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BLAST #2 deciding compounds


Dec 15, 2023
Aye freaks wassup? Had some ideas for my second blast. Was hoping to get some feedback.

Im trying to decide between
Either test base and primo, test and npp, or just test and GH.

My first run was on a 18 weeks blast that ended mid summer. 500 mg Test e and some anavar sprinkled In (didnt really like the bar tbh) went great i gained 23 lbs but only kept around 10 lbs of it. I had a rough time with a botched pct that turned me to mush for a while and i lost some of my gains. Fortunately I learned about cruising and that has been much better for me.
I've been on a cruise dose of 150-75 for the last 3 months. 150 until two weeks ago when I bumped to 200.

I currently weigh 193 lbs hoping to get to 205-215 range at the end of this next blast.
Early 30's
Fast metabolism
Heavy estrogen converter
No hair loss issues or health issues

I've been researching a lot about primo GH and NPP.
I'm trying bulk and accumulate as much mass as possible.
After some research I concluded test and NPP could be amazing combo to get the mass asap.

Once I got up passed 500 mg test on the first run I DID indeed get some gyno issues towards the end of my run. At week 13-16 on two occasions I had developed
hard nodules that stuck out and deformed my nipples they fucking HURT like motherfuckers but would appear for like 2-3 days and just disappear all on their own over night. It's weird because from what I've read once gyno is there it's impossible for it to go away on its own without surgery or serms.
Because of this I'm thinking I might wanna steer clear of the npp if just using Test was fucking my chest up, it's real tempting though because of how good I hear it is for size building.

I wasn't using a.i. first run but I have a bunch of a.i. on hand for this next blast so perhaps that will make a difference this time.

Because of the gyno thing I started looking into primo.
Ive heard primo can be underwhelming and take a while to work but I'm patient as long as it can put on good mass I don't mind playing the long game if it takes a while.

Perhaps test, GH, and primo could be the better option for a fellow like myself?
What y'all think?
I would do test only again and learn how to dial in your Estrogen. Crazy question…..what is your bodyfat and diet/nutrion like?
I would do test only again and learn how to dial in your Estrogen. Crazy question…..what is your bodyfat and diet/nutrion like?
My body fat is 12 %.
I am definitely willing to do test only again.
Nutrition was pretty bad first cycle lots of fast food a lot of processed stuff I was always in the go working two jobs. I've since cleaned it up and learned to meal prep. I basically only eat white rice ground beef, chicken and broccoli now. I eat some fruits here and there and I eat a few pieces of candy every day like a candy bar or a couple cookies /cup of ice cream. I take fish oil and some probiotic stuff also a multi vitamin that's it.

I didn't have any problems until the very end of cycle. I was in 500 pretty much the whole time.
Hey, 👋 be been out of the loop and off the boards for a while so someone might have a correction or two to my advice. I was able to get in great shape with a situation like yours. Full load of college credits and 3 part time jobs about 20 hours each.

Switch ice cream to frozen yogurt and have just enough to satisfy your sweet tooth.

For nutrition on the go: premade shakes. I add olive to mine. More calories and more satisfying. Piece of fruit or something like sliced tomatoes in Italian dressing in a Tupperware. 800 healthy calories easy.

Protein or granola health bar instead of candy bars.

With the time money and effort on working outs and gear, incorporating these should be easy once you get used to it.

Try to make things easy on yourself. A schedule like yours sucks balls. Every few minutes of relaxy taxi time is valuable.
Learn how to eat properly for awhile first.
Hey, 👋 be been out of the loop and off the boards for a while so someone might have a correction or two to my advice. I was able to get in great shape with a situation like yours. Full load of college credits and 3 part time jobs about 20 hours each.

Switch ice cream to frozen yogurt and have just enough to satisfy your sweet tooth.

For nutrition on the go: premade shakes. I add olive to mine. More calories and more satisfying. Piece of fruit or something like sliced tomatoes in Italian dressing in a Tupperware. 800 healthy calories easy.

Protein or granola health bar instead of candy bars.

With the time money and effort on working outs and gear, incorporating these should be easy once you get used to it.

Try to make things easy on yourself. A schedule like yours sucks balls. Every few minutes of relaxy taxi time is valuable.
Hey bro thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. I never thought about implementing premade shakes that would be pretty convenient. I'm getting a lot better at meal prepping too.
I definitely can see now that nutrition is the biggest factor outside of the actual training itself.
Hey bro thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. I never thought about implementing premade shakes that would be pretty convenient. I'm getting a lot better at meal prepping too.
I definitely can see now that nutrition is the biggest factor outside of the actual training itself.
Oh, and if you’re going to be carrying around shakes with olive or flax oil in them, invest in some nice bottles for them. Don’t want them popping open in your bag or car.

I hope your schedule calms down. Good luck !
Oh, and if you’re going to be carrying around shakes with olive or flax oil in them, invest in some nice bottles for them. Don’t want them popping open in your bag or car.

I hope your schedule calms down. Good luck !
What did u put in your shakes btw?
Water, powder, either flax or olive oil. That’s normally it. When I really need calories I did add oats but that is pretty awful. It works great though.

Now it’s just powder water olive oil and I eat some fruit or carrots
Water, powder, either flax or olive oil. That’s normally it. When I really need calories I did add oats but that is pretty awful. It works great though.

Now it’s just powder water olive oil and I eat some fruit or carrots
Okay thanks. Ill give it a go. I'm all about convenience right now..
If you're estrogen sensitive another option is to leverage nandrolone as the base for your cycle, and keep testosterone to a level which affords you enough E2 to stay healthy.

I think the testosterone and DHT cycle as @skylarr123 mentioned is fine too, just tossing out ideas.
As others have said nail diet and training etc

However as somewhat generic advice

If you’re estrogen sensitive and struggle with test I’d opt for test and mast to help offset the test in relation to estrogen start low something like 300/200 test/mast
Thank you for your input. Since Ive improved my diet a bit my quality of life has vastly improved I'm alrdy gaining a bit back again on just my trt dose and feeling real good.The food part is everything I can see that now I train very hard but I tended to slack on the nutrition portion before now. I'll do some more extensive research on mast It was already on my list for compounds that are less aromatizing. I was a lil worried about hair loss but I don't think I need to worry since I don't have any hair loss in my family and I have very thick hair so hopefully I won't go bald haha.
If you're estrogen sensitive another option is to leverage nandrolone as the base for your cycle, and keep testosterone to a level which affords you enough E2 to stay healthy.

I think the testosterone and DHT cycle as @skylarr123 mentioned is fine too, just tossing out ideas.
That's compelling 🤔 Ill look into this method. Is there any examples of ppl who used this method on the boards or elsewhere that u might know of? Perhaps a cycle log?
I'm confused why you mentioned NPP as a bulking drug. If what you mean is Nandrolone Phenylpropionate it's good for a base but without something more on the androgenic side it's not going to be super effective for that purpose.

I'm old. I've take almost every drug at one time or another and you really don't need anything other than Testosterone. Pick an ester and just go with it. If you want to put that Nandrolone under it a lot of guys like it for the healing/ injury prevention properties personally I prefer EQ.

If you are not estrogen sensitive you might be like me (I also am not estrogen sensitive) and nandrolones could give you gyno symptoms. That's why I don't take Deca.
That's compelling 🤔 Ill look into this method. Is there any examples of ppl who used this method on the boards or elsewhere that u might know of? Perhaps a cycle log?

Sorry I completely missed this.

So testosterone as the base for the cycle is a LOT simpler. This can be used if you don't cope well with a decent amount of testosterone for whatever reason. Perhaps you aromatise too much.

I don't have a log to show you but the basic idea is that you still use testosterone as the base. However you just use enough to cover your estrogenic needs. Not enough that you would need an AI.

Then you make up the bulk of the cycle with nandrolone. In general when people are keeping test low and using nandrolone as the bulk of the cycle they will find estrogen much easier to manage. The problem is because of the lack of any significant DHT component you might find sex drive and aggression diminished. So you'd need to add in a DHT like masteron, proviron or primo.

See how it gets complicated? It's simpler to do Test.

But anyway the cycle might look like this:

Test 200
Deca 600
Primo 200

You know, just adjust the doses to suit. If you're looking at that thinking it'll crash your estrogen then yeah you'll likely be better off with a Test base like any regular person would.

I don't recommend this, but it's one way to do it if you really don't get on with Test and aren't keen on munching on a lot of AIs.

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