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Benoit's Doctor


Feb 3, 2006
He was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison, no parole! Was justice served? Is society better for it?
No because the tragedy of Benoits situation wasnt steroids, it was head trauma which could alter anyones attitude.
Add that with a cheating wife and you have the makings of a time bomb ready to explode at any time.
The sad part about the ordeal wasnt the deaths of him or his wife, it was the loss of a child that had no choice in the matter.
No because the tragedy of Benoits situation wasnt steroids, it was head trauma which could alter anyones attitude.
Add that with a cheating wife and you have the makings of a time bomb ready to explode at any time.
The sad part about the ordeal wasnt the deaths of him or his wife, it was the loss of a child that had no choice in the matter.


I didnt know she cheated on him?
Well its all over the news adding fuel to the fire, thankful for Stossel and a reasonable, fair, look at the subject. Most people are scared to be a dissenting voice in the media.
she was and mentioned wanting a divorce

Yeah, I think I read where the process had started or was about to start and I think the depression he was under was what drove him over the edge.
Infidelity on either spouses part is a life or death situation for far to many people in this world.

Some people are able to get by afterwards and patch things up but most cannot and do drastic things,
Unfortunately the media frenzy with the steroid spin was unavoidable.

Kinda like the way Chris Browns hiatus was blamed on steroids, that kid hasnt touched a steroid other than maybe prednisone i bet.
But his defence was steroid use because he needed a scape goat to mask his Violent behavior and his attorneys knew the media would once again spin it twards his favore.
EVEN WITH ALL THE ATTENTION GIVEN TO HIS HEAD TRAUMA THEY STILL COME TO THE WRONG CONCLUSION.. what the media is not telling is that the charges were based not only on benoits gear perscription but, numerous other scripts this guy made to wrestlers for pain killers ect ect.. the doc was wreckless in his prescription protocol..
EVEN WITH ALL THE ATTENTION GIVEN TO HIS HEAD TRAUMA THEY STILL COME TO THE WRONG CONCLUSION.. what the media is not telling is that the charges were based not only on benoits gear perscription but, numerous other scripts this guy made to wrestlers for pain killers ect ect.. the doc was wreckless in his prescription protocol..

True, but a rec drug disaster isnt as facinating as steroids so it wouldnt have been read worthy and thats all the media is after.
He was wreckless in his scripts without a doubt but we see that with a lot of stars' dr.'s
When a star wants something that doc is going to give it to them every time for fear he/she will go elsewhere for their med needs and cost that doc thousands.
He was writing scripts without regard for narcotics and steroids.The two things watched most by DEA.Then to have a tradgedy happen just backs up the claims of many.Nobody but chris Benoit knows the truth.Like mentioned above the little boy is the saddest part.
EVEN WITH ALL THE ATTENTION GIVEN TO HIS HEAD TRAUMA THEY STILL COME TO THE WRONG CONCLUSION.. what the media is not telling is that the charges were based not only on benoits gear perscription but, numerous other scripts this guy made to wrestlers for pain killers ect ect.. the doc was wreckless in his prescription protocol..

Ahhhhhhh...... all they mentioned in the news report I saw was steroids, steroids, steroids..............
here is the funny thing about the chris brown case.. he tried to blame it on steroids.. his buddies back him up in court by saying.. and i quote " we all thought that man, chris was getting really jacked.. so it was the steroids".. well these morons and the lawyers that back them failed to realize that chris indeed was on steroids..PREDNISONE!!!. he was prescribed it for his vocal cord imflammation during the tour... idiots ....:mad: this is what is frustrating.. they dont even know the difference between anabolics and prednisone..

i have a guy at work that has m.s. he is a great guy but, one day told me that he was on steroids once for his m.s. and he had to be taken off them because they made him "rage".. yes..prednisone.. when i explained the difference to him he said "oh.. well maybe it was the anti depressants they put me on too"...:rolleyes:
What a bunch of freakin idiots, do some actual research on this stuff and know the freakin differences between steriods and other meds! I swear the media is dumb as hell, but that is their job to report entertainment without facts! Stupid!
here is the funny thing about the chris brown case.. he tried to blame it on steroids.. his buddies back him up in court by saying.. and i quote " we all thought that man, chris was getting really jacked.. so it was the steroids".. well these morons and the lawyers that back them failed to realize that chris indeed was on steroids..PREDNISONE!!!. he was prescribed it for his vocal cord imflammation during the tour... idiots ....:mad: this is what is frustrating.. they dont even know the difference between anabolics and prednisone..

i have a guy at work that has m.s. he is a great guy but, one day told me that he was on steroids once for his m.s. and he had to be taken off them because they made him "rage".. yes..prednisone.. when i explained the difference to him he said "oh.. well maybe it was the anti depressants they put me on too"...:rolleyes:

Yeah, thats what I mentioned in my post, by looking at him thats the only steroid he could have been one.
I DONT KNOW LAND... HE WAS GETTING "JACKED" ON THE PRED.. maybe he knows more than us..:confused::rolleyes:
its sad

It will just scare docs from legit HRT for men who need it. Some of these pain meds are so addicting. I had some from some surgury and if i did not run out, i'd still be taking them. Those should be controlled.

Also, there are murder/suicides pretty much all the time these days....the professor in GA most recently and none of these guys took roids.....so out of the last 100 murder/suicides, one happens to use aas, it must have been the aas...
I DONT KNOW LAND... HE WAS GETTING "JACKED" ON THE PRED.. maybe he knows more than us..:confused::rolleyes:

A stout wind could knock his scrawny butt over.
Serious though, my son has taken pred before and he did get some chubby cheaks out of it hehe.
here is the funny thing about the chris brown case.. he tried to blame it on steroids.. his buddies back him up in court by saying.. and i quote " we all thought that man, chris was getting really jacked.. so it was the steroids".. well these morons and the lawyers that back them failed to realize that chris indeed was on steroids..PREDNISONE!!!. he was prescribed it for his vocal cord imflammation during the tour... idiots ....:mad: this is what is frustrating.. they dont even know the difference between anabolics and prednisone..

i have a guy at work that has m.s. he is a great guy but, one day told me that he was on steroids once for his m.s. and he had to be taken off them because they made him "rage".. yes..prednisone.. when i explained the difference to him he said "oh.. well maybe it was the anti depressants they put me on too"...:rolleyes:

My sister has m.s. and had the same story the "steroids" were making her aggressive. I said no baby, its not the steroids (had to explain the difference) your the same bitch you always were., LOL

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