some presses were specific to replicate the look of oxys or another controlled prescription med I could see this.
I get what you are saying if they used a mold to replicate counterfeit meds, it is not a press that arbitrates that - it is the MOLD

YOU BUY THE MOLDS!! MOLDS ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and can be manipulated once implemented.

You can have THE SAME tab press and press oxy molds, WINSTROL MOLDS, MnM candy MOLDS, whatever your heart desires, WITH THE SAME TAB PRESS/PUNCH PRESS

lets please stop the misinformation being spread

for everyone else: THEY ARE NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO SOURCE, I already gave hints and innuendos as to HOW my partners do It and have done it.

as for packaging, I can if I wanted to mimic any pharma packaging almost to the T. They sell mold replicas for every drug you can imagine overseas.

we see this often in our AAS world, the concept and reality applies to any realm

o/t EBAY and AMAZON just recently stopped selling b.caapi because it is an MAOI inhibitor used to activate DMT to make ayahuasca and changa. so I hear 😋
I get what you are saying if they used a mold to replicate counterfeit meds, it is not a press that arbitrates that - it is the MOLD

YOU BUY THE MOLDS!! MOLDS ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and can be manipulated once implemented.

You can have THE SAME tab press and press oxy molds, WINSTROL MOLDS, MnM candy MOLDS, whatever your heart desires, WITH THE SAME TAB PRESS/PUNCH PRESS

lets please stop the misinformation being spread

for everyone else: THEY ARE NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO SOURCE, I already gave hints and innuendos as to HOW my partners do It and have done it.

as for packaging, I can if I wanted to mimic any pharma packaging almost to the T. They sell mold replicas for every drug you can imagine overseas.

we see this often in our AAS world, the concept and reality applies to any realm

o/t EBAY and AMAZON just recently stopped selling b.caapi because it is an MAOI inhibitor used to activate DMT to make ayahuasca and changa. so I hear 😋
Makes complete sense. Figured maybe it was a single unit or an obvious inclusion by picture. I know nothing about this stuff other than to avoid.

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