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Bigger Calves


New member
Jan 24, 2009
I've spent years upon yrs. on my calves, any thoughts on the best way to make them grow...any sugestions would be greatly appreciated.
i had shitty calves for many years

until i began to get stronger with my leg training and compounds movements
squats, legpress, deadlifts......then they grew a little
but were still small in comparison with upper legs

then several years ago i trained them everyother workout from all angles
heavy, light and fast, toes in toes out, 3, 4 second negs,
and it seems they exploded with growth

my calves are 18.5 inches

it a fast stiwch(cant spell srry)u hv to treat it diff,u want long fast rep and ,like what is hard to do at 50 rep thn try to do tht untill 100 rep but only 20 r 30 second rest, my calfs r 17 in and i,m 5 8 and weigh only 165,hope this work for did for me.and dont stop working em untill u can do no more,work em hard once a week
i had shitty calves for many years

until i began to get stronger with my leg training and compounds movements
squats, legpress, deadlifts......then they grew a little
but were still small in comparison with upper legs

then several years ago i trained them everyother workout from all angles
heavy, light and fast, toes in toes out, 3, 4 second negs,
and it seems they exploded with growth

my calves are 18.5 inches

Do u still train with this higher frequency? My upper legs are quite strong/ big but my calves suck bad. This is one muscle their has to be a secret for growth!
Do u still train with this higher frequency? My upper legs are quite strong/ big but my calves suck bad. This is one muscle their has to be a secret for growth!

yes to this day

i train calves at least 3 times a week

6 to 8 sets total

from all angles.......and they never never looked better

yes to this day

i train calves at least 3 times a week

6 to 8 sets total

from all angles.......and they never never looked better


I'm glad u posted this because I train them hard. I've tried volume, low volume, heavy, light, the only thing I have not tried is several times a week. Guess I'm doing calves Today!
I don't really think they are any different than any other muscle. You just have to find a way to create a growth response, do something they aren't used to. If walking around all day is what they are used to, then you may want to do heavy raises for low reps. That is what works for me. Twice a week 3 sets standing calf raises with the machine maxed out. Slow negative, pause and stretch, normal speed coming up, pause at the top and squeeze.
i am currently training them everyday. total of six sets, light , heavy etc and stretching the shit out of them too, daily(off weekends). Grow MF'rsss
I think the faschia is particularly tighton calf muscles. Maybe a tactic of volume training + faschia massage + injections of oil (to temporarily fill the musccle out) would work.
Guys who squat and pull weights in the upper hundreds have big calves. Throw on a squat suit on squat day, your calves won't know you're wearing one.:star-war:
My calves are 19", what works for them is stairs with heavy weights, watch climbers, those hiking for most, they have big calves.
My calves are 19", what works for them is stairs with heavy weights, watch climbers, those hiking for most, they have big calves.

Are your calves bigger than your arms? :D
I always trained them heavy lower volume, than sometimes do a lighter weight but still heavy for high amount of reps, trained usually twice a week sometimes 3
i had shitty calves for many years

until i began to get stronger with my leg training and compounds movements
squats, legpress, deadlifts......then they grew a little
but were still small in comparison with upper legs

then several years ago i trained them everyother workout from all angles
heavy, light and fast, toes in toes out, 3, 4 second negs,
and it seems they exploded with growth

my calves are 18.5 inches


Well I train them about 2 to 3 times a week at all different positions with high reps as well as do compound movements but I have not seen any growth in them in a long time they are stuck at around 17 to 17 1/4. Maybe I do need to focus on the negatives more though.
i am currently training them everyday. total of six sets, light , heavy etc and stretching the shit out of them too, daily(off weekends). Grow MF'rsss

I use to train them everyday a long time ago, but I just dont have the time to now days and figured they stopped growing because I was overtraining them. Who knows. Do you not feel every day would be overtraining them?
I think the faschia is particularly tighton calf muscles. Maybe a tactic of volume training + faschia massage + injections of oil (to temporarily fill the musccle out) would work.

Oh man! I hear what your talking bout brother. I think this is the problem but I injected them twice with gear not synthol or anything but my regular gear and my calves were in so much pain I couldn't walk right for almost three weeks but at this time is when they were the biggest at around 17 & 3/4. I think it works but I just don't know if I can go through that pain again. Anyone know if it hurts that way with syntherol also?
Create a day strictly for calves and use insulin on this day only.
Can you explain to me exactly how this works? I'm very curious please give me some details.
Can you explain to me exactly how this works? I'm very curious please give me some details.

lol......dont bother......he cant

its useless and horrible advise

lol......dont bother......he cant

its useless and horrible advise


LOL Sounded a little weird man, thanks for the help

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