some people care more about others looking at how much weight they have on the bar then getting a quality movement.
i see powerlifters do it sometimes, but its rare. Odds are its an ego lift...
yes. I personally go to tap my chest and stop a little short of lockout, so i guess its not a full motion
some people care more about others looking at how much weight they have on the bar then getting a quality movement.
i see powerlifters do it sometimes, but its rare. Odds are its an ego lift...
you are clueless
The lower half of the movement is where your chest is most involved,sooo if working chest is goal bring to chest.Never been a fan of partial reps,just my opinion.
To each his own i guess. I didnt say it didnt have its place, as ive seen powerlifters at my gym that i respect do it (although they use wood blocks) but id say from what IVE SEEN, more often then not its a guy just trying to do much, much more weight then he can handle, and usually has his buddy pulling on the bar for the few inches he lowers it.
if you dont know.....then why comment???
you just make yourself sound like an idiot
How come when some people bench they bring the bar down to their chest and some people bring it less than half way down? What is the difference?
OK, here is my humble yet I feel solid postion on this ....
As for powerlifting using blocks, yes there is a reason. Depending upon their program, they use stages of depth to prepare the muscle to maximize its full potential for a meet. Some also do this with squats and deadlift.
For those just training there are reasons. Bringing it less than halfway down, I have no idea.
For those leaving 3-4 inches, it keep the focus mainly on chest, not allowing the front delts to activate and take over and also saves on your tie ins.
I, myself, do not do a full movement, stopping short of touching the chest and feeling it out as to not activate the shoulders. depends on ones personal body mechanics. If I am working chest, I am working chest. Shoulders are moves all to their own.
That being said, what others have said can be true, it might be an ego trip. As for me, I can get more weight up with full range of motion, but it defeats the purpose unless training for powerlifting.
Again, just my opinion. Hope this answers your question with a little reasoning.
I agree! But I agree with shawn in the begining of this post also. Most guys that are coming down under half way or less are just doing it to cheat the movement and do more weight because they can't possibly do it full range. They also never show any kind of improvement. Every guy i see doing this has no clue about trainig. If you ask them why they just say this is how you bench. For most it is just an ego thing. These are the same guys that tell how much there bench goes up all the timem and bench 3 times a week. LOL
A board press and a half ass bench press are 2 different things. Board presses work various points of your bench press and your lockout (triceps) depending on the number of boards used.To each his own i guess. I didnt say it didnt have its place, as ive seen powerlifters at my gym that i respect do it (although they use wood blocks) but id say from what IVE SEEN, more often then not its a guy just trying to do much, much more weight then he can handle, and usually has his buddy pulling on the bar for the few inches he lowers it.
you are also clueless
and ignorant