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Bigkiwi story on close up nz

Wow....my heart goes out to kiwi but I've got to agree with jaydub....this guy needs to slow down and reevaluate. You're health comes first....especially when its potentially lethal. Not to mention its news story's like this that sensationalize steroids and make the drugs and their users look bad. I mean we all know that kiwi is on a load of gear...but certainly not typical of most users.
i know this is a sensitive topic

but would the heavy use of fantasy (GHB) have an impact on BigKiwis heart condition. I know they stated that it is probably AAS but we know how much they sensationalize this issue...

is there a major possibility that injecting litres of fantasy in fact caused alot of this problem?

hope all goes well big kiwi

hope to see u in australia soon!
There's a little bit of Big Kiwi in all of us, to some extent. Hope all works out Bro!
you can inject ghb? is that what someone just said?
i knew/know a pro who is a ghb addict. goes thru a bottle a day. i don't think it causes heart probs.
the fact big kiwi is on all those meds to hopefully stay alive is what is sad.
but it is important to notice how genetics play a factor. ronnie coleman is big as hell and is in his 40's and as far as we know has none of these health problems. my guess is it takes big kiwi more gear to be his biggest than it takes ronnie coleman to be his biggest. once again, genetics ruling the outcome of ones physique and ones health.
if it takes huge dosages to compete with the big guys this sport might not be for you cuz the big guys need less dose than you to be big as hell and if they go crazy with the dose then lights out.
just imo of course.:cool:
what do i know....
there is more to the story guys then steroid abuse.. it appears that the show decided on taking the gear route.. a little more sensational.. maybe kiwi will give his take on it..

That may be so, but I think it was made pretty clear that he needs to reduce his weight in order to be healthy. Let's face it, if he has congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy the steroid use needs to come to an end. I think it's sad that his physical appearance means more to him than his life does....I'm sure there is a lot more to the man than his outward appearance. Hopefully he listens to the people that love him when they are telling him how important he is to them and realizes that none of those attributes have anything to do with how his physique looks. Turn the page Justin....Start the new chapter of your life!
its time to lower the dose and settle down at a more manageable weight.. doesn't matter how big you are if your dead
Yeah, did we all see the same interview?

No offense bigchef, but how is this inspirational? Inspirational to never touch AAS again?

This stuff is fucking scary as hell. He's walking around dieing yet still training balls to the wall and taking 2-3 grams of steroids? I mean unless this story was straight up lying or editing things to make it seem worse than the situation really is, BigKiwi needs a major major wake up call here, and for some reason his heart failing isnt enough to give the shit a break??? And his g/f's attitude is "we're all a ticking time bomb anyway, might as well do what we love"?!


And since hes huge and has an amazing physique and is getting some fame, no one says anything about how fucked up this is? I mean if this was anyone of us telling this story, everyone would be jumping down our throats telling us we're fucking idiot jackasses that better knock this shit off right away.

I'm really confused here?? I'm sure BigKiwi is an awesome bro and I really do hope he lives to be a happy old man and accomplishes all of his dreams and hopes for life. I just dont understand this mentality what-so-ever. If no one else has ever gotten some sense into his head, maybe some fellow bodybuilding friends can?

All I can say is leave it to BigKiwi when he see this thread!
People jump out of planes, climb mountains, base jump and a million other crazy things and die doing it. If people want to live thir life to the extreme, who are we to say they should slow down?

My motto in life has always been "Live Fast, Die Young"

So quit worrying about BK, he will live his life as he feels fit.

oh.. trust me.. tell me a have congestive heart failure i would be done asap.. but what i am saying is that BIG A wants the board to be about truth.. the whole truth.. if kiwi has done large amounts of ghb and other narcotics over the years then why not mention that in the interview.. maybe he did.. maybe the show wanted to go the roid route.. all i know is that kiwi has admitted to heavy rec drug use before.. why was that not mentioned by the show..? kiwi is a great guy regardless and i am sure he will comment on this if he chooses..
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Best of luck in your recovery Kiwi.
BigKiwi is a Monster.
One of the Biggest guys Ive met in person. 300 + and pretty darn lean at that time.
Big enough people would just stop,stare and point :D Or ask for a picture.
Super nice guy and Glad I had the chance to meet up with him.

I hope he's kicked that habit...my sister was addicted to that and meth, but started with GHB, she's recovered now thank god but that stuff can make a person very loopy, we didnt even know who she was, hell she didnt know either. But I know her habit was nowhere near a liter a day of it, thats insane.

I think BK was doing that stuff prior to going to prison, so that could have been a blessing in a way, he had no choice BUT to stop that stuff. I hope he's clean of rec's now.
how old is the video?? has it only just aired.

if so he is a year younger than me. i would hate to be on heart meds so early.

i fully understand his bigorexia as i suffered myself for years. general public see it as something stupid but its very real. my biggest problem is that i decided to stop gear use 3 years ago as it just was not worth it (to me) however the problem now is you meet up with people and they all say the same thing....have you lost size?? are you still training?? you look smaller. it takes strong will power to bite your lip and not let it weigh on your mind.

i would never be one to lecture anybody i would just like to wish bigkiwi all the best and i hope he finds happiness in his pursuit.

i do totally agree with johnny smiles tho.. look at ronnie that guy could have walked around 240+ ripped totally natural for the rest of his life and be super strong. there are other guys i know using everything going to just break 200lb.
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People jump out of planes, climb mountains, base jump and a million other crazy things and die doing it. If people want to live thir life to the extreme, who are we to say they should slow down?

My motto in life has always been "Live Fast, Die Young"

So quit worrying about BK, he will live his life as he feels fit.


very very interesting thread

bigkiwi if you do choose to respond to this thread.. i was wondering if you could elaborate a bit about your rec drug use.. was it heavy?

understand its a very personal issue so if you choose not to respond i totally understand..
it is the GHB that is ganna kill him 1liter a week is crazy
Jeez guys, it was an interview...They show what they want and in the fashion they can produce the most ratings...Remember this!

Nobody knows what his condition was before or what any of his past was...If he told them in the interview, they obviously didn't show it. Nobody knows the whole story.

Quit with the stereotype, "Steroids will kill you" bit that the media portrays every day...:rolleyes:
BigKiwi is a Monster.
One of the Biggest guys Ive met in person. 300 + and pretty darn lean at that time.
Big enough people would just stop,stare and point :D Or ask for a picture.
Super nice guy and Glad I had the chance to meet up with him.

I'll agree with this.....

On the topic, regardless of whether it's the massive amounts of gear or the massive amounts of rec drugs, the man is on a one way course, that's for sure...but imo, the gear has nothing to do with it.....

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