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Biking to the gym


New member
Jan 16, 2014
Now that spring has finally sprung, I was thinking of biking to the gym. It's about 7 miles over relatively flat ground.

Two questions:
(1) Some people discourage any cardio before lifting because it depletes muscle glycogen. Assuming I eat an apple at the gym or some other carb source intra-workout if I start to feel tired, is this still a concern?

(2) I have been doing 30–45 min cardio on the elliptical or stair climber 5x/wk. The ride will take about 30 minutes each way, and I don't plan to push too hard because of issue (1), above. Do I still cut the cardio back at all?
If you dont push to hard on the way there, and keep an eye on your calories you should be good. I do the same thing but not as far. But leaving from gym to home is all up hill...great cardio.
Sounds good to me. Depending on the type of bike and how hard you go you should get a nice 45-60 minutes of cardio. And as your fitness improves it will take less out of you. Use the ride to the gym as more a warm up, and go harder on the way home. Watch out for cars. I hate riding on the streets.
I used to rid eto and from the gym all the time, I love it! while you may not want to do cardio before and/or after warming up proper is essential especially as you get older, also active recover will improve you over all recover, active recovery is moving around to get the blood out of the muscles just worked.

ride to the gym then start intra work out nutrition. finish as you get on your bike or start your ride home, get home and make dinner. you will be good to go.

now I walk to and from the gym.
Thx for the feedback, fellas. I'm going to give it a go.

Watch out for cars. I hate riding on the streets.

Point taken. I'm going to use the back roads. There is a shorter route, but traffic is much heavier, and the way I figure, getting in an accident sort of negates any health benefits do the ride, lol.

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especially if you have a little shorter route and take it easy this will not really be cardio, just a warm up and cool down ( active recovery ).

going to the gym I try and keep my walks or rides shorter, as I really only need about 10 mins to warm up.

leaving I try to go a little longer as I need more then 10 mins of active recovery to get the blood out of the muscles just trained. I also do extreme dc type stretching which is part of the active recovery process.

if you time your nutrition properly none of this will end up being true cardio though you may lean out slightly.
7 miles is nothing if u have a sweet road bike and easy access to the trail.
I bike to the gym throughout most of the year. It takes anywhere between 10-15 minutes for me and is always the perfect warmup/cool down. Just be sure to keep up on h20 intake and a bcaa drink always helps

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The problem is cardio before and after

If he paces himself on the way there its just a warm up. Most blue collar workers do more during the day before hitting the gym.
OP never directly stated his goals... What are you trying to get out of the gym-time? As much muscle as possible? Longevity? Power? Endurance?
OP never directly stated his goals... What are you trying to get out of the gym-time? As much muscle as possible? Longevity? Power? Endurance?

Current goal is to lean out in time for summer without losing muscle.

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I think it's a great idea. Just take your time and make sure your food timing is in tune with your biking. Great way to burn those calories while dieting and a fun way at that.
7 miles is nothing man, you should be able to do that no problem. I really cant imagine it would take anything out of your workouts. I would just cut the cardio back a little bit if it ends up feeling like too much. What are your goals right now though? I feel like cardio on a real bike is some of the best you can do.
7 miles is nothing man, you should be able to do that no problem. I really cant imagine it would take anything out of your workouts. I would just cut the cardio back a little bit if it ends up feeling like too much. What are your goals right now though? I feel like cardio on a real bike is some of the best you can do.

Thanks, brother. Primary goal right now is to lean out without losing muscle.

My diet is high protein/mod carbs/low fat with a carb up day once a week, I train 4-5x/wk and do cardio 3x/wk for ~30 min. I tend to lose muscle quickly (weight goes down, but bf% stays the same), so I try not to cut cals too drastically or overdo it on the cardio. that's actually why I wanted to ask about the biking. I tend to be an all-or-nothing kinda guy, so the moderation is actually tough for me, lol.

If I understand your advice correctly, it sounds like maybe I should stop the cardio for a bit while I try the bike, and see how it goes.

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Now that spring has finally sprung, I was thinking of biking to the gym. It's about 7 miles over relatively flat ground.

Two questions:
(1) Some people discourage any cardio before lifting because it depletes muscle glycogen. Assuming I eat an apple at the gym or some other carb source intra-workout if I start to feel tired, is this still a concern?

(2) I have been doing 30–45 min cardio on the elliptical or stair climber 5x/wk. The ride will take about 30 minutes each way, and I don't plan to push too hard because of issue (1), above. Do I still cut the cardio back at all?

who knows the extra cardio might make u grow? ;)

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