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Big thanks


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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 9, 2002
I have to give a big thanks to 2 people. Baja and Skip. Been working with skip to get back into shape for my tryout if I go, and use Baja prods exclusively. Since the shoulder injury I've just kind of gone through workouts and lollygaged around and not pushed myself. Now there is no reason as everything is almost healed.
Skip is on point with the way he works and picks apart every detail to the point of turning you into a machine.
Baja prods are topnotch. I've been off for awhile and just recently came back to the state that I love so much, i.e. the ANABOLIC STATE. I feel like a million bucks right now.
Anyone considering working with either of these people you will get your bang for your buck

Thanks guys
Armageddon said:
I've been off for awhile and just recently came back to the state that I love so much, i.e. the ANABOLIC STATE.


The majority of people that work with Skip seem to say nothing but good things about him. I know he's very nit-picky, you can tell that just reading what he writes. What sort of before and after stats are we talking about here? Over what time period? Glad to see things going well for you, man. There's NOTHING like achieving a goal and feeling good about yourself and the way you look...NOTHING!
3 weeks! I know it doesn't seem like much but he and others have seen alot of improvement. I was barely working out there for about 3months and not doing much. But with proper food and everything the muscle memory is starting to kick into high gear.
I should have gooten my BF% before I started, the thing is now strip the bf that I have and then get adding some muscle. Start cardio this wk, so my body is going to change real quik. I love cardio, seems like it changes my body overnight! Last time I got into good shape I went for 222 to 216 and from 11.5% to 5.4% in 5wks. I already feel better than I did before, progress isn't as dramatic over the 2-3wk period. But Like I said, there's been no cardio yet either :D
Maybe in a couple of months I'll put the transformation pics and everyone can see the progress!
Armageddon said:
Last time I got into good shape I went for 222 to 216 and from 11.5% to 5.4% in 5wks. QUOTE]

WOW. That's all I can say to that. Normally I'd call bullshit on a claim like that but you seem like a good guy so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here :D I'm trying to get lean myself but I am highly suspecting hypothyroidism so have to wait 'til I get insurance to have a blood panel done. Good luck man
To get that lean last time I worked with Cathy Sassin form Intrafitt out of cali. But you also have to understand my cardio was off the chain. 45mins 4-5x's a wk. I was in good cardiovascular shape from football. So I'd run nonstop on a treadmill at 7.2-9.2 for 45mins. I could run a mile in 5mins and not sure how many seconds

Armageddon said:
To get that lean last time I worked with Cathy Sassin form Intrafitt out of cali. But you also have to understand my cardio was off the chain. 45mins 4-5x's a wk. I was in good cardiovascular shape from football. So I'd run nonstop on a treadmill at 7.2-9.2 for 45mins. I could run a mile in 5mins and not sure how many seconds
Bro, that is some serious running! Great job! I don't think I would ever have the ambition to ge to that level of running.
Armageddon said:
I have to give a big thanks to 2 people. Baja and Skip. Been working with skip to get back into shape for my tryout if I go, and use Baja prods exclusively. Since the shoulder injury I've just kind of gone through workouts and lollygaged around and not pushed myself. Now there is no reason as everything is almost healed.
Skip is on point with the way he works and picks apart every detail to the point of turning you into a machine.
Baja prods are topnotch. I've been off for awhile and just recently came back to the state that I love so much, i.e. the ANABOLIC STATE. I feel like a million bucks right now.
Anyone considering working with either of these people you will get your bang for your buck

Thanks guys

Its very nice of you.
and i did hear the same thing about them too.i think that its great to have them here,who could help could tap you one the shoulder when you need help.
Bajan and Skip i would love to thank you too,for helping us.i know we never talked but its is very nice to hear something like this.
Very kind words and I appreciate it very much.



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