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Benefit of taking HGH pwo and how much?


Jul 30, 2010
What is the benefit and best way to take HGH after lifting? I know to get huge you would need to take it with insulin to shutter its nutrients throughout the cells, but for now I am doing it without insulin. And how long after injecting should I take my after workout shake?
What is the benefit and best way to take HGH after lifting? I know to get huge you would need to take it with insulin to shutter its nutrients throughout the cells, but for now I am doing it without insulin. And how long after injecting should I take my after workout shake?

What is your age? PWO should be empty stomach when blood sugar at lowest after training for greatest absorbsion then wait 30 or so depending on metabolism then pwo shake. Hope that helps. Thats what it is!
Would you wanna do it SQ or IM? SQ takes 3-5 hours by what the insert says. If it's not in your system for that long then why does it matter.? Serious question bros...
25 years old. What benefit does it have as opposed to doing it first thing in morning or around the afternoon?
25 years old. What benefit does it have as opposed to doing it first thing in morning or around the afternoon?
SUB Q and it will hit ya way faster than that when your blood sugar low and metabolism revved up. I am still an advocate of first thing in the morning when blood sugar at is lowest you will see biggest spike in IGF-1 levels. And guy who posted 3-5 hours? Had my IGF-1 tested an hour post injection they were in the upper 500's- so 3-5 hours maybe at a low dose in the untrained athlete. Still sounds little long.
It is reported that the equal pharmacological effect could be achieved via SC or Im administration. Even though SC may lead to higher cioncentration of GH in plasma, IM could also yield the same IGF-1 level. The absorption of GH is relatively slow, max often occurs at 3-5 hours after injection. Clearance of GHis via liver and kidney, the half-life of clearance is 2-3 hours.

This is word for word from the literature that came with each kit. That's where I came up with it.
It is reported that the equal pharmacological effect could be achieved via SC or Im administration. Even though SC may lead to higher cioncentration of GH in plasma, IM could also yield the same IGF-1 level. The absorption of GH is relatively slow, max often occurs at 3-5 hours after injection. Clearance of GHis via liver and kidney, the half-life of clearance is 2-3 hours.

This is word for word from the literature that came with each kit. That's where I came up with it.
No argument here. But sub q will hit faster than IM. Insulin for example to diabetics needs fast absorbsion therefore sub q. But 3-5 hours seems a bit long. Maybe for a sedentary out of shape person. May you post that literature on 3-5 hours please? I have never seen this. If thats the case then ya wouldnt want to eat for that period which makes no sense. Not trying to call ya out or disrespect ya- you make some good posts but can ya send a link ot something that shows this in some sort of literature and not on a post or opinion forum please? Hey if im incorrect then nothin wrong with learning something every day!
No argument here. But sub q will hit faster than IM. Insulin for example to diabetics needs fast absorbsion therefore sub q. But 3-5 hours seems a bit long. Maybe for a sedentary out of shape person. May you post that literature on 3-5 hours please? I have never seen this. If thats the case then ya wouldnt want to eat for that period which makes no sense. Not trying to call ya out or disrespect ya- you make some good posts but can ya send a link ot something that shows this in some sort of literature and not on a post or opinion forum please? Hey if im incorrect then nothin wrong with learning something every day!

I hear ya bro, I copied what it said from in the "Pharmacokinetics" section of the literature. It's a small piece of paper that comes in each kit. I tried to scan it, but I can't figure out how to make it bigger. If you want it, I can send it cause I have 9 more... I'm here to learn too, this is the only thing I have to go off of besides the forums info.
I was under the impression that IM was faster absorbing that SC.? I mean the muscle has more blood vessels in it than fat does right? Wouldn't it get in the system faster if more blood vessels are present. I'm not a doc or have any degrees, just an electrician. Anybody with some clarification?
No argument here. But sub q will hit faster than IM. Insulin for example to diabetics needs fast absorbsion therefore sub q. But 3-5 hours seems a bit long. Maybe for a sedentary out of shape person. May you post that literature on 3-5 hours please? I have never seen this. If thats the case then ya wouldnt want to eat for that period which makes no sense. Not trying to call ya out or disrespect ya- you make some good posts but can ya send a link ot something that shows this in some sort of literature and not on a post or opinion forum please? Hey if im incorrect then nothin wrong with learning something every day!

All of the GH in the circulation system exists as a complex form with GH binding proteins that make the half-life of GH prolonged.
Does this make sense to you? A little greek to me, but I'm gueesing that's why it's 3-5 hours.??
I Read and was told to check my igf-1 levels an hour post administration (when it peaks) and mine was a hair under 600 so maybe it circulates longer but i cant see it spiking much higher than that for much longer hence taking in a fasting state. prior to making investment I made small order tested pre and post at ANY LAB TESTS and those were my results so of course I ordered enough for a while. That 3-5 hours just seems a long cant see it spiking that long since it is short acting. Maybe I should drop the $60 and test after 3 hours. who knows I havent been on too long so I dont expect noticable results yet but I would like to take at optimal time get most benefits and best bang for my buck! 600 is considered pretty high so of course I was pleased and at current dosage no sides. (which is good) Just moved to 3 from 2 and goal is 4 and to stay there long term.
i thought IM would hit faster. that's why people use IM with the PWO method so they can get carbs in sooner after injection. again it just what i heard. you seem more educated than me on the subject, but are you certain about this?

It does. It doesn't take an educated man to use google. ;)
SC is a slower more steady release of the GH. Just like insulin patients that need a steady release of it over a certain amount of time. IM is faster because the skeletal muscles have more blood vessels and the delts are faster than the glutes when it comes to absorption because of the type of blood vessels.
shovel, so are you recommending sub-q pwo then?

If you want it to hit quick, all evidence leads to IM. I've been doin IM the last few days to avoid the site irritation. I did use sterile water today SC to see if it affected me the same as BW.
IMHO IM pwo is what I will be doin and SC on nonlift days IF the sterile water works better for me.

Here's what I found...
The absorption rate with SC injection is constant and slow enough to allow a sustained pharmacodynamic effect (Wilkinson, 2001). Blood supply in the SC area affects absorption, so the more proximal the capillaries are to the site of administration and the more numerous the capillaries, the faster the absorption of the drug. All drug products cross capillary membranes at a faster rate than they cross other tissue membranes (Ansel et al., 2004).

While drugs may be absorbed quickly following IM injection, the absorption rate depends on blood flow at the injection site. Joggers, who have greater blood flow to their legs, may experience a much faster rate of absorption of a drug injected into the thigh than if the same dose were injected into another muscle (Ansel et al., 2004; Wilkinson, 2001). The absorption rate of an aqueous drug administered in the deltoid or vastus lateralis generally is greater than that following injection into the gluteus maximus (Wilkinson, 2001). Blood flow to a muscle can affect the absorption rate of drugs administered by IM injection. Decreased blood flow can reduce the absorption rate (DeWit, 2001; Perry & Potter, 2004). In addition, the decreased muscle mass of many older adults may result in faster absorption of drugs delivered by IM injection (AstraZeneca Oncology, 2003; DeWit, 2001; Perry & Potter, 2004). IM absorption of some drugs in infants and young children may be unpredictable due in part to insufficient muscle tone and vascularity of muscle tissue.
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It does. It doesn't take an educated man to use google. ;)
SC is a slower more steady release of the GH. Just like insulin patients that need a steady release of it over a certain amount of time. IM is faster because the skeletal muscles have more blood vessels and the delts are faster than the glutes when it comes to absorption because of the type of blood vessels.

ok good i guess i was right then.. IM PWO it is! :headbang:

IM PWO in the muscle you just worked correct? So what would you do if you did a split like back/bicep or shoulders/bench? And I got BD 30 gauge 1/2 long needle, would that suffice?

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