I'm not a doc or anything, but the problem with beta blockers is working out. They basically make your heart beat at a slower rate which is fine unless you do something strenous. I am an old fart, and have moderatlely high BP and take a beta blocker, but I learned the trick is take it when you go to bed. If you have it in your system when you work out you will get out of breath with just a slight amount of exertion, which obviously doesn't make for a good high intensity workout. Except for that, they don't seem to have any other kind of detrimental effect, but they have a lot of blood preasure meds that work differently. You might want to just tell your doc you work out a lot and pretty hard, and can he give you a different kind. Also, if he is a doc you can talk straight to, you probably should level with him about "supplement" use, if any.